活泼可爱的粉红“Fortune Piggy” | Delightful Fortune Piggy
活泼可爱的粉红“Fortune Piggy” | Delightful Fortune Piggy

为迎接猪年来临,香港蛋糕精品店 Vive Cake Boutique 特别推出一系列节庆限定主题蛋糕及贺节礼品。所有主题产品均由品牌创办人 Vivien Lau 用心打造,让到店客人在这个中国人最为重视的传统节日里,能充分感受一家团圆的喜悦与幸福。
Celebrity-loved Vive Cake Boutique welcomes the Lunar New Year with an exclusive collection of cakes and gift sets. Specially created and curated by Founder, Vivien Lau, the Lunar New Year collection is designed to bring joy and happiness in celebration of this deeply important festival in Chinese culture.

蛋糕设计师Vivien Lau | Founder and creative director Vivien Lau
蛋糕设计师Vivien Lau | Founder and creative director Vivien Lau

活泼可爱的粉红“Fortune Piggy”可说是整个系列的亮点,以农历猪年为创作主题,色彩丰富的蛋糕更以贺年必备的巧克力金元宝及金币作装饰,配上主题小猪钱罂及品牌标志性的雪糕筒,格外抢眼。
Vivien’s delightful Fortune Piggy headlines the special Lunar New Year collection. A fantastical cake that takes on the theme of the piglet, this multi-colored cake is decorated with the quintessential Lunar New Year staples such as chocolate-made gold ingots and coins, together with a cute piggy bank crafted with white chocolate and VIVE’s iconic Uni-cone.

Vive 品牌标志性的雪糕筒 | Vive’s iconic Uni-cone
Vive 品牌标志性的雪糕筒 | Vive’s iconic Uni-cone
品牌特色蛋糕 | Uni-Cone Flavours
品牌特色蛋糕 | Uni-Cone Flavours

这款兼具创意趣味的特色蛋糕,不论是大人或小朋友都难以抗拒,更设8种口味以供选择,当中包括传统的“巧克力蛋糕配牛油忌廉和脆珠”、“红丝绒蛋糕配忌廉芝士”、“香蕉蛋糕配巧克力牛油忌廉”和“榛子蛋糕配榛子牛油忌廉”;而爱品尝创新口味的朋友则可一试“开心果蛋糕配开心果牛油忌廉”、“伯爵茶蛋糕配伯爵茶忌廉”、“柠檬蛋糕配柠檬牛油忌廉及柠檬酱”和“绿茶蛋糕配绿茶牛油忌廉”。“Fortune Piggy”将于整个猪年全面供应,并已正式接受优先预订,最快可于2019年1月21日起取货。
A surefire hit with adults and children, this uniquely creative and fun cake is available in eight different flavours, including classic flavours such as Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Cream and Crunchies, Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Fillings, Banana Cake with Chocolate Buttercream, and Hazelnut Cake with Hazelnut Buttercream. For the adventurous, exciting flavours such as Pistachio Cake with Pistachio Buttercream, Earl Grey Cake with Earl Grey Cream, Lemon Cake with Lemon Buttercream filled with Lemon Curd, Green Tea Cake with Green Tea Buttercream are available as well. This special cake is available throughout the Year of the Pig; pre-orders are now accepted for collection from 21st January 2019.

Joyous Celebrations
Joyous Celebrations

以橙丶金为礼篮主色的“Joyous Celebrations”是馈赠至爱亲朋和工作伙伴的最佳贺年礼篮选择,别具品味。礼物篮内里荟萃品牌出品的“有机茶叶套装”(共15包),以东方美人茶丶高山黄金蜜香红茶及冻顶乌龙茶,完美配搭 Vive 自家制手工曲奇系列,如玫瑰丶红莓丶柠檬丶咖啡丶草苺丶杏仁巧克力丶伯爵茶及腰果等可人口味。而 Vive 的招牌“软心巧克力”(共6片)则特别精选红桑子丶伯爵茶及焦糖果仁口味;其他多款甜丝丝的精选包括“红莓杏仁鸟结糖”(共18片),及增添贺年主题气氛的“中式金元宝棉花糖巧克力”(40克),让大家可将棉花糖巧克力加进热牛奶内,自制暖意可口的巧克力热饮。而一瓶“Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut”(750毫升)香槟更突显 Vive 品牌礼篮的矜贵气质。
Share the perfect gift of Joyous Celebrations with loved ones, friends, and colleagues. A chic hamper in tangerine orange with gold trimming, presents VIVE’s Premium Organic Tea Box of 15 teabags carrying an assortment of Oriental Beauty Tea, Golden Honey Black Tea, and Alpine Roast Oolong Tea perfectly paired with VIVE Handmade Cookies with luscious flavours such as rose, cranberries, lemon, coffee, strawberry, almond chocolate, Earl Grey, and cashew nut. The hamper also carries VIVE’s signature Assorted Bonbons (6 pieces) which comes in raspberry, earl grey and praline flavours, and Almond and Cranberry Nougats (18 pieces). Adding a touch of traditional Lunar New Year are Chinese Gold Ingots with Marshmallows (40g), which magically transforms into a warming cup of hot chocolate when placed into a 250mL mug of hot milk! The luxurious hamper also includes a bottle of Perrier-Jouët Grand Brut (750mL).

