Do you sell anything here in China? If you do, join us next Wednesday afternoon 30th March at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Guangzhou to hear from the experts who will be sharing their latest insights on the new market norms and what these mean for YOUR brand – including:

您在中国销售产品或是服务吗?如果是,那您不能错过 3 月 30 日下周三下午于广州文华东方酒店举办的论坛,聆听专家们对营销策略的最新见解,以及这些策略对您的品牌意味着什么。内容包括:

  • How to build sensible brand strategies to distinguish from competitors?
  • How to adapt the fast-changing marketing and understand Gen-Z Consumers?
  • How digital disruption is changing the branding landscape
  • The crucial importance of building your brand from within
  • 如何建立合理的区别于其他竞争对手的品牌战略?  
  • 如何适应快速变化的市场营销方式,了解Z世代消费者?  
  • 数字颠覆如何改变品牌格局?
  • 从“内部”建立品牌及其重要性

Register Now 马上报名

Why Join?


  • gathering of well-known and pioneering brands from China and overseas, gain useful advice from experts and business representativesfor better business planning decisions
  • 汇聚中外知名与先锋企业品牌与行业专家及代表交换商业想法,完善您的商业计划
  • Focus on real networking among startups, enterprises, government and other tech-related organisation; break the barriers between start-ups and other large and medium-sized enterprises through crossover networking, making this event an international marketing and branding leaders’ gathering in the GBA
  • 注重真实的企业间真实的交流,通过跨界让初创企业与其他大中型企业打破圈层,打造国际化高端市场营销与品牌宣传社群
  • Hear from industrial experts who will share insights on marketing and branding, provide relevant information for marketors who wish to improve marketing knowledge and acttract potential customers involving China and the UK
  • 行业大咖分享在技术相关行业的洞察与展望,为希望在中英进行市场营销与品牌宣传的品牌提供相关信息
  • Opportunities to connect with 4 outstanding speakers, linking 60+ Chinese and foreign corporate executives
  • 近距离接触 4 位重量级演讲嘉宾,链接 60+ 来自大湾区的中外企业高管、创业家、外交官、政府机构及主流媒体代表,链接国际化高端资源
  • Participants come from 10+ industries such as corporate executive, marketing person of the company, Trade & Investment Department of the Foreign Consulates in Guangzhou, branding building and corporation agency, KOL, F&B, FMCG, e-commerce, technology, education, consulting and so forth, opportunities to share your predictions and views on marketing and branding during networking and media exposure
  • 来宾覆盖企业高管、市场营销人士、外国领事馆投资贸易署、品牌运营商和代理、意见领袖、餐饮、快消品、电商、科技、教育、咨询等超过 10+ 行业,在自由交流以及媒体报道中分享您对市场营销与品牌宣传的见解与展望



The Growth of Chinese Digital Disruptors –

What Can We Learn from Them


Ms. Frangelica Liang 梁凤妹女士

Managing Director 董事总经理

Ogilvy Group (Guangzhou) 奥美集团(广州)

At Ogilvy we have the privilege of working with some of Chinese digital disruptor brands. We see how they operate and help them build their own brands and drive growth. We also work with category champions and established brands – multinationals and domestic – to help transform their businesses.


Frangelica’s sharing features learnings and practical case studies showing how these digital-first brands operate their business models, how they innovate and go to market and how they seamlessly connect with consumers in a digital environment building strong connections and business growth.


Branding Starts from Within –

The Importance of Internal Branding


Mr. Jeremy Sargent OBE 赵利民先生

Founder & Proprietor 创始人兼负责人

The Happy Monk

When we think about marketing and branding, our first thoughts so often jump straight to our “external” customers, namely the very people who give us money. We are constantly challenged as to how to engage these customers – thereby selling our products, growing our business and ultimately building a strong brand.


However, we often ignore those who are in many ways our most important “customers” – namely our internal team members. How can we meaningfully connect with our external customers – if we have failed to develop our own internal brand?  Jeremy Sargent OBE, Founder & Proprietor shares his experiences in building a B2C brand here in Guangzhou and how, at the heart of business success, lies “internal customer” branding.

