一年一度的法语歌曲大赛再次回归,欢迎大家积极参加!今年是法语歌曲大赛19岁的生日,全新法语歌单推荐给大家。去年,来自近150所大学和法语联盟的众多参赛者在中国六个城市进行了半决赛, 今年我们再次期待发现更多同学的精彩表现! 他们年龄在18至25岁之间,法语水平在B1以上。
Come along again this year to experience the traditional French song contest! A brand new repertoire of French songs is available for this 19th edition. Last year, participants from nearly 150 universities and Alliances Françaises competed in the six Chinese cities with the most vibrant Franophone presence. And once again, we are looking forward to receiving a new batch of candidates this year. Entrants must be French learners between 18-25 years old, with a level of at least B1.
参赛者将有机会通过与我们合作的中国200多个城市的卡拉OK进行试唱为参加比赛做准备。 今年,获奖者将能够在法国享受旅游和文化发现之旅。哪个大学将会接替成都西南交通大学获得2019年的法语歌曲大赛的冠军呢?
They have had the opportunity to prepare for the competition through our partnerships with French karaoke venues in more than 200 cities across China. A cultural trip to France awaits the winner. So which university will win the 2019 Song Award, taking the crown from Southwest Jiaotong University in Chengdu?
半决赛/Semi Final
14:30 – 16:30
JZ Club
Pearl River Beer Museum, Yuejiang West Rd., Haizhu District, Guangzhou
14:00 – 17:00
Yellow Crane Tower
NO.1 Snake Hill,Wuchang District, Wuhan