澳门文华东方酒店水疗中心于八月二十八日至三十一 日期间,诚邀香港置地文华东方酒店 PEDI:MANI:CURE Studio 的团队亲临,带来足部诊 疗专家 Bastien Gonzalez 享誉国际的足部护理疗程,让双脚全然放松、回复最佳状态,宛 如漫步在云端般舒适。
The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, Macau welcomes Bastien Gonzalez’ acclaimed treatment to the city from 28 to 31 August 2017. The Pedi: Mani:Cure Studio The Landmark Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong, under the tutelage of Albin Brion, Manager and podiatrist, has won many awards whilst the Bastien Pedicure have been recognised as the best pedicure on Forbes Online and in Prestige Beauty & Spa Awards and Cosmo Hong Kong Spa Awards.
Bastien Pedicure 护理疗程一向备受追捧,荣获多个国际大奖,包括被福布斯评为最佳足部 护理、 Prestige 「2017年度美容及水疗大奬」、香港 Cosmopolitan 年度优质足部护理大 奖等。是次体验将由 Bastien Gonzalez 驻香港置地文华东方 PEDI:MANI:CURE Studio 经 理暨足部治疗师 Albin Brion 亲自为您服务,足部疗程除了能解决足部硬皮、厚茧等角质 问题,及为趾甲进行护理及抛光外,最后的足部重塑护理从趾尖到膝盖按摩,有效促进 血液循环,让您的双足回复光滑健康。推广期由八月二十八日至三十一日,每日上午十时 至下午九时,一小时疗程价格为港币1,200元,另加壹服务费及零伍政府旅游税。
Now you can have the opportunity to experience the award winning Bastien Pedicure performed by Albin Brion. This one-hour treatment gently solves any problems with corns, calluses or rigidity of the epidermis and leaves the feet soft and fragrant and the nails naturally shiny. Priced at HKD 1,200+15%, it is the ultimate treatment to make you feel that you are walking on clouds. Available from 28 to 31 August 2017, between 10am and 9pm at The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, Macau.

曾是专业足球员的Albin在一次伤员中意识到足部治疗的重要性,此后便潜心钻研修读, 更成为法国著名足疗大师 Bastien Gonzalez 的工作室经理。Albin 最初于巴黎的私人治疗 中心担任足部治疗师,其后进一步踏足于世界各地,包括杜拜、毛里裘斯及香港等,为酒 店客人进行足部护理。他更曾获邀在戛纳电影节中为嘉宾名人提供足部护理。Albin 认为: 「每双脚都是独一无二的,具独特的形态和复杂性。人的双足每天在支撑身体的过程中承 受极大压力,因此我们需要为双足提供针对性的专业呵护。
An unlikely career move, from a professional footballer to foot care, Albin Brion learned the importance of podiatry when he twisted his ankle on the playing field. Born and raised in Paris, Albin studied podiatry and then trained under Bastien Gonzalez. Albin has been working in private clinics in Paris as podiatrist then in selected luxury hotels around the world, including Dubai, Mauritius and Hong Kong. He has also performed his famous pedicure for celebrities at the Cannes Film Festival.
Bastien 及 Albin 对足部治疗同样充满热诚,致力为客人提供足部护理的知识及独特的疗 程,务求协助他们让足部回复轻盈及健康。
According to Albin, constant wearing of high heel shoes can cause problems like bunions, hammertoes, corns, shortened Achilles tendon, ingrown nails and inflamed ligaments. Therefore, he recommends for the ladies to maintain their feet afterwards. With the same passion in mind, both Bastien Gonzalez and Albin Brion aim to provide foot education and an exclusive Pedicure that makes the feet light, invigorated and with a great feeling of well-being.
预约及查询,请致电澳门文华东方酒店水疗中心 +853 8805 8588 或电邮 momac-spa@mohg.com。
For reservations, call The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, Macau at +853 8805 8588.
Bastien Gonzalez 简介
About Bastien Gonzalez

Bastien Gonzalez 因一次滑雪运动而严重受伤,并接受了为期六个月的物理治疗,康复后 发现了自己对足部治疗的天赋,随即于巴黎接受专业的足部治疗训练。他根据三个基本原 则,创出了独特的足部疗程,疗程后可使手足部重现光滑柔嫩,各种生茧问题亦一并解决。 Bastien 于世界各地多个奢华地点担任足部医生,累积了丰富的国际经验,奠定其足部艺 术大师的地位。Bastien 也会亲自挑选和培训工作室的每位成员,让他们了解护理的概念 及重点,确保将其经典而卓越的疗程及服务带到世界各地。
Bastien Gonzalez discovered his calling after a serious ski injury left him in physio and podiatry therapy for six months. Fascinated, he immersed himself in podiatry and moved to Paris to study the science behind it. During that time, he also perfected his glamorous and unique approach to pedicures and manicures based on three fundamental pillars which leave hands and feet smooth, baby soft and callus free:
皮肤治疗 – 护理皮肤以缓解各种肉刺、生茧及死皮等问题。
美甲 – 透过雕琢及适度打磨让指甲回复自然美。
重塑健康 – 为足部肌肉组织及脚跟进行按摩,有效促进血液循环以及改善关节灵活度 巩固足部健康。
Skin treatment : the key to Bastien Gonzalez treatments, gently removing corns, calluses and painful thickening of skin without damaging the epidermis.
Nail beauty : any nail concerns including ingrowns, fungal problems and other issues are treated before they are strengthened, reshaped and buffered using special tools like miniscule drills tipped with diamond dust, and a unique polishing technique inherited from his grandmother with chamois leather and a pearl buffing cream, resulting in greater blood circulation to the nail and a brilliant natural shine.
Re-foundation: a relaxing massage which is performed from toes up to the knee, and from fingers up to the elbow. As each muscle group is massaged individually, it eliminates tension and improves blood circulation, muscular flexibility, joint mobility and skin elasticity. A special technique replumps the fatty cushion on the balls of the feet, helping to absorb the impact of walking.

