2019 年新冠疫情以来,女性勇敢地站在危机第一线,“她力量”在帮助世界从新冠疫情中重启里发挥着不可替代的重要作用。数据显示,全球范围内,女性占到全球医疗卫生工作者的 70% 以上,活跃在抗疫一线。她们,用细致和温柔,治愈着遭受重创的世界。
During the COVID-19 epidemic in 2019, women bravely stood on the front line of the crisis, and “women power” played an irreplaceable and important role in helping the world reboot. Statistics show that women account for more than 70% of global medical and health workers, and they are active on the front line of the fight against the epidemic globally. They heal the severely damaged world with meticulousness and gentleness.
2021 艾问全球创始人·女性力量榜单 100 强的研究显示,随着经济的发展和观念的提升,女性在职场上的重要性逐渐凸显,发挥着榜样的力量。女性创业者群体整体呈现数量逐年递增趋势变化明显;性别标签影响逐渐减弱;从事行业愈发多元化的趋势。科技的发展及政策的不断利好,随着行业整体的不断发展,涌现出越来越多的优秀女创始人,其中,科技、医疗健康、金融、零售电商等行业较为典型。
The iASK Global Founders Summit ·Top 100 Women List 2021 research shows that with the development of the economy and the expansion of current thinking, the importance of women in the workplace has become ever more pronounced – as women increasingly play the role of role models. The number of female entrepreneurs as a whole shows a trend of increasing year by year. The change is obvious; the influence of gender labels is gradually weakening; and industry is becoming increasingly diversified.
The theme of International Women’s Day in 2021 is #ChooseToChallenge, which means is to challenginge gender inequality, break ing the stereotypes of women’s behavior and abilities, and increasing social tolerance.
为了更好地挑战未知、砥砺前行,广东英国商会邀请您参加我们的年度旗舰活动—— 2021 杰出商业女性论坛。活动将于 2021 年 5 月 21 日在深圳举行,现场将邀请 4 位来自不同领域的主题演讲嘉宾,为大家分享各自的观点与故事。
In order to better choose to challenge and forge ahead, BritCham Guangdong cordially invites you to join our flagship event – Women in Business Forum 2021, which will be held on 21st May 2021 in Shenzhen. Four VIP keynote speech speakers from different fields will be invited to share their insights and stories.
A Chance to Get Free Ticket
with Your Understanding on
欢迎在本推文的评论区里与我们分享您对“选择挑战”的理解,您的评论也许可以启发更多女性一起挑战未知,砥砺前行。经过筛选的五条优秀留言,我们将各送出 2021 杰出商业女性论坛的免费论坛门票一张。评论的截止时间为 2021 年 5 月 18 日。
You are welcome to share your understanding on #Choose To Challengewith us, which may inspire more women to challenge the unknown and move forward. Comments will be selected by the British Chamber of Commerce in Guangdong after screening. The five selected contributors will receive a free forum ticket for Women in Business Forum 2021. The deadline for comment is 18 May, 2021.
Why Join?
- 大湾区最具影响力、国际化程度最高、历史最悠久的商业女性论坛之一
- 汇聚中外知名与先锋企业品牌,打造国际化高端女性社群
- 链接 200+ 来自大湾区的中外企业高管、创业家、外交官、政府机构及主流媒体代表
- 近距离接触 4 位重量级女性演讲嘉宾及 50+ VIP 商业女性,感受榜样的力量与激励
- 覆盖教育、咨询、房地产、金融、法律、科技等超过 20+ 行业
- 活动当晚小规模高端晚宴,与高端女性群体深度链接
- 国际及本土知名企业及先锋品牌齐亮相,助力打造大湾区国际化女性盛会
- One of the most influential and internationalized businesswomen’s forums in the Greater Bay Area – and one with the longest history
- A gathering of well-known and pioneering enterprises in China and overseas
- Links over 200 Chinese and foreign corporate executives, entrepreneurs, diplomats, government agencies and mainstream media representatives from across the Greater Bay Area
- The chance to contact 4 outstanding female speakers and over 50 VIP businesswomen
- It covers more than 20 industries such as education, consulting, real estate, finance, law, technology and so forth
- An opportunity to attend a personalized high-end dinner to create deep links with elite female groups
- Well-known brands from both home and abroad and leading enterprises will participate in this forum, making this event an international female gathering in the GBA
2021 杰出商业女性论坛嘉宾阵容!
The lineup of
Women in Business Forum 2021!
Keynote Speakers
邓懿君(Tammy Tang)
邓懿君(Tammy Tang)是广东中山人,她是典型的水瓶座,喜欢思考,是一位充满正能量和生活激情的人。
Tammy (Deng Yijun) is from Zhongshan, Guangdong. She is a typical Aquarius who spends a lot of time deep in thought, and is full of positive passion for life.
邓懿君(Tammy Tang)于 1997 年来到广州,接手了家族的房地产生意。此间,辗转于北京、上海、沈阳等地。她是个不安于现状的人,始终在不断尝试,她做过职业培训,开过公司,有过失落,也有过梦想照进现实的时候。
She came to Guangzhou in 1997 and took over her family’s real estate business. During this time, she moved between Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang and other places. Never complacent with the status quo, she is always trying new things; she has done vocational training, started a company, experienced failure, and had a dream turn into reality.
为了寻求更好的发展,她于 2006 年开始加入国际房地产咨询行业。在这 15 年中,她从一名初级经纪人逐渐晋升为国际咨询公司总裁,现管理着 14 家分公司和近 3000 名员工,创造了许多个行业第一。同时作为行业唯一一位女性领导者,她的许多员工、客户把 Tammy 视为榜样,成为她的忠实粉丝,也喜欢告诉她们关于自已的成功故事。
In search of improvement, she began her career in the international real estate consulting industry in 2006. In the 15 years since, she has progressed from a junior broker to president of an international consulting firm, where she now manages 14 offices and nearly 3,000 employees. She has created many industry firsts here. As the only female leader in the industry, many of her employees and clients look up to her as a role model and have become her loyal fans. She loves sharing her success stories with them to inspire them on their own success journey.
事业之外,邓懿君(Tammy Tang)在家庭、孩子和繁忙的工作生活之间取得平衡。同时她对自已的身体管理非常严格,自律和自信给她带来勇气和力量。拥有一个健康美丽的体魄,美好而强大的灵魂,成为一个活出自己理想的人。
Outside of her career, she balances life with her family, children and work. She is also strict with herself to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Tammy says her discipline and self-confidence give her the strength she needs to achieve her ideal life, both in and out of the office.
Beth Jones
Beth 于 2016 年加入爱莎国际教育集团旗下第一所学校——爱莎天河外籍人员子女学校,担任幼儿园和小学校长。她曾在英国幼儿园和小学、希腊的英领馆学校以及俄罗斯首都莫斯科的英式学校任职,拥有 30 年教学经验,目前也是国际学者信托基金(IST)的顾问。
Beth joined ISA Tianhe International school in 2016 and helped to establish the first of our ISA schools in her role as Head of Primary and Early Years. Beth brings 30 years’ experience in Primary and Early Years schools in the UK. She is also an advisor to the International Scholastic Trust (IST Singapore).
Beth 拥有英国埃克塞特大学的英国文学和戏剧艺术荣誉学士学位,以及英国文学专业的研究生文凭。此外,她也是一名注册幼儿英语教学培训师,以及 Lexus 教育的校友,拥有 IB PYP 领导力和教学法培训经历。
Beth has a BA Hons in English Literature and Theatre Arts from the University of Exeter UK, and a PG Dip in English Literature. She is a registered Teacher Trainer for Teaching English to young children and a Lexus education alumni. She has trained in IB PYP Leadership and Pedagogical Leadership.
作为一名母亲,Beth 养育了三位优秀且精通双语(英语和希腊语)的女儿,从事国际教育的经历也使得她在养育孩子方面有着独特的见解和一番热情。
Beth has three bilingual daughters and as most of her teaching career has been in international schools, this is a particular focus and passion for her.
Beth 的先生来自希腊,每逢假期,夫妻二人喜欢在希腊享受当地美食,感受当地的风土人情与自然环境,他们共同养育的三个女儿兴趣各异:大女儿是一名艺术家,擅长大理石雕刻;二女儿是一名演员,热衷于意大利文艺复兴艺术,尤其是莎士比亚;小女儿则专注于政治学领域。
Beth’s husband is Greek, and they spend their holidays enjoying the Greek food, culture and climate. Their three daughters have diverse interests, the eldest is an artist, specializing in marble sculpture, the middle daughter is an actress with a particular passion for Shakespeare, and the youngest is focusing on Politics.
Beth 现任爱莎国际教育集团市场与传讯总监一职。她非常享受这份工作,因为这使得她有机会能够与集团旗下所有学校的领导团队、教师和学生们接触,为促进国际教育和儿童发展贡献更多力量。
Beth is currently Director of Marketing and Communications for ISA International Education Group, a role she thoroughly enjoys as she is able to engage with teachers, leaders and children across the whole school group, advising on all aspects of education and child development.
梁睿(Grace Liang)
梁睿(Grace)成长于广州—— 一座既有开放思维,同时也最大程度地继承了中国传统思想的城市。作为“独孩政策”实施的第一代,她深深感受到来自原生家庭的纠结与超高的期待。
Grace was born in Guangzhou, a city combining openness and tradition. As one of the first generation of the “One-Child” policy, she was deeply influenced by the dilemma on her parents in this situation and their high expectations for their only child.
She was fortunate to meet some female role models that she admired, Thanks to their influence, Grace has been certain since an early age what she wants to be and what she had to conquer to get there.
梁睿(Grace)自大学毕业后,选择加入品牌传播行业。这个职业选择意味着她需要克服很多自身的挑战。但她相信,挑战就像游戏里的 boss,只有不断闯关,人才能成长为有力量的人。
After graduation from the Sun Yat-Sen University, Grace chose to join the communication industry. She had to face a number of challenges. But she believes there’s no growth if there is no challenge.
In fighting those challenges, she has grown to become not only an expert in branding and communication strategy, but also the person she loves to be and who has the power of giving back to her family, influencing and helping people in need.
Juliane Hitzel
何友娜(Juliane Hitzel)出生于德国,从小好奇心强且喜欢专研,曾因高中时期在世界名校哥廷根大学做科学交流活动,对生物产生了浓厚的兴趣。大学时友娜选择了生物化学专业,开始走上了生物领域的研究之路,至今一直从事生物科研与衰老相关研究。
He Youna was born in Germany. She was always full of strong curiosity and liked to study since she was a child. She had a keen interest in biology because she did scientific exchange activity at the world-renowned University of Göttingen in high school. When she was in college, Youna chose the major of biochemistry and began to embark on the path of research in the field of biology. So far, she has been engaged in biological and aging-related research.
何友娜(Juliane Hitzel)的科研之路一直充满挑战,但他一直满怀信心坚持自我,最终成功在国际顶级期刊《Nature Communications》上发表了关于线粒体医学心血管疾病研究的论文。
He Youna’s scientific research experience has been full of challenges, but she has always been confident and persevering in herself, and finally succeeded in publishing a thesis on mitochondrial medical cardiovascular disease research in the top international journal “Nature Communications”.
为找到更好的科研环境和发展机会,友娜来到中国并就职于美国前沿的细胞线粒体抗衰品牌 CELFULL 在中国的线粒体医学研究院,担任高级研究员,从事线粒体抗衰老研究相关工作。凭借过硬的科研实力,在 2020 年她作为天猫国际官方科学顾问参与编撰《NMN品类发展白皮书》。
In order to find a better scientific research environment and opportunities, Youna came to China and worked for a Mitochondrial Medicine Institute which subordinate to CELFULL, a cutting-edge cellular mitochondrial anti-aging brand in the United States as a senior researcher and engaged in mitochondrial anti-aging research. With strong scientific research ability, she participated in the compilation of the “NMN Category Development White Paper” as the official scientific consultant of Tmall Global in 2020.
何友娜(Juliane Hitzel)拥有法兰克福大学生物化学博士学位,和她的中国丈夫育有一个 1 岁的中德混血宝宝。
He Youna holds a doctorate in biochemistry in the University of Frankfurt and has a 1-year-old son. She has a 1-year-old son with her Chinese husband.
Special Guest
贺颂雅自 2019 年 7 月正式就任英国驻广州总领事。代表英国政府参与华南六省的交流合作事务,包括广东、广西、湖南、福建、江西和海南。
Jo took up her position as British Consul-General Guangzhou in July 2019. She leads the British Government’s engagement in the provinces of South China: Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hunan and Jiangxi.
贺颂雅在英国政府供职近 20 年。她曾担任英国驻香港总领事馆国际贸易部总监。在此之前,贺女士曾任国务大臣秘书,也曾派驻英国驻欧盟代表团工作。除了在英国外交与联邦事务部和国际贸易部的工作经历,她也曾分别在内阁办公室、教育部任职,专注于公共服务的提升和现代化。
Jo has worked for the British government for nearly 20 years. She was Director of International Trade and Investment at the British Consulate General in Hong Kong. She has previously served as Private Secretary to a Minister of State and completed two postings at the UK Representation to the European Union. In addition to working for the Foreign Office and Department for International Trade, she has worked at the Cabinet Office and Department for Education in roles focused on improving and modernising public services.
Outside of work, Jo is a keen sports enthusiast. A world-record holding skydiver, Jo had to retire from the British Parachuting Team to come to work in Asia. She’s also a keen marathon runner and football fan.
#Choose to Challenge for Jo is about accelerating gender equality. We all need to challenge inequality where we see it to bring about a fairer society for everyone.
李娜(Lena Gidwani)出生于新加坡,是个“集四种文化于一身的孩子”,她的成长经历遍布多个国家,并在 2002 年移居广州。在过去的 20 年中,她一直从事国际教育、酒店管理和市场传播的工作。同时,她也是中国唯一的国家社区和家庭英语出版物《城市家》杂志的创始主编。
A ‘fourth culture child’ who was born in Singapore and grew up in several countries before moving to Guangzhou in 2002, Lena has worked in international education, hospitality, and marketing communications for the last 20 years. She is also the Founding Editor-in-Chief of Urban Family Magazine, China’s only national community and family English language publication.
李娜(Lena Gidwani)的成长环境被一群坚强而怀揣热诚的女性所环绕,这些女性极大地影响了她对性别平等的思考,使她相信女性是有能力催化变革的,而孩子则代表着能推动性别平等变革的巨大动力。
Lena grew up with strong, passionate women who greatly influenced her thoughts about gender equality, making her believe that women are truly capable of catalyzing change, and that children represent a tremendous engine for transformational change towards gender equality.
她始终坚信终身学习才是正确的道路。她拥有悉尼科技大学的商务学士学位,南昆士兰大学的市场营销和公共关系硕士学位,桑德兰大学的初等教育文凭和 PGCE 教育学位,哈佛大学学校管理与领导力的证书,哥伦比亚大学颁发的特殊教育需求和残疾 PGC 和大学咨询的证书。
Lena is passionate about lifelong learning. She has an undergraduate degree in Business from the University of Technology Sydney, a Master’s degree in Marketing and PR from the University of Southern Queensland, a Diploma in Primary Education and a PGCE in Education from the University of Sunderland, a certificate in School Management & Leadership from Harvard University, a PGC in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and a Certificate in College Advising from Columbia University.
李娜(Lena Gidwani)有一个 10 岁的儿子和一个 8 岁的女儿,他们都在 CIS 上学。
Lena has a son aged 10 and a daughter aged 8, who both attend CIS.
报名 2021 年 5 月 21 日英商会杰出商业女性论坛,您将有机会到现场,近距离接触 4 位重量级女性演讲嘉宾及 50+ VIP 商业女性,感受榜样的力量与激励!
Register now for BritCham Guangdong’s “Women in Business Forum” which will be held on Friday 21st May 2021! Come and listen to their stories – a chance to connect with four outstanding female speakers and over 50 VIP businesswomen.
Event Details
日期&时间:2021 年 5 月 21 日(周五)
Date & Time: Friday, 21st May, 2021
(Forum: 13:00-17:30, Dinner: 18:30-21:00)
地点:深圳市南山区望海路 1177 号蛇口希尔顿南海酒店二楼招商堂宴会厅 I-IV
Venue: China Merchants Hall I-IV, 2F, Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai, No.1177 Wanghai Road, Nanahsn District, Shenzhen
形式:女性论坛 + VIP 晚宴
Form: Forum & VIP Dinner
来宾:200+ 商业人士+重量级嘉宾
Participant: Over 200 Business Professionals + VIPs
Language: English and Chinese (Simultaneous Interpretation Provided)
Dress Code: Business Smart
Ticket Information
Please read the notice below carefully before your registration.
1. 论坛票、晚宴票需要分开单独购买。由于本次活动席位有限,部分行业采取定向邀约制度,仅对公众开放珍贵的 80 个席位,分批审核通过,敬请谅解!
1. Forum Ticket and Dinner Ticket need to be applied separately. Due to limited seats, entry to the event is only offered via invitation in some sectors. 80 seats will be open for the public to apply. Tickets will be offered after approval.
2. 我们会审核每一位来宾的报名申请,申请会影响审核结果,请您认真填写。我们完成审核后,购票平台会以邮件/短信的形式通知您,请注意查收并在 48 小时内点击通知中的链接进行付款。
2. Please fill in your application carefully as the result will depend on that. If your application is approved, you will receive an email. Remember to click the payment link and finish the payment within 48 hours.
3. 本次活动不退款,请在报名前确认您能出席活动以避免不必要的损失。
3. Refund is not acceptable at this event, please confirm your participation before registration to avoid unnecessary cost.
4. 如有任何咨询,请联系 Lynn 时小姐 events@britchamgd.com 或者致电 020-83315013 转 602 。
4. For any enquiries, please contact Ms Lynn Shi via events@britchamgd.com or call 020-83315013 ext. 602.
我们诚邀社会各界女性到场参加 2021 杰出商业女性论坛;同样的,我们也欢迎男性参加活动。我们相信不同性别下的交流将会碰撞出更有意义的火花,我们也希望女性在追求自我的发展中,能获得男性更好的理解与支持。我们希望这个活动可以助力职场女性在不同的人生阶段挑战自我,打破标准、撕掉定义、知晓方向、勇敢向前,成为更好的自己。
We sincerely invite women from all walks of life to attend the Women in Business Forum 2021. Similarly, we welcome men to participate in this event too. We believe that communication between the genders will produce more meaningful dialogue. We also hope that women are able to get a better understanding and support from men in their pursuit of self-development. We hope that this event can help businesswomen choose to challenge at different stages of life. Female role models who dare to break through and challenge themselves – they break the standards, tear down the stereotypes, are clear of their direction, move forward without fear and become better versions of themselves.
Gender is never the borderline, yet prejudice is.
Challenge to the unknown and define your own future.
2021 年 5 月 21 日,期待与您相见。
We look forward to seeing you on 21 May, 2021!
Thanks for the great support from our Co-creators!
Diamond Sponsor
作为英国设计师同名品牌, AJOY SAHU 于 2016 年进入中国市场,在定位客单价千元以上的轻奢鞋履品牌市场中,仅一年便成为天猫国际 TOP1 鞋履品牌。AJOY SAHU 的鞋品都具有强烈辨识度的的罂粟花印记,并把舒适科技与时尚穿着、华丽面料与功能结构,颠覆鞋业界的传统。
As AJOY SAHU established his own assessable luxury footwear brand, and entered the China Market in 2016, AJOY SAHU immediately became the TOP1 footwears brand in Tmall International. AJOU SAHU presents a collection of exquisitely hand-made delicacies blending divine materials to create footwear of unparalleled comfort and elegance with the famous stylized POPPY’ construction.
