“Cool Britannia 主题圣诞晚宴”吧!

步入 CBD 中央的五星级酒店
开启 90 年代英国青年文化的狂欢氛围的
Cool Britannia 主题之夜……
活动主题 Event Theme
从 Oasis、Blur、the Spice Girls 的歌曲,到电影《诺丁山》《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》,甚至是吉他、围巾、手袋、时装上的英国国旗······90 年代英国的时尚、艺术和音乐高峰,汇集为这个闪亮的名词——“Cool Britannia”。
From songs by Oasis, Blur and the Spice Girls, to films such as Notting Hill, Four Weddings and a Funeral, and even the union Jack flags on everything like guitars, scarves, handbags and clothes …… British fashion, art and music trends came together in this glittering term – “Cool Britannia”.
Cool Britannia 可以追溯到上世纪 60 年代的英国流行文化 Swinging London,被《时代》杂志称为 90 年代青年文化的狂欢,传递着英国社会在动荡岁月之后的乐观与自豪情绪。
Inspired by Swinging London from 1960s pop culture, Cool Britannia was described by Time Magazine as mid-1990s celebration of youth culture, conveying the optimism and pride of British society after the turbulent years.
今年我们将在 12 月 10 日举办“Cool Britannia 圣诞晚宴”,带你沉浸式体验 90 年代的繁荣英国文化。
我们已经准备好充满主题元素的美食、游戏、音乐与舞台,等待着会员朋友与合作伙伴们再次相聚。这个圣诞,让我们一起感受无处不在的 Cool Britannia!
Cool Britannia 圣诞晚宴将于 12 月 10 日在广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店举行。

活动详情 Event Details
Cool Britannia Christmas Gala Dinner
Cool Britannia 圣诞晚宴
Date & Time: 18:00-22:00, Saturday, 7th January
日期&时间:1 月 7 日(周六)18:00-22:00
Ballroom, 2F, The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou
(Guangzhou, No. 3 Xing’an Road Tianhe District)
(天河区珠江新城兴安路 3 号)
Cocktail Reception & New Year Carols & Live Band Performance & Sit-down Dinner & New Year Fun Games & The Best Dressed Competition & New Year Cracker Games
200+ VIPs from Government, Fortune 500 Companies, UK & Local SME Startups
200+ 来自政府、世界 500 强、中/英的中小型及初创企业的来宾
Dress Code
Come dressed at your best, Britishness with 90s elements encouraged!
穿上你最好的服饰来吧!最好有 90 年代的英国元素
Early-Bird Price 早鸟票
(Available by 24 December 12 月 24 日前有效)
Members: RMB 550 | Future members: RMB 650
会员 550 元 | 未来会员 650 元
Standard Price 标准票
Members: RMB 650 | Future members: RMB 750
会员 650 元 | 未来会员 750 元
Corporate Group Ticket (10 people)
Members: RMB 5,500 | Future members: RMB 6,500
会员 5,500 元 | 非会员 6,500 元
A corporate ticket for 10 seats will allow a special promotional opportunity to showcase your company logo and introduction at the LED screen during the band performance.
购买 10 人团体票的企业可以在乐队表演期间,获得在 LED 屏幕上宣传企业 logo 以及介绍的宣传机会。
Registration 报名

Event Highlights 活动亮点:
Wine & Beer 葡萄酒和啤酒
Buffet Sit-Down Dinner 自助晚宴
Choir & Songs 学校合唱团表演
Lucky Draw 抽奖
Networking 社交

