- 庆祝波兰国庆100周年主题活动
- 过去100年中,波兰女性角色在历史中的变化
- 透视当下与未来,妇女权益的进步与发展
- 通过波兰的历史和波兰妇女权益的发展,与中国观众进行文化互动和交流
- Highlight of the 100th Anniversary for Poland’s Independence
- The changing roles of Polish women in Poland’s history
- A look into now and the future for Women empowerment
- Culture exchange opportunity for Chinese audiences to learn more about Poland’s history and women empowerment in Poland
主题为“女性 – 波兰独立的标志”的展览在广州红砖厂创意区大石馆拉开序幕,展期将持续到4月20日。此次展览由波兰驻广州总领事馆,波兰历史博物馆,波兰外交部,广州红砖厂创意区大石馆联合主办,并与波兰驻华大使馆文化处协办。通过此次展览,波兰驻广州总领事馆旨在将波兰女性的文化和历史,波兰妇女权益的发展展现给中国观众,借此进行文化对话和交流。此次展览也是2018年波兰庆祝国庆100周年的主题活动之一。
The “Women – Icons of Poland’s Independence” theme exhibition opens at EMGdotArt Gallery at Redtory Creative Space in Guangzhou from 28th March till 20th April, 2018. The exhibition is organized by the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Guangzhou, Polish History Museum, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, EMGdotArt Gallery, and partnered with Polish Institute – Culture Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Beijing. Through the exhibition, the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Guangzhou aims to bring the culture and history of Polish women and the progress of women empowerment in Poland to audiences in South China to further the experience exchange and open dialogues. This exhibition is also one of the highlights of the year of 2018 which marks the 100th Anniversary for Poland’s Independence.
波兰驻广州总领事馆总领事岳安娜(Joanna Skoczek)女士在展览上提到,“在波兰的历史上,女性扮演了很多不同的角色。透过历史,我们希望观众能够通过了解波兰女性和他们在历史上的传承,更好的了解波兰的历史。”
“Women have played many roles in the history of Poland, through a look into the history, we hope audiences will have a better understanding of the history of Poland from our female inheritance”, said Ms. Joanna Skoczek, the Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Guangzhou.
Dialogues on ‘Women Empowerment’
对应“女性 – 波兰独立的标志”主题的专题讨论会在展览开幕前吸引了许多前来观展的观众。讨论会由波兰驻广州总领事馆总领事岳安娜(Joanna Skoczek)女士主持,嘉宾有来自广州的保洁公司织物护理部的副总裁阿格涅什卡(Agnieszka Orlik-Zamiela)女士,来自上海的饺子女士品牌创始人乔安娜(Joanna Boczek)女士和来自北京的汉文化研究学者卡塔芝娜(Katarzyna Harrold)女士。
A panel discussion on the theme of “Women – Icons of Poland’s Independence” was held prior to the opening of the exhibition, hosted by Ms. Joanna Skoczek, the Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Guangzhou with guests of Ms. Agnieszka Orlik-Zamiela, Vice President of Fabric Care Department in Procter & Gamble Guangzhou, Ms. Joanna Boczek, Founder and CEO of Pierogi Ladies in Shanghai, Ms. Katarzyna Harrold, active sinologist in Beijing.
“现如今,尽管波兰女性在社交、工作和政治上都已经享有了平等的权益,但仍然有很大的提升空间。通过对话,我们希望不仅与在中国生活和工作的波兰女性,更是与中国的观众进行互动,分享见解,擦出奇思妙想碰撞的火花”, 波兰驻广州总领事馆总领事岳安娜(Joanna Skoczek)女士在开幕时提到。专题讨论会的话题包括波兰女性在历史中的角色变化,女性在工作环境中所面临的的种种挑战,女性角色的定位在中国和波兰文化中的相似点与不同等。
“Nowadays, Polish women enjoy equal rights and opportunities in social life, labor market and politics etc., but there is still room for improvement. Through dialogues we hope to exchange ideas and stories only with Polish women who are working successfully in China but also with Chinese audiences in South China”, said Ms. Skoczek. Topics discussed over the panel included the changing roles of Polish women in history, the challenges that women are facing in the working environment, what similarieties and differences they identified comparing China and Poland.
The history of Poland via female inheritance
Existence of independent, strong and democratic Poland would not be possible without the generations of Polish women. They did not only face the tough reality of everyday life during the times of partitioned Poland and war, but also arm in arm with Polish man fought for independence. The aim of the exhibition is to show how Polish women participated in the fight for independent Poland, throughout time of the partition, First and Second World War and finally during the struggle for democratic Poland in the second half of 20th century. The exhibition will also touch the wide topic of emancipation of women in Poland. Here, the story of Polish women, becomes the background for the Polish History itself. Starting from the collapse of Republic of Poland in the in the end of 18th century through partition and wars till the political transformation of the 20th century, the viewer will be taken for the journey through the most important events of past 200 years.
The exhibition presents the profiles of more than dozen women, who played a major role in the creation of Polish Nation. They work – in politics, education, culture, management and army – had changed the life of local individuals, communities and whole nation. Among them there are the ones whose names are well known outside of Poland as well the ones who remain unknown to the world. Their stories have to be taken out of the shadows and introduced in the wide historical and sociological context.
展览中包括:Emilia Plater, Eliza Orzeszkowa,Maria Skłodowska-Curie-,Cecylia Śniegocka,Irena Kosmowska,Wanda Gertz,Halina Konopacka,Alicja Dorabialska, Maria Stypułowska-Chojecka,Wiktoria Ulma,Irena Sendlerowa和更多。
Among the profiles included in the exhibition there are: Emilia Plater, Eliza Orzeszkowa, Maria Skłodowska-Curie-, Cecylia Śniegocka, Irena Kosmowska, Wanda Gertz, Halina Konopacka, Alicja Dorabialska, Maria Stypułowska-Chojecka, Wiktoria Ulma, Irena Sendlerowa, and more.
“女性 – 波兰独立的标志”
展期:2018年3月28日 至 2018年4月20日
展馆开放时间:周一至周五,10:00 – 18:00
“Women – Icons of Poland’s Independence”
Exhibition Information:
28th March, 2018 – 20th April, 2018
Opening Hours:
10:00 – 18:00, Monday to Friday
EMGdotArt Gallery, C5, Redtory
128 Yuancun Si Heng Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou