自7月份的圆桌会议以来,三角铃一直紧锣密鼓地筹划后续活动,今日,三角铃再下一城,成功协助中新广州知识城邀请了一群来自大湾区的法国企业代表相聚知识城,展开深入的商务考察。此活动是“继往开来 – 中法建交55周年暨中新广州知识城法国年系列活动” 的第二场活动,三角铃在策划期便考虑到知识城的发展需要,特意邀请了来自航空、教育、生物医药、人工智能、新一代信息技术、新能源科技等行业的大湾区法国企业出席活动,务求进一步挖掘与法国企业的潜在合作机会。
Since the Roundtable in July this year, San Jiao Ling (SJL) has been working tirelessly to planning the subsequent events. Today, SJL once again, produced a successful event in which French companies from the GBA got together at CSGKC, participating in a business tour. It is the second event of an event series titled Forge Ahead into the Future – 55th Anniversary of China – France Bilateral And CSGKC French Year Event Series. Considering the needs of CSGKC, SJL invited companies specializing in sectors of Aviation, Education, Biotech & Pharma, Artificial Intelligence, and New Energy & Cleantech to join the tour so that further potential cooperation with French entities could be introduced.

Under the detailed planning of SJL, the delegation visited the breathtaking Fenghuang Lake, IP Center. The delegation, therefore, got to know more about CSGKC’s living and working environment, IP Protection policy.

Then, the delegation went to Ucommune, the co-working space to have a presentation session. During the presentation, Mr. Wang Nan, Assistant Vice-President of the CSGKC Industry Development Department introduced the investment policy of CSGKC, and Mr. Wang Miao, General Manager of CSGKC Industry Operations Department answer the question from the delegation.

Moreover, SJL also arranged a cocktail networking session in which a dynamic atmosphere was met. With that, SJL believes that this event has taken China-France cooperation to the next level.

The event series is not over yet, stay tuned with us!