深圳G公寓位于交通便利的南山中心区,距离来福士广场仅需10 分钟路程,而海岸城购物中心和海上世界等购物和娱乐专区亦近在咫尺。公寓集酒店与服务式公寓于一身,运营风格摩登, 配套设施一应俱全,是商务人士或家庭度假的理想之选。 | Located in the heart of Nanshan District, Residence G Shenzhen is perfectly situated with easy access to business districts as well as shopping and entertainment districts including Coastal City and Window of the World Theme Park. Residence G Shenzhen serves as hotel and serviced apartment with modern design and well-equipped facilities, which makes it an ideal destination for business people and families.
G公寓是Hotels G品牌的延伸,隶属于亚洲酒店管理集团 GCP Hospitality。在硬件设施和整体设计上,深圳G公寓延续了Hotels G品牌一贯的设计美学,为住客打造个性化的精品酒店。G公寓被誉为具有生活态度的艺术公寓,为了给公寓里的住客营造出生活社区的氛围,酒店独具匠心,请来深圳大芬油画村的画家现场制作大堂和走廊的画作,为公寓带来鲜活的生活气息。 | Residence G is the serviced apartment extension of Hotels G brand and is currently under the management of GCP Hospitality. Residence G Shenzhen inherits the aesthetic DNA of Hotels G to build a uniquely-designed home for guests, and is therefore regarded as an lifestyle apartment. Part of the art works at the lobby and corridors were specially commissioned and produced by the artists from Shenzhen Dafen Oil Painting Village.
深圳G公寓拥有178间风格淡雅、设施完备的客房,每间酒店客房和公寓均洋溢着简单优雅的法式风情。客房面积从32 至 174 平方米,包括单人房、一居室、二居室、三居室等多种户型。房内设施集实用性与高科技功能于一身,除了提供高速无线网络外,也周到地安装了智能网络电视系统及电子阅读器供客人享用。部分高层楼层的客房更是配备了手机,方便国际宾客联络。| Residence G Shenzhen features 178 rooms and serviced apartments of various size ranging from 32 square meters to 174 square meters, including studios, 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom to 3-bedroom apartments for short or long stays. The elegantly furnished rooms feature simple French-style design and are equipped with smart TV and electronic reading device. Handy phones are offered in some upper-level rooms for guests. Complimentary high-speed Wi-Fi is available in all rooms and public areas.
深圳G公寓的十楼是全天24小时开放的EnerGy运动健身中心。整层楼层设立了25米长的室内恒温泳池、健身房、多功能室内运动空间、露天烧烤场,还贴心地设立了儿童房及室内游乐场。十一楼是时尚新潮的会所餐厅与酒吧Club House。随着下沉式商业广场的建设完成,住客足不出户即可享受金融服务、特色餐饮配套、休闲娱乐等一体的品质商务生活。 | G Club is spread across the 10th and 11th floors; The 24-hour EnerGy Wellness and Sports Center featuring a 25m indoor heated swimming pool, a gym, a multi-purpose indoor sports court, a yoga studio, a BBQ area from an outdoor terrace, and a Kids Club; The in-vogue fine-dining restaurant and bar Club House featuring European cuisines “ bistrot” style is on the 11th floor. The underground plaza which is part of the complex Residence G belongs to, will be completed soon and offer guests high-quality business, catering and entertainment services.
临近年底,深圳G公寓为客人推出一份无与伦比的秋冬礼遇。逢周末和公共节假日11:00-15:00,客人均可在公寓内部的Club House餐厅享有价格实惠、选择多样的美味早午餐。早午餐还特意为儿童制作菜品,客人可一边享用美食,一边享受周末度假天伦之乐。从11月开始,餐厅增添新鲜生蚝以飨食客,不妨约上三五好友,来一场“蚝”门盛宴,把酒畅谈。凡购买早午餐门票的客人还能获得免费室内恒温泳池门票,饕餮盛宴之后到泳池燃烧卡路里,休闲健身两不误。| Residence G is offering a special treat for the new season. Fantastic brunches at a reasonable price are offered at The Club House every weekend and public holidays, from 11:00 to 15:00. The brunch menu also offers dishes specially designed for children, perfect for families. Starting from December , The ClubHouse will add oysters to its menu, a signature dish that marks the start of winter at Residence G. Guests can get a sumptuous oyster meal with friends and families, or to accompany drinks over Happy Hour. Additionally, pool access is included in the brunch and guests can burn calories after enjoying a good meal.
深圳G公寓极力为入住客人提供丰富的娱乐活动,打造社交平台。从11月15日开始,酒店每周四将举办室外电影放映活动。接下来,G公寓将推出冬日折扣等一系列优惠活动。在住房方面,住客现享有月租八折优惠,价格包含税、水电费及每日早餐,并可免费使用健身设施;餐饮上,Club House推出午间及晚间套餐精选,饮品买一赠一;健身房等休闲娱乐设施也同时享有相应优惠。 | Residence G Shenzhen organizes plenty of activities to provide entertainment and networking opportunities for guests. For example, a series of outdoor movie screening is being held every Thursday from November 15th. A wide range of promotions of accommodation, catering and other services is ongoing to welcome the winter. It includes the 20% discount for monthly rental, which covers tax, bills, daily breakfast and complimentary use of gym facilities. Guests can buy one get one free at the Club House when enjoying the lunch and dinner set menus.
自2017年3月开业以来,深圳G公寓获得业界一致好评,两年间屡获殊荣。2018年,G公寓喜获“广州日报粤商至臻之选”,并获得“2018年度酒店大赏”的三项最佳大奖。总经理Blandine Cressard女士还在“2018年度酒店人大奖”上被评为大中华区最佳酒店经理前三名。 | Since the opening in March 2017, Residence G has been awarded numerous prizes. In 2018, it has been awarded Guangzhou Daily’s Best Choice for Guangdong businessmen and three awards from Metropolitan Hotel Award 2018. General Manager Blandine Cressard was also listed top three finalists of the General Manager Greater China of the Year 2018 by Hotelier Award 2018.
Residence G Shenzhen is managed by GCP Hospitality and is located at
4078 Dongbin Road, Shenzhen, China
WeChat: 深圳G公寓ResidenceG