DB: 请问是什么鼓舞了贵公司参与这次活动? What motivated you to join this European Business in China Awards?
Firstly, we have done a lot within the innovation process. We are not here just because we want an award. More than that, we wanted an external party to evaluate what we are doing well and in which areas we can improve. The most important thing is that we want to get the feedback. Of course, we are pleased to win the award, but we mainly joined to have a third party measure us. We’re really happy and have more motivation to continue striving for better.
DB: 贵公司已经在中国有26个分支办公室,请问可以分享一下公司的经营战略以及您对中国市场的看法吗? Since 26 branches and offices have been set up in China, would you like to share your strategies about developing your business in China and how do you feel about the Chinese market?
I think TUV Rheinland has been in China for over 130 years. We are very good for the European market and we also have very good planning. Now, we are less focused on traditional services and offer new services like cyber securities and explore all the new areas of innovation. We are expanding our services more to cope with the development of the outside world. We want to expand to other countries but at the same time, China is a really big market. We will take more time and put more focus on the local market and will invite experts from round the world to come to China to develop our business. 我认为德国莱茵集团在中国已有130多年的历史了。我们非常擅长对欧洲市场的规划,现在,我们将减少对传统服务业的关注,而增加对网络安全等新型服务的提供和对各新领域的探索。我们也正在拓展我们的服务来应对外部环境的发展。我们想在其他国家继续扩展,但与此同时,中国市场也是巨大的。我们会本地市场增加更多的投入和时间,将来自世界各地的专家邀请到中国来扩展我们的业务。
DB: 请问您认为中国欧盟商会在哪些方面提供了多大程度上的帮助? To what extent and which areas do you think that EU Chamber has helped for your company’s development in China?
I think the EU Chamber has been a very good connection and has given us the chance to meet other customers and share our content. We believe that we have the potential to work together. At the same time, there are lots of activities within the European Chamber, including the award ceremony tonight. By participating, we learn a lot from others. We’re happy and will continue to join the UN. If the European Chamber ever needs us – we’ll be there.
更多关于2019欧洲在华企业杰出贡献奖颁奖典礼资讯请戳:More information about the European Business in China Awards Gala 2019 please click: