Anastasi Marcello-珠海宝缇嘉餐吧主厨兼共有人-Head Chef and Co-owner, LA BOTTEGA, Zhuhai.
DB:你从什么时候开始想在珠海开一家餐厅?能说说原因吗? When did you have the idea of opening a restaurant in Zhuhai and why?
Marcello: 许多年来,我的梦想就是要开一家餐馆。我喜欢为别人下厨;我喜欢让别人品尝我的食物;正是我的热情燃烧了宝缇嘉的厨房。当客人告诉我宝缇嘉的餐品好吃时,这就是对我最大的奖励。我相信每个厨师都应活在那一时刻。每天我都会想我的食物,有时候我会发现自己早上3、4点都还没睡,只因在研究如何把更好的食材融入明日的菜单中呈现给大家。宝缇嘉是我的一个梦想,我很感谢我的生意伙伴Jean 和 Sean 能一起和我将这个梦想变成现实。
Marcello: To open a restaurant was a dream of mine for many years. I love cooking for people; I love to let people try and appreciate my food; I cook in LA BOTTEGA for pure passion. For me, the best reward I can get is when a customer comes to me and tells me how good is my food. I believe every chef should live for that moment. Every day I think about food, sometimes I find myself sleepless till 3 or 4 am in the morning to think how to plate a new dish or how to combine some ingredients. LA BOTTEGA was a vision of mine for a long time and thanks to my business partners Jean and Sean we can turn this vision into a reality.
DB: 在珠海开店意味着你要长期居住在珠海,你感觉珠海怎么样?有碰过一些有趣或者意想不到的事情吗? Having a business in Zhuhai means you may be a long-term resident here. How do you feel about Zhuhai and have you run into something interesting or unexpected here?
Jean: 我在珠海定居超过了10年,其中大部分都是快乐有趣的时光,当然也有失落的时候。不过我真的享受在珠海的生活,并把它当成是我的家。我叫它“家”是因为当地人民对我都十分友善,并且无时无刻能感受到他们欢迎你的热情。另外,我们自己的外国社区也会帮助珠海建设成一个舒适居住的地方。
Jean: Being in Zhuhai for more than 10 years, I have definitely had a lot of interesting moments, mostly pleasant of course, but also some less pleasant. I do however really enjoy Zhuhai and consider this place my home. I call it my home because Chinese people can be very friendly and do a lot to make you feel welcome in their country. Also, the close foreign community we have here helps a lot to make Zhuhai a comfortable place to live.
DB: 你餐厅里最让你自豪的三个特色菜品是什么? What are the best three specialties in your restaurant that make you feel proud of?
Marcello: 我个人十分喜欢宝缇嘉的所有菜式,并对它们感到自豪,因为我们倾注了所有心意在它们身上。如果我一定要选三样特色菜式,我会推荐Gnocchi with saffron and speck, 它不仅美味并且在珠海属于独一无二。另外,我们的方形汉堡亦极受人们欢迎。汉堡的肉感不仅多汁且质感十分撼动人们的味蕾。第三款特色菜我将在未来为大家呈现。
Marcello: I personally adore all our dishes in LA BOTTEGA and I’m proud of the job we did because we put heart into every dish. If I have to pick something, our gnocchi with saffron and speck (Italian cured smoked ham) is really nice and something very different in unique in Zhuhai. But I do think I achieved the best result with our square burger and a lot of people are a fan of it. The mixture of the meat I create and the very original spicy sauce make something very pleasant on the taste buds. The 3rd will be the next one I will create.
DB: 食物与环境,你觉得对于珠海的餐厅哪个更为重要? Environment or Food, which one in your opinion is more important to a restaurant located in Zhuhai?
Marcello: 在我看来,两者都十分重要。但是非要我选的话,我会选择食物。我可以在一个简约的餐厅吃上美味的食物,但我绝不会去表面唐皇、菜品却低劣的餐厅。珠海和香港的一些餐厅正是最好的例子证明,它们虽然是小型陋室,但食物却十分美味感人。
Marcello: In my opinion, both are very important, but if I have had to choose one, I will say food. I can have fantastic food in a simple environment, however, I will not go to eat in the amazing place with poor food, the clear example of food trumping environment are the small restaurants in Hong Kong or Zhuhai, where even the place is not so special looking but the food is great and they are always full.
DB: 如果让你用一句话推荐你的餐厅给你的朋友们,你会说什么? If asked to use one sentence to recommend your restaurant to your friends, what would it be?
Jean: “宝缇嘉是一家集现代环境和国际美食为一体的舒适餐吧,由意大利老板带来的意式风情及价廉的进口美酒和新意鸡尾酒将让您的用餐体验更上一层楼。”
Jean: “LA BOTTEGA is a cozy gastropub with modern decoration and an international food menu with an Italian background created by the Italian boss himself and a very reasonably priced drink list ranging from imported draught beers to creative cocktails.”
DB:我们能从什么渠道了解更多‘宝缇嘉餐吧’?Where can we get more information about LA BOTTEGA?
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