On 19th December, the Sarawak Tourism Board kicked off the Sarawak Tourism Sharing Conference and Business Banquet at the JW Marriott Hotel Shenzhen. More than 100 travel agencies and media representatives from Southern China in attendance learned that Sarawak is a harmonious and tranquil state in Malaysia steeped in a rich traditional culture. Attendees appreciated the convenient tourism resources available that made becoming familiar with Sarawak convenient.

Mr. Datuk Lee Kim Shin (Sarawak Tourism, Art and Culture Assistant Minister), Ms. Sharzede Datu Haji Salleh Askor (CEO of Sarawak Tourism Board), Mr. Beth Ching Chye (Consulate General of Malaysia in Guangzhou), Madam Sharon Ho (Director of Tourism Malaysia Southern China), and other VIPS attended the event and jointly led the event. The Chinese and Malaysian guests enjoyed pleasant discussions throughout the event, leaving all to believe that relationships will continue to grow closer and that an event will usher in a new era of tourism activity.

China and Malaysia are good neighbors and enjoy a long history of friendship. Malaysia is a strategic partner of China in the building of “The Belt and Road”. This joint effort is opening broader prospects for bilateral cooperation and helping the two countries achieve common development. High-level leaders in China and Malaysia frequently work together, making China-Malaysia relations the best in history.

本次“砂拉越旅游年”启动仪式,也象征着砂拉越旅游年活动的开始,藉此希望吸引更多游客到马来西亚的“魅力之城”、“犀鸟之乡”砂拉越进行深入探索。砂拉越旅游、艺术与文化助理部长拿督李景胜在致辞中表示,浓密的森林覆盖着65%的砂拉越土地,所以砂拉越有“东方亚马逊”之称。当地自然资源丰富,尤其是亚洲独有的几种奇珍异草,都只能在砂拉越看到。翠绿的热带雨林、干净新鲜的空气 、热情亲切的人民、多样特色的原住民文化、中西合璧的历史建筑遗产、使人流连忘返的美食和欢喜热闹的节庆活动,是砂拉越旅游的特色。自去年起,砂拉越亲子游也开始蓬勃发展,亲子游客在砂拉越旅游中可以学习怎么与大自然和谐共处。
This special “Sarawak More to Discover” kickoff event showcased Sarawak as “the city of charm” and the “hometown of hornbills”. Datuk Lee Kim Shin, Sarawak Tourism, Art and Culture Assistant Minister, went on to explain that 65% of Sarawak is covered by dense forest, so Sarawak is known as the “Oriental Amazon”. The area is rich in natural resources, flora and fauna and especially known for exotic grasses found only in Sarawak. This culturally diverse land has enjoyed a largely harmonious and tranquil history. Forty-five different languages and dialects are spoken by the twenty-seven different ethnic groups here and each group lays claim to its own unique stories, traditions and beliefs. Such cultural diversity has produced the many local cuisines and festivals have become the hallmark of Sarawak tourism over time. The Chinese and western architecture gives way to never ending verdant rainforests. Even Family Tours have been set up with an emphasis on learning how to live as one with nature in Sarawak, and so it is no wonder that last year, these Family Tours have become very popular.

