Macau, April 19th, 2021 – The France Macau Chamber of Commerce (FMCC) 2021 Charity Gala Dinner, will be themed “A Night at the Museum” , and will be held at MGM Macau on May 28th. The chamber is excited to renew its support for a third year to Macao Fok Sin Association (MFS), for their project “Visit the Elderly” which organizes personal visits and hand useful gifts to unprivileged groups of local elderly with low mobility, who lack emotional and financial support and miss out on having caring family members.
2021年4月19日,澳門本地訊-法國澳門工商會(下稱FMCC)將於 2021年5月28日於澳門美高梅大宴會廳舉行“博物館奇妙之夜”主題慈善晚宴,第三年支持澳門福善會(下稱MFS)開展“探訪長者”項目。該項目組織志願者上門探訪,向行動不便和缺乏家人照顧的本地弱勢長者送贈生活物資,為其提供精神和經濟上的支持。
In recent years, FMCC raised funds to benefit numerous Macanese charity organizations, with aim to support the local community in different ways. During the previous Charity Gala Dinner, thanks to the generous donations of guests and sponsors, FMCC raised 70,000 MOP to support MFS’ “Visit the Elderly” project. In 2019, FMCC members joined hands with MFS for visits over 4 days to underprivileged elderly households, in the social housing complex of Ilha Verde district and Coloane. The group of volunteers distributed gift packages to more than 200 elderly households. Each kit contained a FMCC customized blanket, organic rice, cooking oil, soya sauce, noodles, oatmeal.
After the successful experience in 2019, FMCC decided to renew their support to MFS for a third time, to continue to bring warmness and care for the unprivileged elderly. FMCC expects to raise a remarkable amount again this year through sales of raffle tickets where fantastic prizes can be won. We would like to thank the individuals and companies who continually support this yearly event through valuable sponsorship, donations and time.
About the Beneficiary Organization: Macao Fok Sin Association (MFS)
The France Macau Chamber of Commerce (FMCC) is a non-profit organization founded in 2008 with the support of the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM), and the Consul General of France in Hong Kong and Macau. FMCC animates its network of members by organizing various types of events, annual charity gala dinner, seminars, breakfast presentation meetings, business luncheons and interesting tours and company visits, allowing its members to meet companies and individuals to exchange information, and create connections to foster synergies and develop business opportunities. FMCC activities are continuously evolving to offer its French and non-French members valuable benefits to connect, share and grow. FMCC is managed on a voluntary basis by a group of business leaders and chaired by Mr. Rutger Verschuren.
法國澳門工商會(FMCC)是一非牟利組織,成立於2008年,並獲得澳門貿易投資促進局(IPIM)以及法國駐香港和澳門總領事的支持。本會通過組織各種類型活動,包括年度慈善晚宴、研討會、早餐會、商務午餐會和有趣的參觀及公司訪問,使其會員能夠與企業和各界人士交流,建立聯繫以促進合作,開發商機。FMCC的活動不斷發展,為法藉和非法藉會員建立寶貴溝通渠道,共享資訊、共同成長。 FMCC由一眾企業領導者自願管理,現由溫誠睿先生 (Rutger Verschuren) 擔任主席。
Contact 聯絡人:
Sébastien Mariojouls 施柏安
Office Manager
T: +853 6803 0673
E: info@francemacau.com