悠悠十载如白驹过隙,广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店将于2018年3月11日迎来十周年生日。为此酒店呈现十周年倒数十日系列庆祝活动。 The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou will celebrate its 10th anniversary on March 11th, 2018 with a series of activities to commemorate this memorable and monumental occasion. 广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店作为万豪集团旗下非凡奢华品牌之一,是丽思卡尔顿酒店集团在中国区的第四家酒店。十年前,广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店于繁华商务区珠江新城率先开业,标志着广州商务接待国际化水平的显著提升,也揭开了广州国际高星级酒店品牌蓬勃发展的序幕。酒店临近珠江,毗邻广州新地标广东博物馆、广州大剧院、广州新图书馆和亚运会开幕式场地海心沙,演绎城市中央的奢华艺术以及倡导优雅愉悦的生活方式。她不仅见证了许多社会精英和国际政商名流的到访,承办了多个具有社会影响力的重要活动及盛大宴会,荣获数百重要奖项及荣誉,见证了珠江新城的发展与繁荣。 As one of the luxury brand hotels under Marriott International, The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou was the fourth Ritz-Carlton hotel opened in China. Ten years ago, The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou rose in the heart of the Pearl River New City area of Tianhe District, introducing new heights of luxury service, elegance and sophistication to the city and the region. The premier location is enhanced by nearby luxury residential and commercial landmarks; including the Canton Tower, Guangzhou Opera House, Guangdong Museum and Guangzhou New Library. This hotel has hosted many elites, high profile travelers, politicians and undertaken a number of important events with great influence, won numerous international and domestic awards, and contributed significantly to the development of Zhu Jiang New Town.
广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店践行“社区成长足迹”承诺,3月1至11日十周年庆典期间,酒店首次与广东省千禾社区公益基金会合作。酒店将从每间房的房费里捐赠十元人民币给予基金会的 “美丽珠江”系列环保项目,带动珠江流域居住者关爱母亲河,共同倡导建设一个空气洁净、水源干净、孩子们可以在蓝天白云下快乐奔跑的居住环境。
Dedicating to the community has always been closed to our heart. In conjunction with our 10th anniversary, we strongly feel that there is no better time for us to step up in giving. We will further deliver our commitment to Community Footprints projects. As a countdown leading to the anniversary celebration, The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou will kick off the celebrity week by donating RMB 10 for every room sold from March 1st -11th, 2018 to Guangdong Harmony Foundation to support Pearl River water treatment projects.
3月11日,酒店还会与广东省千禾社区公益基金会旗下“益动”团队合作推出“十年纪念 · 珠江十公里慈善漫跑”活动,邀请酒店宾客及运动爱好者参加,共同守护珠江,构建低碳生活和零废弃的可持续社区。此次慈善漫跑计划从酒店出发,全程沿着珠江绿道而行。每位完成十公里的参与者不仅可以获得酒店十周年纪念T恤、慈善跑奖牌,还可在活动结束后于酒店三楼豪华宴会厅享用美味早餐。活动现场,来自广东省千禾社区公益基金会的志愿者们还将为来宾细致入微地分享“美丽珠江”系列环保项目的计划与实施。 A 10-Kilometer Charity Run, supported by Guangdong Harmony Foundation, will be held on March 11 to commemorate the hotel’s 10th anniversary. The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou is calling all our valued guests, partners and sports enthusiasts to join the event in support of Pearl River water treatment projects. Everyone who take-part will receive a custom-made 10-year anniversary T-shirt and one souvenir. A sumptuous buffet breakfast awaits at the finale.
为回馈十年以来宾客的长期支持,酒店将于3月5日至11日推出为期一周的餐饮特别优惠,不容错过! From March 5 to 11, an enticing delicacies week with special offers from acclaimed restaurants will be presented to all the valued guests: 全天候国际美食舞台FOODS自助餐厅以六个开放式厨房为宾客呈上 “即点即制”的各国美食。人民币311元净价即可享受双人自助午餐;周一至周四自助晚餐人民币311元净价每位,周五至周日自助晚餐可享原价六九折优惠。 A reincarnation of the original European brasserie, FOODS offers the best of Asian and Western traditions in an urban, rustic setting. Taking center stage are six live action cooking theaters featuring a mélange of vibrant colors and fresh flavors. Buffet lunch is priced at RMB 311 net for two persons. Buffet dinner is priced at RMB 311 net per person from Monday to Thursday and with 31% savings off Retail Buffet price from Friday to Sunday.
屡获殊荣的丽轩中餐厅典雅奢华,由粤菜名厨郭元锋师傅主理,结合其炉火纯青的烹饪技艺,呈献精致正宗的粤菜佳肴与创意时令菜单。宾客于午餐及晚餐期间消费人民币1100元及以上可享受人民币300立减优惠(酒水、鲍参燕肚及海鲜等除外,且优惠不含服务费及税费)。 Discover the exquisite art of Cantonese fine dining at Lai Heen, featuring authentic masterpieces from contemporary to classic Cantonese cuisine. With minimum spend of CNY 1,100 (exclude alcohol, abalone, sea cucumber, fish maw and live seafood) guests can enjoy a reduction of CNY 300 before service fee and tax.
别具风格的意轩西餐厅由有16年米其林餐厅经验的意大利名厨Andrea主理,带来最精彩的正宗意式美食。周年庆活动期间,Chef Andrea特别推出限时午餐及晚餐菜单,人民币311*元每位,需另加服务费及税费。享用此菜单的客人可额外尊享六九折酒水优惠。生日为3月11日的宾客本人当天可免费享用该套餐,需携带至少一位朋友同行。 Focus on simplicity, authenticity and flavors, LIMONI is a casual Italian restaurant helmed by world-class Chef Andrea with over 16 years of experience and working in renown Michelin-starred restaurants. During this week, a tailor-made anniversary menu is curated at only RMB 311 per person, together with 31% savings on wine. Guests who are born on March 11 enjoy complimentary anniversary set menu when dining with one companion on 11 March 2018. Price is subject to service charge and tax.
雍容古典的珍珠酒廊为宾客提供别具寓意的十周年纪念下午茶,伴随现场演奏的优雅中西古典音乐,宾客可以品尝国内外顶级茗茶和精致点心。人民币311*元可供两位宾客享用,需另加服务费及税费。生日为3月11日的宾客当天与至少一位朋友享用双人下午茶套餐,可获赠尚荻世家白中白起泡普通酒一瓶。 An air of classic European charm permeates through the Pearl Lounge, making it an elegantly appointed respite to enjoy afternoon tea and savor an assortment of savories. The anniversary afternoon tea set is priced at RMB 311 for two persons. Guests born on March 11 will get a complimentary bottle of VILLA SANDI Brut Blanc de Blancs. Price is subject to service charge and tax.
The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou
NO.3 Xing An Road, Pearl River New City
Tianhe District, Guangzhou
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