- Interviewee’s Name: Didy XIE
- Interviewee’s Title: General Manager, HSBC Electronic Data Processing Guangdong Limited
Would you like to share your strategies about developing your business in China and how do you feel about the Chinese market?
我们的环球营运中心是汇丰集团在中国的重要组成部分,为汇丰集团在世界各地的业务及后勤职能部门提供多语种、高质量的营运支持服务。营运中心在大湾区已经扎根25年,凭借优质服务将 “以客为先”融入到日常营运的方方面面。随着集团的发展重点迁移至亚洲地区,大湾区更是汇丰在中国业务拓展的重点所在。营运中心在集团业务策略实施过程中的战略性地位得以更加凸显。
Our Global Service Centre (also known as HSBC Electronic Data Processing Guangdong Limited) is an essential part of HSBC in China. The centre provides multilingual, high quality operational support services to the Group’s global businesses and functions. With its 25-year history in the Greater Bay Area, the Global Service Centre has integrated a customer-first strategy into every aspect of its daily operations. The Greater Bay Area is the focus of HSBC’s expansion in China as the group’s focus moves to Asia, enhancing the strategic position of the Global Service Centre, a key enabler to delivering the Group’s strategy.
HSBC, an international bank linking China with the world, has been a staunch supporter and active participant of China’s economic development, taking concrete action to enter the market, while supporting China and in opening up new opportunities and cultivating new prospects. As an important function supporting the group, we must also actively cooperate with the business as it develops and grows, while working closely with the technology team and other functions. Our purpose is to create innovative tools and solutions continuously, to meet the needs of our customers – including through faster digital payment, new trading methods and improvements to daily banking services.
In which area your company would like to enhance in the future?
Our main focus is to support the Group’s strategy, foster the localisation of leadership team and expand the global footprint of business service areas, specifically:
- 我们将会专注中心成长,继续与各业务部门紧密联系以实现集团的亚洲增长策略。通过提高客户洞察力来推动商业决策,进一步利用我们的规模以及专业带动更多的合作和业务机遇。
We will focus on our strengths, continue to work closely with all business lines, to achieve the Group’s Asia growth strategy. We will drive commercial decisions by improving customer insight, while leveraging our scale and expertise to drive more collaboration.
- 我们将会加速数字化进程,通过深化与资讯科技部门的合作,为银行客户及业务团队提供更全面的自助服务及直通流程解决方案。并且在自动化运营流程的基础上,提高效率,改善管控,减低风险。
We will digitise at scale, by deepening the partnership with HSBC Technology to provide more comprehensive self-service and straight-through process solutions – and by automating operational processes, improving efficiency, controls and minimising risk.
- 我们将会为成长赋能,成为一个不断成长和抱有学习心态的榜样,为未来所需要的技术作出定义,以迎接未来得挑战。最终成为员工心目中的首选雇主,为员工提供不仅一份工作,更是一份事业。
We will energise for growth, role model a growth and learning mind-set, and define the skillsets of the future to prepare for future challenges – and eventually become an employer of choice, providing our colleagues a career, rather than a job.
- 我们将会向净零排放转型,迈向全面无纸化办公并减少使用塑胶卡片,并通过减少运输快递来达到减少排放,为我们所在社区的环境保护尽一份力量。
We will transition to net-zero, become a paperless office and reduce the use of plastic cards. We will decrease emissions by reducing courier transit trips, and protect the community environment where we operate.
An increasing number of companies and organizations have paid attention to green energy and sustainability, what would be your company’s strengths to compete with them?
We have launched the GSC Climate Action Network to help build awareness and momentum for our climate strategy. The GSC are committed to not only playing our part, but also in helping to lead the banks transition to Net Zero by switching to more sustainable ways of doing business.
我们的目标是通过调整我们的运营和供应链,在2030年或通过减少、替换和消除战略更早实现净零。 其中一个例子,培训绿色计划(Train Green Programme)是营运中心旨在创建可持续家园的旗舰计划,单单去年就培训了400多名儿童,让他们成为可持续发展的拥护者,培训内容包括废物管理、回收和生物多样性。今年8月份启动的培训绿色计划第二期将重点培训6-17岁年龄段的儿童,以继续巩固去年创造的势头。
We aim to become net zero by aligning our operations and supply chain to achieve net zero by 2030, or sooner, via our reduce, replace, and remove strategy. The train green programme (TGP), is a flagship example, and a GSC initiative which aims to create sustainable homes. Last year, the programme trained over 400 children to be sustainability champions, educating them about waste management, recycling and bio diversity. The TGP season two, which launched this month, is focusing on training children between the ages of 6 to 17 to continue building on the momentum created last year.
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