近日,香港纱厂国际集团宣布,将携手中法当代艺术中心,成立国际艺术与时尚设计的跨界平台“一线时尚”。“一线时尚”将于今年与明年重点打造“时尚大浪计划”,及筹划“2019年圣埃蒂安国际设计双年展”。Delta Bridges对话香港纱厂国际集团执行董事王𦦵桦,进一步了解其中的故事。
Recently, The Hong Kong Spinner International Group announced that it will join hands with the Sino-French Contemporary Art Centre to establish a cross-border platform for international art and fashion design — the “Avant Fashion” platform. The “Avant Fashion” platform will focus on creating a “La Route des Talents” program in this and the coming year, and to plan for the 2019 Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne. Delta Bridges talked with Mr. James St Wong Jr, CEO of Hong Kong Spinner International Group, about the stories behind this exciting platform.
Delta Bridges: 请您简要介绍下香港纱厂国际集团的发展历史以及企业的理念。
Please tell us about the Hong Kong Spinner International Group and its cooperate vision.
James St Wong Jr: 香港纱厂国际集团自成立以来,历经四代人的努力,一直从事纺织业,札根中国,于1925年于上海建立宝兴纱厂,至今已有近百年历史。由简纯的织布技术,到发明全球首条弹性牛仔裤,时至今日更将生物科技融入纺职入面。香港纱厂国际集团将传统的工艺不断创新,在传承中国千年优秀技艺同时,融合新的思维,迎合时代进步开发新技术。我们亦很注重人材的培养,人是香港纱厂最核心的资本。为新人提供机会,更是一份社会责任。
Hong Kong Spinner International Group is now into the 4th generation of textiles and garment operations. Started in China in 1925, it was originally called “Bao Xing Cotton Mill”, from Shanghai. It has now been established for almost one century. Hong Kong Spinner started from upstream weaving, and was the pioneer to manufacture 4-way stretch denim fabric. Over the years, we have innovated from traditional weaving techniques to now utilising various bio and nanotech technologies into our various fabric products. At the same time, we have invested heavily into our human capital, not only to provide opportunities, but also as a social initiative.
Delta Bridges: 请您简要介绍下香港纱厂国际集团与中法当代艺术中心携手推出“一线时尚”平台的契机。
Please tell us about how does the Hong Kong Spinner International Group come to cooperate with the Sino-French Contemporary Art Centre to establish the “Avant Fashion” platform.
James St Wong Jr: 我很高兴能与中法艺术中心携手,两方都觉得创新与创意才是对未来的最佳投资,对技术如是,对人材亦如是。因此我们成立了 “一线时尚”这个激动人心的平台,传承培育,为创意提供一个对外的平台。“一线时尚”的意义在于将设计、生产、销售连成一线,将设计师、艺术家、用户连成一线,将世界连成一线。更为重要的是,立足中国,展望世界,把设计由时尚意念,推到更高的增值领域。为此,我们携手发起“大浪计划”,招募中国有潜力的“新浪”,与“圣埃蒂安国际设计双年展”的“前浪”配对,擦出火花,为世界带来设计艺术的“大浪”。
HKS and I are very encouraged to be partnering with the Sino-French Contemporary Art Centre. We believe that innovation and creativity is indelible to our collective future and our investment into both culture and people is an integral part of realising this vision of ours. That is the reason behind our establishment of the “Avant Fashion” platform, to invest into our next generation and provide China’s creative influences a bridging platform to the outside world. “Avant Fashion” is a platform that encompasses the entire global fashion supply chain of design, sourcing, manufacturing, marketing, jsales and fulfilment. This is a foundational platform for China to bridge with the rest of the world, which would take our design initiatives from concepts and ideas to tangible value and realisation. So we are taking this opportunity to initiate this “call to action”, inviting China’s potential “new wave” to participate in the “next frontier” at the Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne to realise our “next great cultural movement”.