Delta Labs Launch Party!

当来到我们精心挑选的地点北山时,舞狮群会在入口处欢迎大家,前往参与我们三角洲举办的发布派对。在这里,非艺艺术空间有着独特的设计:非洲风格的室内装饰可能有您期望在野生环境中看到的动物。正是在珠海,您能欣赏到这样一种文化设计! 非艺艺术空间使得 艺术,酒吧和音乐的完美结合,无疑是提供给三角洲发布派对一个完美的场景。

在常春藤围绕下,客人会被带到一个秘密的非洲花园派对,那里有着开放的屋顶,长颈鹿和斑马还在动物群中出现。当你走进非艺时,灯光变暗,朦胧的红色气调给我们的场地带来温馨的气氛。 在二楼,我们的客人可以拍摄Evans Yegon(肯尼亚),Masoud Kibwana(坦桑尼亚)和Kos(斯里兰卡)的作品,还能和他们刚刚认识的新朋友拍照。色彩斑斓的墙壁上充斥着各种辉煌的壁画,这也成为了画廊海湾上交谈的内容。 优雅的鸟笼被用作二楼的椅子,鹦鹉栖息着看着客人喝酒,享受着夏日的微风。

参加的嘉宾主要是当地人和外国人,还包括来自澳门的朋友。 晚宴欢迎年轻的专业人士,商人和创意人士,一起聊天跳舞,尽情的喝酒聊天! 看到许多独特人士聚集在一起,喝酒,跳舞和相互分享,真的非常有趣!

 DJ表演者们在这个夜晚,让人们的心情跟着音乐一起跳动,夜色越晚节奏越是狂热,人们开始舞动起来。 我们想要感谢Denny,Dima和NuWhite为大家带来的音乐派对。

对于三角洲来说,令人兴奋的事是..我们期待这一活动能够发展成为一个为创意人士定期见面聊天的派对活动。 Labs是一个全新的概念,提供珠海所需要的社交空间,能在隐蔽的时尚场所推广了当地文化和生活方式。 三角洲希望建立起一个社区,能够融合不同的创意思维,商业人士和年轻的专业人士。

我们要感谢所有到场的人,也正因为你们的公司,才使得派对如此特别。 我们希望从这次派对中学有所成,能在以后继续举办这种创意派对系列,所以请大家保持订阅,关注更多有关未来活动的信息…下次见!

As we arrived at our exclusively selected venue in Beishan, a family of lions were staged at the entrance to welcome our guests to our Delta Labs launch. Feiyi art space has a unique brilliance: the African-inspired interior has animals you may expect to find in a safari environment, and yet, it is here in Zhuhai that this culture is captured. Using the creative playful space of Feiyi, the combination of art, bar and music was the perfect backdrop for Delta Labs.

Hidden under Ivy leaves guests were transported into a secret garden party with an open rooftop, a giraffe and zebra emerging from the fauna. Upon arrival the lights were dimmed and the hazy red tone gave our venue a warm atmosphere. On the second floor, our guests took the chance to get photos with the artworks of Evans Yegon (Kenya), Masoud Kibwana (Tanzania) and Kos (Sri Lanka), and take photos with the new friends they just met. The brilliant paintings brought splashes of colour to the walls and were focal points of conversation in the coves of the galleries. Elegant bird cages are used as chairs on the second floor where parrots are perched watching guests drinking, cherishing the summer breeze.

Attending guests were made up of a mixture of locals and foreigners, including friends who came in from Macau. The evening welcomed young professionals, business people and creatives who chatted and danced. The drinks and conversations were certainly flowing! It was really interesting to see the interaction of so many unique people coming together in one place to drink, dance and share.

Our DJ artists for the night set up the mood with loungy beats, turning up the tempo as the night progressed and people started to move to the rhythm. We would like to thank Denny, Dima and NuWhite for the fusion of music that they provided.

Exciting things ahead for Delta Labs…we are looking forward to developing this event into a party lab for creatives to meet regularly. Labs is a fresh concept filling Zhuhai’s need for a social space where local culture and lifestyle are promoted in trendy venues undiscovered. Delta Labs hopes to build up a community, mixing up creative minds, business people and young professionals.

We would like to thank everyone who came, it was your company that made the party so special. We hope to learn from this launch and continue this creative party series, so keep subscribed for more information on future events… see you next time!


Instagram: Im_dennysun
WeChat :dj_dennysun

Instagram: bro.bear
WeChat: blckbry

Instagram: Alexey_nuwhite
WeChat: NuWhite

Contact No. 13701873422
Contact Person: Sahr Johnny

Article edited by: Courtney Maloney