然而,我们经常会忽略我们最重要的“客户”——我们团队的成员。如果我们连自己的内部品牌都无法发展,那我们该如何与我们的外部客户建立有意义的联系呢?Jeremy Sargent OBE(赵利民),The Happy Monk 创始人与负责人将与大家分享在广州建立一个 B2C 品牌的经验,以及如何在企业成功的核心里实践“内部客户”的品牌建立。

Targeting Gen-Z Consumers – 

A New Approach


Ms. Joey Zhao 赵芝仪女士

Co-Founder 联合创始人


Joey Zhao, Co-Founded the footwear brand AJOY SAHU with Mr. Ajoy Sahu in 2009, who used to be footwear head designer in Prada Group. Due to its outstanding unique design and premium quality, AJOY SAHU has become one of Gen-Z women’s favourite contemporary footwear brands in China since August 2016. There are three shops in celebrated shopping malls located in Beijing and Shanghai as well as flagship stores on China’s famous e-commerce platforms, such as Tmall, Tmall Global, and JD. In addition, the brand’s successful strategy in social media has won huge loves from various celebrities and influencers in both China and UK market. In 2021, AJOY SAHU is honoured to be one of the designer brands showcasing during London Fashion Week.

Joey Zhao 女士与 Ajoy Sahu 先生(前 Prada 首席鞋履设计师)于 2009 年创建独立鞋履品牌 AJOY SAHU (艾珈莎琥),并于 2016 年 8 月开始进入中国市场,凭借着高辨识度的原创设计和轻奢品质,成为中国当代 90 后女性喜爱的鞋履品牌,目前 AJOY SAHU 已在北京 SKP,上海久光百货,上海老佛爷等开设线下品牌专营店,并且在天猫、天猫国际、唯品会、京东等全国知名电商平台的旗舰店。在国内外多个有影响力的新媒体如小红书,INSTAGRAM 都有着一众粉丝, 并荣幸成为 2021 伦敦时装周指定合作伙伴,受到中英两地的明星及博主们的爱戴。

Joey’s sharing features some insights and suggestion as a new brand, how to establish suitable sales distribution, communication methods and content output when facing Gen-Z, the new core Chinese consumer.

Joey 这次的分享将面对中国核心购买力群体- Z 世代,品牌方应如何建立适合他们的销售渠道、品牌传播渠道、沟通方式、内容输出等方式与建议。

Established Brands – 

Identifying Core Competencies


Ms. Michelle He

Marketing Director  市场总监

Eve Lom

Michelle has worked for Lenovo and Gucci, and is currently working as the Marketing Director of Yatsen luxury beauty division. Based on the cross-industry international strategic marketing experience of IT, fashion and beauty, she has provided international marketing consulting services for dozens of international fashion brands, and has effectively helped many overseas brands to develop rapidly in China.

Michelle 曾任职联想,古驰,现任逸仙集团高端护肤市场总监。基于 IT ,时尚,美妆跨行业国际化战略营销经验,曾为数十家国际时尚品牌提供国际化营销咨询服务,并有效地帮助多个海外品牌在中国快速发展。

China’s business environment is extremely local in terms of culture, users, and media where opportunities and competitions coexist. Living in this situation, the French premium skincare brand Galenic, entered the Chinese market with sales of over 100 million in the very first year. While the British SPA-level luxury skincare brand EVE LOM has successfully gained the popularity and love of many fans. Based on the cases, Michelle will share the method of finding the core competitiveness of brands, as well as the experience of overseas brands to achieve breakthroughs in the Chinese market.

中国的商业环境从文化,到用户,到传播媒介都极其具本地特色,机会与竞争并存。在这个环境中,法国科兰黎进入中国市场首年超1亿销售,英国 SPA 级奢养护肤品牌 EVE LOM 成功获得了众多粉丝的喜爱。Michelle 将基于案例,分享找到品牌核心竞争力的方法,以及海外品牌实现中国市场突破的经验。

Special Guest


Ms. Jo Hawley 贺颂雅女士

HM Consul-General 总领事

British Consulate-General Guangzhou 英国驻广州总领事馆

Jo took up her position as British Consul-General Guangzhou in July 2019. She leads the British Government’s engagement in the provinces of South China: Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hunan and Jiangxi.

贺颂雅自 2019 年 7 月正式就任英国驻广州总领事。代表英国政府参与华南六省的交流合作事务,包括广东、广西、湖南、福建、江西和海南。

Jo has worked for the British government for nearly 20 years. She was Director of International Trade and Investment at the British Consulate General in Hong Kong. She has previously served as Private Secretary to a Minister of State and completed two postings at the UK Representation to the European Union. In addition to working for the Foreign Office and Department for International Trade, she has worked at the Cabinet Office and Department for Education in roles focused on improving and modernising public services.