CNY Blessings
CNY Blessings

另一精致礼篮选择“CNY Blessings”配上优雅玫瑰粉红色及几何图案,并由 Vivien 配上“Do What Makes Your Soul Shine!”的勉励话语,予人积极幸福的甜美感觉。
Spread the good fortune and blessings of Chinese New Year with CNY Blessings, a petite yet luxurious rose colored gift box bearing geometrical patterns and the positive affirmation, “Do what makes your soul shine!” is thoughtfully curated by Vivien to bring together the perfect blend of sweet comfort.

门店一览 | Vive Cake Boutique
门店一览 | Vive Cake Boutique

“CNY Blessings”礼篮内荟萃Vive“自家制曲奇”(共13片)包括了草苺及杏仁巧克力口味,每日新鲜制作,暖意洋溢;“红莓杏仁鸟结糖”(共18片)则以海藻糖制作,是轻怡的糖果选择;而 Vive 的招牌“巧克力糖”(共24片)分别有红桑子丶伯爵茶及果仁糖口味,以独立包装,是搭配 Vive 来自台湾的“有机茶叶套装”(共6包)的最完美选择;当中的东方美人茶丶高山黄金蜜香红茶及冻顶乌龙茶全为产自台湾的纯天然有机茶叶。
VIVE Handmade Cookies (13 pieces) in strawberry and almond chocolate flavour made fresh every day will bring to mind a warm and fuzzy feeling; while Almond and Cranberry Nougats (18 pieces) made with trehalose promise a healthier treat option. Individually wrapped Assorted Bonbons (24 pieces) in raspberry, Earl Grey, and praline pair swimmingly well with VIVE’s Taiwanese Organic Teas (6 tea bags) consisting of Oriental Beauty Tea, Golden Honey Black Tea, and Alpine Roast Oolong Tea, organic and naturally grown in Taiwan.

 购买信息 | How Can I Order? 
一系列贺节产品由即日起至2019年2月28日接受预订,并可由2019年1月21日起亲临 Vive Cake Boutique 专门店取货。
Vive Cake Boutique’s Lunar New Year gift collection is now available for order until 28th February 2019, for pick up from 21st January 2019.

门店一览 | Vive Cake Boutique
门店一览 | Vive Cake Boutique

 店铺信息 | About the Boutique 
Vive Cake Boutique 由创办人及蛋糕设计师 Vivien Lau 一手创立,她于数年前一次为朋友制作生日蛋糕时,无意发现自己对烘焙的兴趣及才华,及后于2014年萌生创立甜点品牌的意念,自创以个人品牌命名的网上商店,从此开展了品牌的成功故事。Vive Cake Boutique 自开业以来一直备受名人热捧,好评不断;当中名人粉丝包括﹔郭富城、蔡卓妍、钟欣潼、周丽淇、陈敏之、杨爱瑾、官恩娜和胡杏儿等。
Vive Cake Boutique has proved a roaring success story since being launched with online orders in 2014 by founder and creative director Vivien Lau, who discovered her passion and talent by chance, making her first cake for a friend’s birthday. VIVE’s widespread acclaim includes a massive celebrity and socialite following including Aaron Kwok, Charlene Choi, Gillian Chung, Niki Chow, Sharon Chan, Miki Yeung, Ella Koon, Myolie Wu and more.

Vive Cake Boutique
中环皇后大道中80号 H Queen’s 1楼3号铺
Shop 3, 1/F, H Queen’s, 80 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
营业时间/Opening Hours