Aaron Burns, ​Manager, Treasures of Hope, Dongguan.

DB: 希望宝藏” 是什么?你们的使命是什么?What is Treasures of Hope and what is your mission?

“希望宝藏” 致力于改善在中国需要帮助的儿童、青少年和成年人的生活。我们目前支持的当地慈善组织有希望之家、伊甸园项目、Captivating International 和汉达康复协会。主要是群体帮助群体,通过礼品和爱心店铺,以及举办特别的活动,来提高大众的意识,为“希望宝藏”的项目及希望宝藏基金会筹集需要的资金。
Treasures of Hope (TOH) makes a difference in the lives of Chinese children, youth and adults that are in need. The local charities that we currently support are Sunshine Academy, Project Eden: Captivating International, and HANDA. The main focus is community helping community as funds and awareness are raised through the charity store and gift shop as well as special activities and events being held to raise necessary donations for projects of TOH and the TOH Foundation.
In 2009, the idea of TOH developed from four minds getting together to brainstorm about the possibility of factory warehouse samples being sold to benefit orphans through True Children’s Home. In August of 2009, ideas became reality and Treasures of Hope opened its doors. From that point on, we’ve grown and developed to now help orphans, youth in poverty to go to school, and those affected by leprosy as well as other special projects that come up on occasion connected to the local community.

DB: 请问您的工作最有意义的地方在哪里?What is the most rewarding part of your work?

如果说最有意义的地方的话,我想到了两点 。第一点,在希望宝藏成立的八年以来,越来越多的中国本地志愿者和企业做起了公益。很开心能与这么多中外志愿者一起奋斗。第二点,希望宝藏能持续每个月支持这么多的项目,帮助生活有困难的人,这是让我感到很开心、很暖心的。
There are two main areas that come to mind concerning the rewarding part of leading Treasures of Hope. First, in the eight years that TOH has been in existence, significant growth has been seen from local Chinese volunteers and companies being involved. It is such a joy to serve alongside so many great foreign and Chinese volunteers. Secondly, each month, it warms my heart to see the many sponsorships and projects that TOH is able to sponsor for sustainable help in making a difference of lives in unfortunate situations or conditions.

DB: 请问你们遇到哪些比较大的困难?What are some of the biggest challenges?

I think that the biggest challenge would centre around consistency through the struggling economy and business situation, expats coming and going and in connecting with factories, who are able to donate samples and inventory for the sake of charity. Despite this, I am SO thankful for continuation and a stronger set up with a board, faithful volunteers and staff, as well as amazing companies that kindly donate furniture, household items, etc. I cannot say thank you enough a great team that makes things work!

DB: 面对挑战,你们是如何保持热情与动力的?How do you stay motivated in spite of these challenges?

Through the ups and downs, visiting those we help brings heart to why we do what we do. What a joy to see orphans receive education and vocational training! You cannot trade the experiences of seeing kids from poverty backgrounds that were not able to go to school, now going to school and doing well. The faces of eighty elderly affected by leprosy who have huge smiles despite their condition will forever be etched in my mind. The people we help, keep us doing what we do!

DB: 您认为当今世界最大的问题是什么?What do you think is the biggest problem in the world today?

I think the biggest problem is self-centeredness. NGOs, those doing charity-type work, etc. can actually only accomplish very little on their own. The needs of the world are overwhelming and in order to make sustainable impact, more MUST help. I have always thought that if each person would make a difference to at least one person that is less fortunate than they are…that the world would be a better place.

DB: 您会给想要为世界带来不同的人一些怎样的建议?What advice would you give to anyone who wants to “make a difference”?

Get involved in something that you are passionate about and be faithful to what you do. Anytime you work with lives, they need consistency, love, and commitment. One time help sometimes has very little effectiveness, but long-term help can really make huge impact to a life that is hurting and needs guidance or that boost in their struggle.

DB: 我们的读者可以怎样参与到希望宝藏?How can our readers get involved?

可以做我们的志愿者,购买我们的产品,捐赠物资或者金钱。 我们长期需要志愿者管理我们的商店,协助社区活动。或者欢迎到我们的礼品和爱心店铺购买我们特别的产品,我们的店在东莞市东城区东莞唐拉雅秀酒店首层大堂。另外,我们的产品会在全中国进行售卖,(所以如果大家有兴趣的话),可以告诉我们,我们可以添加你们到我们的微信购买群里。如果你们,或者你们的朋友是经商的,有自己的公司或者工厂,我们可以收集他们的样本或者尾货去售卖,为慈善项目筹集资金。另外的话,如果有想直接资金赞助的,可以直接捐给希望宝藏资金会。我们可以为您提供正式发票。如果大家有任何疑问,或是有兴趣加入我们,都欢迎告诉我们,我们十分愿意和你们交谈!
Volunteer. Shop. Give. Donate. We are always in need of volunteers for regular store tasks as well as to help with community events. Stop by the gift shop and charity store located at Tangla Dongguan Hotel in Dongcheng District of Dongguan to buy some amazing items for a good cause. Also, we ship ALL over China, so contact us and we can add you to one of our WeChat shopping groups. If you or if you know others that have a business, company, or factory, we collect samples and extra inventory to be resold to raise funds for the charity projects. Also, with any monetary donations given for sponsorships, the TOH Foundation is able to provide official giving receipts. Please let us know if you have ANY questions or would like to get involved. We would LOVE to talk to you.

Website: http://www.treasures-of-hope.com
WeChat: charity-toh

Translated by: Sunny Zhong