DB:请问是什么鼓舞了贵公司参与这次活动? What motivated you to join this European Business in China Awards?
Zeiss is a German company with a long history of 173 years. We are pioneers of optics. Becoming a member of the European Union means we can share lots of experience with its many members. I also have many friends within the EU Chamber and we very frequently exchange new concepts because we are the operations. We can learn a lot from each other, especially when it comes to management, innovations and technology. Members of the EU tend to be very professional, so we benefit from the interactions we have.
DB: 作为其中一家世界顶级的医疗科技公司,请问在拓展中国市场的过程中,贵公司遇到了怎样的机遇与调整? As one of the world’s leading medical technology companies, what do you think of the opportunities and challenges for you to extend your market in China?
When it comes to the Chinese market, you are either in the Chinese market, or you are out of the whole business. Zeiss China grew last year by 40% because our consumers care for their health and they can afford our products. This year, we’ve reinvested our profits to expand our production capacity. This has been challenging because the consumer is starting to customize. Our production must be very flexible to meet this challenging demand. In China specifically, this demand is higher, so we provide a high technology, customized lenses for our consumers.
DB: 请问可以分享一下贵公司在研究开发新技术上做了怎样的努力吗?以及2019年有什么新的发展目标? Would you like to share what kind of efforts have you put in R&D for innovating new technologies and what are the news goals for 2019?
The Technology and Innovations department is very important for Zeiss technical innovation. We have a team in China and they are very professional and frequently coordinate on projects with Germany. As the team is set up in China, they know the market very well and the response is much faster. We have a very good relationship with Germany GMBH.
更多关于2019欧洲在华企业杰出贡献奖颁奖典礼资讯请戳:More information about the European Business in China Awards Gala 2019 please click: