施汉嘉 Kris.C-广州多吃肉首席执行官-CEO, NewRow,Guangzhou.
DB: 你从什么时候有了开牛肉店的这个理念?When did you come up with the concept of opening a beef shop?
NewRow was established in 2015 and we focused more on the online channel marketing thanks to the advancement of the Internet. With the increase of our customers, we decided to upgrade our service in 2016, which tends to promote a ‘beef culture’. We now offer the online channel to demonstrate our products as well as some offline services such as product experiences and training.
DB:NewRow的牛肉源自哪里?为什么会选择它?Where do the beef come from and why did you choose this particular beef?
Our beef comes from Queensland, Australia. Australia is famous for its unique ecological environment and low breeding cost. It is also the only country where cows have no “mad cow disease”, which boosts our confidence in choosing their products for the Chinese market. We only consider ourselves as the carrier of the finest and sell beef that contains zero additives.
DB:关于如何分辨牛肉质量的好坏,你个人有什么诀窍可分享的吗?Are there any tricks that you can show us to distinguish the good quality beef and the bad one?
牛肉本身是一种富含高营养的健康食物,加上澳大利亚天然的牧场环境,质量已属上乘。目前中国全面严格的检验检疫政策,使国内流通的进口牛肉产品在质量安全方面已成为标配。牛肉质量损坏问题更多发在运输、储存、包装过程中而产生的质变,例如肉色发绿,味道异常甚至发臭等。为了让消费者吃上有质量保证的牛肉,NewRow在这方面就下足了功夫 — 零下32度的低温冷库产品保存,高隔氧隔菌包装,全程顺丰冷链保鲜运输配送,确保牛肉质量从澳洲草原到餐桌整个过程零污染。
Australian Beef is already high-quality and nutritious in various way. Also, the quality of beef is strictly supervised under the policy of Food Quality Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine. However, we will not rule out the possibility that the meats will go bad during the transportation, which can be illustrated in the color of the meat and its smell. To ensure the quality of our beef, we adopt low-temperature storage technique and anti-air & germ package to protect the beef and use cold belt line transportation to bring beef to everyone’s home safe.
DB:你觉得这个行业在广州发展的前景好吗?若是如此,你有想过未来在其他的城市开分店吗?Do you think such business has a promising development in Guangzhou? If so, would you consider opening more branches in other big cities in the future?
With the increasing growth in people’s living standard and more attention to their healthy lifestyle, the demand for beef is soaring at present, especially in Guangzhou, which, for sure, has a bright prospect for beef business. In fact, the demand for beef throughout the whole China is growing and we are planning to expand our business to meet the needs of our customers. Currently, NewRow’s online store is providing such a convenient service for all beef-lovers nationwide.
DB:作为牛肉专家,可以分享一下给我们这些初学者,如何才能在家煎出一块好牛排? As a beef expert, could you share some experiences of how to cook a steak well?
We prefer the concept of minimalism,so we will do the steak in this way as well. To cook a steak well, all you need is a five-minute hard work. Heat the pot first, then add oil, put the meat on the pot and begin frying with black peppers. It would be already tasted if you cook like this and you can truly enjoy the original taste of the steak. Sometimes we give too many labels on the beef during cooking, but in fact, it only takes us very few steps to get what is the best.
DB:网上很多牛排卖得很便宜,那你们在互联网上的销售哪来的竞争力?There are many low-price steaks online. How do you manage to make the price more competitive over others?
Before we decided to sell our products in our online store, we did some calculation on the cost of those cheap steaks online: 10 slices of beef cost 118 RMB and the price included such costs as transportation fees (30R), packages (10R), two sets of forks and knives (10R) and 10 butter packs (8R). At the end, we found that each slice of beef steak only cost you around 10 RMB per slice! As a brainy consumer, I would question the price if I were you. Even if an imported beef is not required to pay any commissions to dealers or agents, the price of the beef can hardly go that low. We don’t want to lower the price and sell low-quality beef in order to increase our revenue. This is not what we do. What we want to do is to provide our customers with the most cost-effective and healthiest beef.
DB:我们能从什么渠道了解更多‘多吃肉’?Where can we get more information about NewRow?
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