近日,中国意大利商会发布了“全球意大利人的热情” (OSPITALITÀ ITALIANA, RISTORANTI ITALIANI NEL MONDO)2019年项目的结果。
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce recently announced the results of “Italian Hospitality, Italian Restaurants in the World” 2019 Edition.
经过慎重选择,五十个在中国不同城市的意大利餐厅(北京、成都、重庆、东莞、广州、海宁、杭州、三亚、上海、深圳、苏州、天津、温州、无锡、永康)获得了“意大利人的热情”奖(OSPITALITÀ ITALIANA)该奖表示具备质量与正宗水准保障的认证。
After careful selection, 50 Italian restaurants located in different cities in China (Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Dongguan, Guangzhou, Haining, Hangzhou, Sanya, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Tianjin, Wenzhou, Wuxi, Yongkang) received the “Italian Hospitality” certification, a guarantee of the usage of authentic and hight quality Italian products.
评选标准 | Criteria
During the inspection, the awarding committee took into consideration the following criteria:
餐品标志性与独特性/Identity and distinctness
备餐器物充分性/Mise en place
口味建议/Gastronomic offer
酒单/Wine list
特技初榨橄榄油使用情况/Use of extra-virgin olive oil
经验与能力/Experience and competence
DOP与IGP产品使用情况/Use of DOP and IGP products
The full list of the Authentic Italian Restaurants awarded in China: