雅高集团宣布与海南航空合作,为双方客户忠诚计划,即Le Club AccorHotels雅高乐雅会及金鹏俱乐部的会员提供更多礼赏以及更丰富的旅行体验。
Accor and Hainan Airlines have announced a new partnership for members of their respective loyalty programs, Le Club AccorHotels and Fortune Wings Club, with a range of benefits to make their travel experiences richer and more rewarding.
这一全新合作开展后,Le Club AccorHotels雅高乐雅会(LCAH)会员可在乘坐海南航空航班时赚取奖励积分,每7,000金鹏俱乐部积分可转换为1,000点Le Club AccorHotels 雅高乐雅会奖励积分。与此同时,Le Club AccorHotels雅高乐雅会会员可将已有的奖励积分转换为金鹏俱乐部里程数,从而享受海南航空提供的奖励机票、机舱升级等礼遇(每2,000点Le Club AccorHotels雅高乐雅会积分相当于1,000金鹏俱乐部积分)。会员可借助高效积分管理系统进行操作,完全通过数字化方式实现,十分方便快捷。
This new partnership enables Le Club AccorHotels (LCAH)’ members to earn rewards points when flying with Hainan Airlines by converting 7,000 Fortune Wings Club points into 1,000 LCAH rewards points. At the same time, it will enhance the experience of Le Club AccorHotels members as they will have the opportunity to redeem their rewards points into Fortune Wings Club miles to benefit from awards tickets and upgrades with Hainan Airlines. Every 2,000 LCAH points equals to 1,000 Fortune Wing Club points. Conversions are easy and fully digital with an efficient points management system.
对于常旅客而言这是令人兴奋的一次合作,会员可在雅高全球众多目的地的逾3,500家从奢华到经济型的各类型酒店为下次旅行预订客房,尊享折扣。会员还能在全球各地优享精英体验,参加由雅高带来的演唱会、美食节、或包括巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部在内的体育赛事VIP包厢或门票等专属主题活动体验。会员能够通过即将于2019年第四季度发布的雅高全新客户忠诚计划ALL – Accor Live Limitless雅高心悦界参与这些活动。
This is an exciting partnership for frequent travellers who are members of both programs because it allows them to purchase stays and discounts for their next trip at more than 3,500 hotels ranging from luxury to economy in joint destinations. They can also benefit from premium experiences and exclusive themed packages curated by Accor which include access to live music concerts, food festivals and sporting venues such as Paris Saint-Germain VIP box and tickets. These assets will be available through the new Accor rebranded loyalty program ALL – Accor Live Limitless to be launched in Q4 2019.