贺颂雅在英国政府供职近 20 年。她曾担任英国驻香港总领事馆国际贸易部总监。在此之前,贺女士曾任国务大臣秘书,也曾派驻英国驻欧盟代表团工作。除了在英国外交与联邦事务部和国际贸易部的工作经历,她也曾分别在内阁办公室、教育部任职,专注于公共服务的提升和现代化。



Dr. Penny Chen 陈泽敏博士

General Manager 总经理

UCLan Technology (Shenzhen) Ltd. 兰开夏科技(深圳)有限公司

Dr Penny Chen has been working in the UK higher education section for over 10 years. Following the completion of a PhD degree in Business and Management from the University of Manchester in 2014, Penny has joined the University of Central Lancashire as a Lecturer. Penny is currently working at UCLan as an Associate Professor in Innovation and Enterprise. Penny is also the General Manager of UCLan Technology (Shenzhen) Ltd. which is wholly owned by the University of Central Lancashire. Penny is overseeing the university incubator and acceleration in China, which has over 500 start-ups. Penny created UCLan Online with over 500,000 followers. She is also a Social Action Award Winner of 2021-2022 UK Alumni Awards and a 2021 Wechat Channel High Quality Content Creator.

陈泽敏博士在英国高等教育行业积累了 10 多年的丰富经验。在 2014 年获得曼彻斯特大学商 务与管理博士学位后,她加入中央兰开夏大学担任讲师。陈泽敏目前在中央兰开夏大学担任创新创业副教授,同时还在中央兰开夏大学全资控股的兰开夏科技(深圳)有限公司任总经理一职。陈泽敏负责中央兰开夏大学在中国的众多孵化器和加速器的建设工作,涉及 500 多家初创企业。此外,陈泽敏还是兰开夏在线创始人,拥有超过 50 万粉丝。她还是 2021-2022 英国校友大奖社会行动奖获奖者以及 2021 年微信视频号优质创作者。

Event Information


Date & Time: 14:00-17:00, Wednesday, 30 March, 2022

Venue: The Tianhe Room, 2M/F, Mandarin Oriental Guangzhou (389 Tianhe Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou)

Price: Members: RMB 250 | Future Members: RMB 350

Form: Keynote Speeches & Panel Discussion

Participants: 60+ VIPs from Government, Fortune 500 Companies, UK & Local SME Startups

Language: English and Chinese (Simultaneous Interpretation Provided)

Dress Code: Business Casual

日期&时间:2022 年 3 月 30 日(周三)14:00-17:00

地点:广州文华东方酒店 2M 层天河厅(广州天河区天河路 389 号)

票价:会员 250 元 | 未来会员 350 元


来宾:60+ 来自政府、世界 500 强、中/英的中小型及初创企业的来宾



Event Agenda


14:00 – 14:30   Registration 签到

14:30 – 14:40   Welcome Speech 开幕致辞

14:40 – 15:40   Keynote Speeches 主题演讲

15:40 – 16:00   Tea Break 茶歇

16:00 – 16:30   Panel Discussion 圆桌讨论

16:30 – 17:00   Networking 自由交流

17:00               Event Ends 活动结束

*The agenda may be subject to change


Ticket Information


1. This event will be mainly by way of guest invite and only 20 seats are available to public now. We encourage attendees to make online registration as early as possible. Seats are not guaranteed for those who have not previously registered.

1. 本次活动将采取定向邀请嘉宾的方式,开放报名的席位仅余 20 位。所以我们鼓励提前在线报名,对于没有提前报名的来宾,我们无法保证活动名额。

2. British Chamber reserves the right to interpret and apply the above conditions. Any question you may have, please contact Ms Echo Ji via or call 020-83315013 ext 601.

2. 主办方对最终参会名单保留解释权。如果任何疑问,请联系 Echo 纪小姐 或致电 020-83315013 分机号 601



Thanks for the great support

from our Co-Creators!


Contact Us


BritCham Guangdong is looking forward to connecting, promoting and sharing with you across the Greater Bay Area.

Please feel free to contact us.


Ms Christy Leung 梁莹

Marketing & Membership Manager


Ms Echo Ji 纪佳瑶

Events Manager 活动经理

Ms Chris Chen 陈思敏

Executive Manager 执行经理 

If you’d like to know more about BritCham GD or join us to connect with our business network, please click here or contact:


Christy Leung

Marketing & Membership Manager


Click here for more details