澳门文华东方酒店汇聚独特品味、优雅及时尚风格,更于设计中巧妙融入澳门特有的 欧洲文化传统特色,是澳门首屈一指的五星级非博彩豪华酒店。坐落于澳门商业、娱 乐和高级零售区中心的理想位置,宾客仅需数分钟路程即可从酒店到达世界遗产所在 的澳门历史城区。酒店共有 213 间陈设优雅、拥有傲人的开阔视野客房及套房,同时 提供一系列各具特色的餐厅和酒廊,其中包括皇牌食府御苑餐厅、御苑酒廊,大堂酒 廊和文华东方饼店,为宾客打造独一无二的美食体验。澳门文华东方酒店提供便捷私 密的会议场地服务,以满足各种特殊场合的需求。与此同时,连续五年荣获福布斯旅 游指南评鉴为「五星级水疗」的澳门文华东方水疗中心除了提供多种康体、美容和按 摩服务,同时设有先进的健身中心和户外衡温泳池,以让旅客在安宁静谧的环境中放 松身心。

About Mandarin Oriental, Macau
A non-gaming luxury hotel, Mandarin Oriental, Macau is an elegant urban retreat exuding a subtle blend of the territory’s Chinese and European heritage. Located in the city’s entertainment and high-end retail centre, the hotel is just a few minutes’ walk from the historic heart of town and enjoys easy access to all major transport hubs. The hotel has 213 wellappointed rooms and suites featuring panoramic views of the city’s waterfront, and a tasteful range of dining facilities, including Vida Rica Restaurant and Bar, Lobby Lounge and Mandarin Oriental Cake Shop, offering a true epicurean indulgence. There are also extensive meeting facilities, and for complete relaxation and rejuvenation, The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, Macau, a six-time Forbes five-star winner, provides a comprehensive array of wellness, beauty and massage programmes. The overall spa and health facilities also include a state-of-the-art fitness centre and an outdoor heated swimming pool.
文华东方酒店集团是一个屡获殊荣的国际机构,拥有及经营一些最奢华的酒店、渡假 酒店及酒店式住宅。由备受推崇的亚洲地区酒店集团发展至蜚声国际的品牌,文华东 方酒店集团目前在十九个国家经营或发展二十二家酒店。此外,集团亦经营或发展八 家与酒店物业相连的文华东方酒店管理式住宅(Residences at Mandarin Oriental)。 如欲索取有关图片,可浏览www.mandarinoriental.com内之传媒相片库,选择下载合适 解象度的相片。 文华东方酒店集团精心制作的Destination MO (www.destinationMO.info)为MO杂志的网 上版本。现在只需一次点击已可得到全球最新的旅游信息,包括旗下屡获殊荣的酒 店、精致美味的餐饮服务、舒适的水疗体验、各国旅游景点以及专访集团的名人支持 者,所有最新信息尽在其中。
About Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group
Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group is the award-winning owner and operator of some of the world’s most luxurious hotels, resorts and residences. Having grown from its Asian roots into a global brand, the Group now operates 29 hotels and eight residences in 19 countries and territories, with each property reflecting the Group’s oriental heritage and unique sense of place. Mandarin Oriental has a strong pipeline of hotels and residences under development, with the next hotel opening planned in Doha. Mandarin Oriental is a member of the Jardine Matheson Group. Photographs of Mandarin Oriental are available for download from the Photo Library of our Media section at www.mandarinoriental.com. Visit Destination MO (http://www.mandarinoriental.com/destination-mo/), the online version of Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group’s bespoke publication, MO. News about our award-winning hotels, the best dining experiences, spa treatments, travel retreats and interviews with the Group’s celebrity fans is now just a click away. Further information is also available on our Social Media channels.

林秀蔚 (cheryll@mohg.com)
电话:+853 8805 8810
李欣仪 (slei@mohg.com)
电话:+853 8805 8811
For further information, please contact:
Cheryl Lum (cheryll@mohg.com)
Director of Communications
Tel : +853 8805 8810
Serena Lei (slei@mohg.com)
Assistant Communications Manager
Tel : +853 8805 8811