上学帮CEO凌可仁分享 | Mr. Ling Keren, CEO of SXKid

“百年公学,塔尖教育”——广州斐特思公学发布 “创校奖学金计划” | Fettes College Guangzhou Announces FCG Founding Scholarship
英国驻广州领事馆总监Sharon | Ms. Sharon representing the Consulate General of the UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Guangzhou
广州斐特思公学全球精英教育天团:广州斐特思公学中方校长李家瑞博士、广州斐特思公学小学校长Thomas Hughes、广州斐特思公学幼儿园中方园长程理(从左至右) | Fettes College Guangzhou leadership team: Dr. Jiarui Li, Chinese Head, Thomas Hughes, Head of Primary School, and Cheng Li, Chinese principal of Fettes College Guangzhou Kindergarten (from left to right).