第四届集美·阿尔勒摄影季将于2018年11月23日-2019年1月2日在厦门举办。2015年, 集美·阿尔勒国际摄影季由中国摄影艺术家荣荣 (中国第一家专业摄影艺术中心三影堂摄影艺术中心创始人)与世界最重要的摄影节阿尔勒摄影节(法国)总监萨姆·斯道兹联合发起, 经过短短三年, 集美·阿尔勒已经成为了中国摄影爱好者们不容错过的盛会, 迄今已吸引了16万余名观众。(2017年参观人数为6万)。2018年1月, 在法国总统马克龙对中国进行第一次国事访问期间, 他提到集美·阿尔勒摄影季是中法文化合作的典范。
The fourth Jimei × Arles International Photo Festival will take place in Xiamen from 23rd November 2018 to 2nd January 2019. Co-created in 2015 by pioneer Chinese photographer RongRong (founder of China’s first ever photography museum Three Shadows Photography Art Centre) and Sam Stourdzé, the director of the world’s most important international photo festival, Rencontres d’Arles (France), Jimei × Arles has grown to become an unmissable event for photo lovers in China in just three years, attracting more than 160, 000 visitors (60, 000 in 2017). During his first official visit to China in January 2018, French President Emmanuel Macron recognized Jimei × Arles festival as a unique example of Sino-French cultural cooperation.

集美·阿尔勒国际摄影季由三影堂摄影艺术中心和厦门市天下集美文广传媒有限公司联合主办。门艺文化公司负责摄影季执行出品, 其创始人黎静和零零受邀担任摄影季艺术总监。今年, 摄影季将会展出30场展览, 呈现来自美国, 法国, 瑞士, 波兰, 土耳其, 韩国, 斯洛文尼亚以及中国的70多位艺术家的作品。
Co-produced by Three Shadows Photography Art Centre and Xiamen’s Jimei District – Tianxia Jimei Media, the festival’s art direction is ensured by Bérénice Angremy and Victoria Jonathan, co-founders of cross-border art agency Doors 门艺. This year, the festival will boast 30 exhibitions and feature the work of 70 artists from the United States, France, Switzerland, Poland, Turkey, South Korea, Slovenia, and of course China.
Jimei × Arles International Photo Festival, Xiamen
23rd November 2018 – 2th January 2019
11月10日起, 三影堂厦门摄影艺术中心、瞐美术馆、在艺开始售票, 29元(单馆票), 69元(三馆通票)。 早鸟票(11月10日-20日), 学生和团体票:20元(单馆票), 50元(三馆通票)。 纸质票可在11月23日后进行兑票,参观者可现场购票。
Tickets can be purchased from Three Shadows, More Art Museum, Zai Art online platforms and physical venues. Ticket price: 29 RMB (1 site) and 69 RMB (3 sites). Early bird (10-20 November), student and group tickets: 20 RMB (1 site) and 50 RMB (3 sites).