活动信息 Event Information
日期&时间:2022 年 12 月 10 日(周六)18:00-22:00
Date & Time: 18:00-22:00, Saturday, 10 December, 2022
地点:广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店二楼宴会厅(天河区珠江新城兴安路 3 号)
Venue: Ballroom, 2F, The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou (Guangzhou, No. 3 Xing’an Road Tianhe District)
Form: Cocktail Reception & Christmas Carols & Live Bank Performance & Sit-down Dinner & Christmas Fun Games & The Best Dressed Competition & Christmas Cracker Games
来宾:200+ 来自政府、世界 500 强、中/英的中小型及初创企业的来宾
Participants: 200+ VIPs from Government, Fortune 500 Companies, UK & Local SME Startups
Language: English
着装要求:穿上你最好的服饰来吧!最好有 90 年代的英国元素
Dress Code: Come dressed at your best, Britishness with 90s elements encouraged!
活动流程 Event Agenda
18:00 – 19:00 签到与鸡尾酒会 Registration & Cocktail Reception
19:00 – 19:15 开场致辞与祝酒 Opening Speeches & Toast
19:15 – 19:30 圣诞颂歌表演 Christmas Carols
19:30 – 20:30 现场乐队表演与晚宴 Live Bank Performance & Sit-down Dinner
20:30 – 21:00 圣诞小游戏 Christmas Fun Games
21:00 – 21:30 最佳着装评奖 The Best Dressed Competition
21:30 圣诞拉炮游戏与舞至夜深 Christmas Cracker Games & Dancing into the Night
*The agenda may be subject to change
活动亮点 Event Highlights
- 汇聚中外知名与先锋企业品牌,了解英伦文化并打造国际社区。
A gathering of well-known and pioneering brands in China and overseas, also celebrating British culture and building an international community in the GBA.
- 体验最纯正的英国传统圣诞美食与美酒,参与活动游戏,圣诞颂歌增添气氛,与我们一起共享温暖与团聚的时光!
A relaxing night with family and friends with fun activities, music, prizes and great food and drink.
- 结合 Cool Britannia 的元素,带大家沉浸式体验 90 年代的繁荣英国文化
Combine Cool Britannia elements to immerse you in the booming British culture of the 90s.
- 每届参与人数超过 200+ 人,中外籍家庭、朋友等的来宾共聚一堂。
Welcomed 200+ guests each year from all works of life, an international gathering of Chinese and families and friends.
- 品牌遍布行业多个领域,包括:教育、餐饮、健康、运动、旅游、金融、房地产等。
Brands cover several industries, including education, F&B, healthcare, sports, tourism, finance, real estate and so forth.

鸡尾酒会 Cocktail Reception

趣味游戏 Fun Games

MADO 现场雪糕互动 MADO Ice Cream

酒水畅饮 Free flow beer, cocktail, whisky and wine

现场乐队表演 Live Band Performance

圣诞颂歌 Christmas Carols

圣诞拉炮游戏 Christmas Cracker Games

Co-Creators 共创伙伴

关于活动 About The Event
圣诞晚宴是广东英国商会的旗舰活动之一。该活动已 5 年成功在广州举办,每届的参与人数超过200+ 人,合作媒体、品牌联动,线上线下曝光 10万+ 。
The Christmas Gala Dinner is one of the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong’s (BritCham Guangdong) flagship events. The event has been held for 5 years in Guangzhou, welcomed 200+ guests each event, co-branding with media partners with 100,000+ online and offline exposure.
Christmas Gala Dinner celebrates British Christmas culture, offering you a relaxing night with family and friends with traditional fun activities, carols, music, prizes and great food and drink, kissing your loved one under the mistletoe. Everyone is welcome.

About The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong
广东英国商会(英商会,www.britchamgd.com)是一个会员制的非政府、非营利组织。英商会成立于 1996 年,是珠三角地区(现为大湾区)最为活跃并最具影响力的商会之一。通过组织活动,提供社交机会、 介绍及推荐,英商会充当着公司及个人之间的桥梁纽带。
The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong (BritCham Guangdong, www.britchamgd.com) is a membership based organisation in China, helping members with business development through events, networking, introductions and referrals. Established in 1996, BritCham is one of the most active and influential Chambers in the PRD (now the GBA) and has offices in both Guangzhou and Shenzhen, with the ability to serve our members across the PRD.
联系我们 Contact Us
如果您有兴趣成为 2022 广东英国商会圣诞晚宴的共创伙伴,请联系我们。
Ms Christy Leung 梁莹
020-8331 5013 ext. 607