本次活动得到了马来西亚国家旅游局的大力支持。当天下午进行了砂拉越旅游分享会,马来西亚国家旅游局华南区处长何素银为分享会致辞,何处长介绍道,今年前三季度,中国来马游客数较去年同 期增 长34.2%,超过2017年全年中国来马游客数量。华南地区飞赴马来西亚的航班越来越多,目前每周共有268个航班从华南地区15个城市飞赴马来西亚。2017年年底亚洲航空开通了深圳飞古晋的直航,让深圳及周边的民众能往来这个具有热带雨林风情的神秘之地古晋更加便捷,也可见广东游客对砂拉越的喜爱。
Tourism Malaysia Southern China supported the Sarawak event and Madam Sharon Ho, Director of Tourism Malaysia Southern China, gave context to the event by stating that in the first three quarters of this year, the number of Chinese tourists to Malaysia has increased by 34.2% compared with the same period of last year, exceeding the total number of tourists from China in 2017. What’s more, there are more and more flights from South China to Malaysia. In fact, 268 flights a week fly to Malaysia from 15 cities in South China. At the of 2017, AirAsia launched a direct flight from Shenzhen to Kuching, making it easier for tourists of Shenzhen and its surrounding cities to explore the mysterious Kuching with tropical rainforest. It also shows that Guangdong tourists love Sarawak.
马来西亚拥有像砂拉越这样的热带地区,以生物多样化的热带雨林景观闻名,是世界上最古老的热带雨林之一。中国与马来西亚由于地理位置的差异,两国独具特色 的自然风光,旅游资源优势互补。何处长希望通过这次的分享会让各旅游业界代表能就砂拉越旅游的相关业务开拓更多的合作渠道,中国与马来西亚文化和旅游务实合作将更加深入,两国游客互访人数将再创新高,创造旅游业的辉煌。
Sarawak, Malaysia is of course located in the tropics and is especially known for its diverse tropical rainforest landscape and home to one of the world’s oldest rainforests. Due to geographical differences, China and Malaysia each have their own unique natural scenery, and therefore they also have their own unique tourism resources. This is why they complement each other so well. Ms. Ho believes that through this sharing session, representatives from the tourism industry will be able to open up even more business channels, and that the pragmatic cooperation between China and Malaysia in terms of culture and tourism will be deeper, with the number of tourists between the two countries reaching new heights and the tourism industry flourishing.
位于婆罗洲岛西北岸的砂拉越是马来西亚最大州属,是东马来西亚的一部分。因为集结了不同民族的文化,当地拥有丰富多彩的节庆活动,比如华人春节、伊班人和比达友族的达雅丰收节,以及穆斯林的开斋节、基督教的圣诞节等。推介晚宴现场,砂拉越旅游局也特邀当地伊班族人以及At Adau乐队为宾客呈现了地道的砂拉越文化魅力,让大家提前感受每年七月在砂拉越举行的热带雨林世界音乐节的热烈氛围。
Located on the northwestern shore of Borneo Island, Sarawak is the largest state in Malaysia and is part of East Malaysia. The huge variety of ethnic cultures in Sarawak, have produced an equally huge variety of festivals. Chinese New Year, the Dayak harvest festival for Iban and Bidayuh, the Muslim celebrates Hari Raya Aidilfitri and as well as Christian celebrates Christmas, to name a few, are all celebrated here. Attendees went on to learn that July is an especially important month in Sarawak, as musicians from across the world gather with local musicians for the Rainforest World Music Festival; a must-see event held in the Bornean jungle at the Sarawak Cultural Village. To highlight this festival, the Sarawak Tourism Board treated attendees to a musical performance from the famous Bornean musical group, “At Adau”.
在砂拉越,你可以走进古老雨林,探索一个又一个神秘洞穴,在飞瀑与急流之间捕捉动感的瞬间;也可以到访长屋接受原住民热情的款待,聆听他们的生活点滴;砂拉越人努力让传统文化、自然生态与摩登时代完美融合,在自然生态中合理规划发展;让茂密的丛林距离豪华度假村和现代化设施只有几步之遥,打造绝佳体验的丰富场景;无论你是把砂拉越作为前往马来西亚或周边国家旅游的其中一站,还是专程前来砂拉越旅游;无论你是跟团 游还是自助游,砂拉越都能带给你独一无二的体验。深度的文化之旅、刺激的探险之旅、大开眼界的自然之旅,无尽的探索,都在砂拉越。
Sarawakians’ strive to integrate traditional culture, natural ecology and modern life, so luxury resorts with modern facilities are often found next to dense jungles. It is easy to explore ancient pristine rainforests, go spelunking in any one of many mysterious caves, capture a fleeting moment between waterfall and rapids or immerse yourself in the warm hospitality of the locals at a traditional longhouse. Whether planning a dedicated trip to Sarawak or making a quick stop over before continuing on to Malaysia or a neighboring country, Sarawak promises tourists and adventurers alike a unique experience of endless intrigue. Whether traveling with a group or taking a self-guided tour, Sarawak has endless fun and adventure to offer.