DB: 请问您认为这次能成功获奖的最重要的原因是什么? What do you think is the most important element that helped you win this award?
I think the most important element is our knowledge. We don’t only do business, we also share our knowledge through our publications of Asia Briefing and China Briefing. We share it with not just our clients but with other companies in general. I think it is an added value to us.
DB: 请问贵公司在日常运营方面是如何与中国欧盟商会友好合作的? How does your company cooperate with the European Chamber South China during the daily operation?
Our company has a long history of cooperation with the European Chamber of Commerce. Firstly, we are a member of the European Chamber of Commerce in China, not just South China but Beijing, Shanghai and the other chapters. Also, our managing founder has been the chairman of South China for the European Chamber for many years. This shows that he believes in this organization and we do as well.
DB: 拥有超过27年运营经历,坐拥全球超过640个办公地点,请问贵公司今后想要在哪方面更深入地发展? With more than 27-year experience and more than 640 offices around the world, which area does your company plan to further develop in the recent future?
Unfortunately, this is not my office, but I think that the answer is mandatory, and the answer is Vietnam. We are investing a lot of energy and attention on Vietnam. It’s also a really important destination of outland investment and the China plus one strategy. We are helping a lot of factories relocate to Vietnam. This doesn’t mean they are leaving China, they are just putting the flag in another country in Asia.
更多关于2019欧洲在华企业杰出贡献奖颁奖典礼资讯请戳:More information about the European Business in China Awards Gala 2019 please click: