As one of the series of events of the 7th Franco-Chinese Month of the Environment, exhibition “Naturalia: Chronicle of Contemporary Ruins” will come to audiences in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
During his explorations, Jonk goes to where Mother Nature fights against architecture, and sees the reflection of that fight. In the process of making “Naturalia”, this former graphic artist turned into a passionate photographer and explored abandoned places all over the world with one idea in mind: the reappropriation by Nature of places created by Man. Immortalized moments when time seems to have stood still and nature takes back its rights. According to him, it is poetic, almost magical, to see this Nature takes back what has been his; reintegrated by broken windows, cracks, spaces built by man and then abandoned, until they were completely swallowed up. This theme was imposed on him naturally due to the ecological awareness that has animated him from an early age and the strength of the message he carries: the question of man’s place on Earth, and his relationship with nature. In his photographs, the grain of which remains of rare richness, Jonk erases himself to leave plenty of room for the observer to reflect.
Jonk,原名Jonathan Jimenez,法国摄影师,1985年在巴黎出生。19岁那年的第一次独自旅行,让他从此迷上了旅行和城市艺术。这两项爱好随后引领了他的创作方向,对他的作品产生了深远影响。迄今为止,Jonk的足迹踏遍四大洲五十多个国家的一千五百多个废弃之地,记录自然在此重生的场景。他的作品登上许多知名出版物,如德国《明镜周刊》、意大利《晚邮报》、法国《世界报》和《电视周刊》、美国《国家地理杂志》和《纽约邮报》等。他参加了世界各地的许多群展,并在巴黎多次举办个展。
Jonk, aka Jonathan Jimenez, is a French photographer born in 1985 in Paris. He made his first solo trip, at 19, to Barcelona. This trip to Barcelona changed his life and he returned with two passions: travel and urban art. These two passions will therefore guide his work and will have a massive impact on his works. Today, he has visited more than 1,500 abandoned places in some 50 countries on four continents. His work has been presented in the most prestigious publications (Der Spiegel, Corriere della Sera, Le Monde, Télérama, National Geographic, New York Post …) and at exhibitions around the world (Paris, London, Lisbon, Rome, Athens, Budapest, Moscow, Seoul, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Palm Springs, New York…).
Exhibition “Naturalia: Chronicle of Contemporary Ruins”
广州 | Guangzhou
10:00AM to 09:00PM
15th November to 15th December
Kingold Century
NO.62 Jinsui Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou
深圳 | Shenzhen
Gallery, till 09:00PM, Weekends
Sea World Culture and Arts Centre
NO.1187 Wanghai Road, Shekou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen