黄钰茵,上海胜创包装服务有限公司广州分公司经理 - Conny Huang,Branch Manager,Century Relocation Services Co. Ltd. Guangzhou Branch.
DB: 胜创的服务宗旨和使命是什么?What is the main mission of Century?
Our Aim: High-quality service, Competitive price, One-stop relocation solution providers for offices and industrial premises.
胜创的使命是:通过不断的提升服务质量,提高工作效率,专注创新,降低成本,在办公室及工业厂房搬迁领域成为市场的领导者,龙头企业。成为中国境内知名企业与跨国公司搬迁服务 的首选供应商。
Our Mission: We keep improving our service and work efficiency, and focusing on innovation and lowering costs. We pursue to be the leading relocation solution provider for offices and industrial premises in the market and to be the first choice of the well-known domestic enterprises and multinational corporations.
DB: 胜创的主营服务有很多,而在广州的分公司中哪些是你们的业务亮点?Century provides many services. Among them, which are the highlights in the Guangzhou Branch?
In our relocation service, our main service value is to tailor-make our customers’ relocation plans, take into consideration every potential risk and problem, draw up risk assessment and back-up plans accordingly and so we can make relocation risks controllable and manageable. In this way, we can also reduce the cost of time and manpower. The advantages we mention above are what customers tend to ignore as they are more easily concerned about such hardware services as vans and manpower than the feasibility of the relocation plans and the risk management.
Our relocation service also includes the relocation of industrial premises and facilities. This project requires a more experienced relocation solution provider like us to assist them with a more professional project design, management and execution. Besides, many foreign facilities require an experienced bilingual project manager to communicate with his clients and engineers.
DB: 当上海胜创在广州建立分公司期间,公司遇到过什么困难吗?During the time when Century established its branch in Guangzhou, what difficulties has it encountered?
Yes. There must be some difficulties. When a company debuts in a new region, how can you make your customers believe in you? It is fair to say that our clients choose us at the very beginning because of our earnest attitude. We later show our professionalism and concentration during the implementation of a project, which earns trusts and favorable feedbacks from our clients. Gradually, Century wins the recognition of clients from all walks of life.
DB: 你在胜创广州分公司工作了多久?你认为从工作中受益最大的是什么?How long have you been with Century, Guangzhou Branch? What have you benefited the most from working here?
我在Century广州分公司成立之初就已加入,现在已经迎来第七个年头。我觉得加入Century最大的受益是学会了风险管理 – 预见事情的发生,虽然搬迁不是很复杂的事情,但有时候客户提出来的要求往往会使操作产生一定的风险,作为专业的搬迁团队,必须要把潜在风险提前和客户沟通以寻求双方都满意的解决方法。
I have been working for Century, Guangzhou Branch since its establishment. It is so far seven years. What I have benefited the most from working here is that I learn to foresee risks – risk management. Although relocation is not literally a complex concept, implementing relocation will sometimes generate certain risks and problems. As a professional relocation solution provider, we must communicate with our clients about the potential risks during relocation in advance and seek for a perfect solution that meets the needs of our clients.
DB: 你能站在一个消费者的角度说出胜创广州分公司的三个优势吗?它们分别是什么?Could you tell us the three advantages that Century, Guangzhou Branch has from a consumer perspective?
一,我们有专业的,经验丰富的服务团队,从我,到我们的客户经理,项目经理,外勤经理到工人都有超过10年的行业经验。我们的这些经验能给客户提供更好的方案设计,风险预控及现场管理。二,热枕的工作态度,多与客户沟通聆听,耐心了解客户真正的需求。三、一站式的办公室服务,除了搬迁本身,我们还可以为客户提供搬迁前后的办公室后勤服务,如搬迁前新办公室的开荒清洁,空气治理,绿植租赁,搬迁后的旧家具回收处理, 日常保洁,虫控服务等。
First, we are professional and we have an experienced team. From me to our customer manager, project manager and operation manager, we have more than 10 years of work experiences, which can serve our customers better with a perfect project design, risk management and relocation operation. Second, we have an enthusiastic work attitude; we are good at listening and communicating, and we understand our client’s real needs. Third, we offer one-stop relocation solutions of office service. Apart from relocating itself, we also provide logistics service including air purification, green plants leasing, recycling, insect-control service and daily cleaning services.
DB:我们能从什么渠道了解更多‘上海胜创包装服务有限公司广州分公司’?Where can we get more information about ‘Century Relocation Services Co. Ltd. Guangzhou Branch’?