12月7日, 2018年度第三届粤港澳大湾区创意创新盛典第三场路演——人工智能专场发布会在广州花园酒店顺利落下帷幕,中新广州知识城年度答谢晚宴亦于当晚举办。中新广州知识城投资开发有限公司领导、驻穗各国领事机构,本土及跨国企业有关负责人出席。今年早些时候举办的第一场和第二场路演分别以生物医药和新一代信息技术为主题,汇聚相关行业英才,共同探讨时代前沿的论题。粤港澳大湾区创意创新盛典(DCIC)自2016年发起以来,已经连续三年成功举办。该活动旨在将一批走在创意和创新前沿的企业,推上国际化的舞台,与世界接轨,力争把一个极具创意和创新能力的粤港澳大湾区形象展现在世界的面前。
2018 Delta Creativity & Innovation Celebration (DCIC) Roadshow Three and Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City (SSGKC) Appreciation Gala Dinner took place at LN Garden Hotel on 7 December 2018. The theme of the Roadshow is Artificial Intelligence. Leaders of Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City Investment and Development Co., Ltd Foreign Consulates representatives, as well as both local and international companies, have participated in this forum. DCIC Roadshow One (Biotechnology and Medical) and Two (Next Generation ICT ) were held earlier this year. This event is built for top-tier talents and executives, offering a unique opportunity to reach people with similar interests and engage with cutting-edge topics. Since 2016, the DCIC has been successfully held for three consecutive years. The aim of DCIC is to present a creative and innovative Greater Bay Area (Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Greater Bay Area) to the world.
DCIC is organised by Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City, a joint project between the Guangdong Government and Singapore, and it is produced by San Jiao Ling, a PR and marketing agency based in the Greater Bay Area.
Speakers of the roadshow approached the audience by bringing science and technology closer to life. They showcased the scientific achievement of the team, emphasizing the journey behind the development, the value of the technology and the business potential of the product. The pitches of the day included: urban traffic solution, micro-feature recognition and convenience of household life. The participants were inspired to discuss and find more possibilities for cooperation and development.
At the roadshow, Professor Xu Yong from Sino-Singapore International Joint Research Institute began by looking back to the time the institute signed an agreement to partner with the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City (SSGKC) Administrative Committee, the SSGKC Investment and Development Co. Ltd. and South China University of Technology (SCUT). Next, he systematically introduced the property rights trading platform based on blockchain. He did this via the different perspectives of its characteristics, structure, procedure, functions, and how blockchain benefits the bidding process as well as how it is applied to the system.
It is stated that the number of car purchasing in China is increasing by 10.99% every year and the rate is getting higher, striking cities with great traffic pressure. Xie Lanbin, Technical Director of Dongguan Limart Technology Ltd. pointed out that intelligent traffic is the way out and Smart Parking System acts as an important part of this. Beginning with the huge demand of the Smart Parking System, Xie introduced the sustainable operation model which is technologically based on IoT, Big Data and mobile payment. “The market size for parking in China is more than 500 million, which means the demand for parking is a trillion market,” said Xie. He believes Smart Parking System would have a significant and positive impact on cities, traffic and traffic environment.
Impressing the audience with his introduction of the miraculous relationship between the Milky Way Galaxy and the palm of our hand, Wang Likuan, Chief Innovation Officer & Executive Director of Melux Technology Co., Ltd. discussed the new generation’s micro-feature recognition technology. Wang exposed the disadvantages of facial recognition technology of generation 1 and generation 1.5, highlighting the small number of feature points recognized in faces and the subsequent unreliability and inefficiency, as well as the inadaptability to the changing environment. Through HOR & FVR technology, Airwave technology of Melux Technology Co., Ltd. turns the palms of humans into a unique “QR Code” and is expecting to replace 3C (Cash, Card and Cellular) in the future. This ultra-high-precision-flash-algorithm-centered technology will be widely used in different fields. It will relieve the burden of VIC Card Restoration and will improve the efficiency of government and public administration, which is an important direction for technology development.
How AI can be applied to daily life is in the spotlight and consumers spend the most on kitchen and household gadgets, as the kitchen is the place where hands needs to be freed. Shi Zhongmin, Chairman & CEO of Guangzhou Summba Information & Technology Ltd. showcased their product, the kitchen robot. They then introduced its business mode and the main functions. The core technology utilized by the robot is the world-leading semantic analysis technology, auto-abstract technology and reasoning technology based on a knowledge graph. It also uses automatic speech recognition and response under complicated environment.
Liang Hanqing, CEO of SESTO Robotics Pte Ltd. emphatically introduced Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and Intelligent Mobile Robots (IMRs). SESTO Robotics’ suite of solutions are centered around the AGVs and IMRs, which are designed to automate traditionally intensive labor material-handling processes. Covering tasks such as transporting work-in-progress materials between work stations to movement of bulk materials in warehouses, SESTO AGVs and IMRs have been adopted by industry leaders in the field of semiconductor manufacturing and warehousing.
Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City (SSGKC) Appreciation Gala Dinner was hosted in the evening, starting with a cocktail reception. Chen Changxin, CEO of Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City Investment and Development Co., Ltd gave an opening speech, demonstrating the development and achievement of SSGKC over the last year. Chen emphasized that in April 2018, SSGKC’s status has been elevated to a State-Level Bilateral Cooperation Project. This further validates the governments’ commitment to ensuring the success of SSGKC, who push the collaboration of technology innovation, high-end manufacturing, AI, knowledge property rights protection, smart city building and urban management upgrading.