张学友再度挑战自我,淬炼经典之火「 A CLASSIC TOUR」创造永恒经典。华语乐坛人人望其项背,全球歌迷们引颈期盼的“歌神”张学友7年磨一辑,于前年底推出全新国语专辑《Wake Up Dreaming 醒着做梦》。今年,张学友再度回应乐坛的期盼、歌迷的等待,将展开「A CLASSIC TOUR」巡演,距离上次的「1/2世纪演唱会」2012年5月30日的第146场,已是4年前,那次的巡演以18个月内完成146场演出,再次创下华人歌手单次巡回演唱会的场次新纪录,并以12个月内观众总数2,048,553人次打破了吉尼斯金氏世界纪录。

As one of the most well-known idols in Hong Kong’s Music Circle, Jacky Cheung has his new world tour, which aims to meet his fans with his well-selected classic songs. Jacky Cheung is regarded as “Song God” in Hong Kong in 1980s and 1990s. His songs have been internationally spread and have been loved and mimicked by people across the whole China and overseas Chinese. He now takes another challenge – to create a <classic tour> that never dies over time. This time, Jacky will also excite his fans with his latest album called <Wake Up Dreaming>.

Event Details:
时间 Time: 3月24日 周五, March 24th, Friday, 20:00-22:00
地点 Venue: 惠州奥林匹克运动场 Olympics Sport Complex,Huizhou
价格 Price: RMB 700/ 1380/ 1680