CELFULL®(中译:赛立复)是 PURESSENCE(美国纯菁)旗下品牌,2001 年创立于美国,是由一支强大的生物医学博士带领的技术团队历时 20 余年打造的、专注于细胞线粒体抗衰的品牌,致力于运用线粒体医学研究改善每个生命阶段的健康状况,探索、开发和生产有益健康的产品与服务,并致力于设定品质、安全和价值标准。
CELFULL is a brand of PURESSENCE. It was founded in the United States in 2001 and has been built over 20 years by a strong team led by biomedicine doctors, focusing on anti-aging of cellular mitochondrial. The brand is committed to improving the health of each life stage through medical research of mitochondrial, exploring, developing and producing products and services that are beneficial to health, and is committed to setting quality, safety and value standards.
BRAND BY MEI 由 MEI 和 SUMMER 姐妹创立。凭借天赋和学习,以极致的裁剪,优雅的设计,牢牢地赢得了一批职场精英的心。BRAND BY MEI 的时装以彰显成熟的优雅、强烈的线条感、尊贵的风格而著称。BRAND BY MEI 的客户 80% 为精英女性,包含企业家、高管、律师、金融从业者、 新闻主播、华人华侨等。BRAND BY MEI 计划在 2021 年内上线天猫旗舰店,并在 5 年内,在一二线城市开启线下体验店。
With talent and the will to learn, Brand by Mei has attracted a group of professional elites by the elegant design and the ultimate tailoring. BRAND BY MEI was founded by sisters MEI and SUMMER. BRAND BY MEI’s fashion is famous for showing mature elegance, strong sense of lines, and noble style. 80% of clients from Brand By Mei are elite women, including entrepreneurs, executives, lawyers, financial professionals, news anchors, and Chinese who based in overseas. BRAND BY MEI plans to launch its flagship store on Tmall in 2021 and to open offline experience stores in first and second-tier cities within 5 years.
Gold Sponsor
Ruder Finn
罗德传播集团是全球最大的独立的公关公司之一,罗德广州是华南地区规模最大的国际传播公司。在全球咨询顾问公司R3 胜三发布的《2019 中国公关营销趋势研究》中,罗德的“实际表现”名列行业第一,这意味着我们致力于通过为客户提供整合营销传播策略与执行服务,助力客户实现品效合一的提升。
Ruder Finn is now one of the world’s largest independent PR agencies, and our Guangzhou office is the largest international communications agency in South China. In the 2019 China PR and Marketing Trends Study by global consultancy R3, Ruder Finn was ranked No. 1 in the industry for “performance on the ground”, which means we are committed to helping our clients achieve effective results by providing them with integrated marketing communications strategies and execution services.
ISA International Education Group
爱莎国际教育集团以香港为资源整合地,联合新加坡 UWCSEA(东南亚联合世界学院)、英国哈罗公学、澳洲卫斯理学院、香港英基、汉基等多所世界顶级名校的高管团队及国际教育中长期基金,以IB课程为核心框架,融合中国文化和多国母语,创建代表全球精英教育行业新标准的领导品牌“ISA-爱莎”,致力于发展成为亚太地区新式国际教育的标杆。
The ISA International Education Group uses Hong Kong as a resource-integration location and collaborates with Singapore’s UWCSEA (United World College of Southeast Asia), Harrow School of the United Kingdom, Wesleyan College of Australia, Hong Kong English Foundation, Hanji, and many other world-class senior management teams and international education institutions and long-term funds. With the IB curriculum as the core framework, the ISAIEG integrates Chinese culture and international mother tongues, creating a leading “ISA” brand that represents a new standard in the global elite education industry, and is committed to becoming a benchmark for the new international education in the Asia-Pacific region.
Interaction Experience
AJOY SAHU(艾珈莎琥)、BRAND BY MEI、CELFULL(赛立复)、罗德传播集团及爱莎国际教育集团将作为大会的赞助商精彩亮相,助力职场女性挑战自我。他们有的作为演讲嘉宾与大家分享自己成长路上不断选择挑战、突破自我,最终成为行业先锋的心路历程。有的在现场设置摊位,覆盖职场女性所需要的时尚休闲、健康生活、品牌打造、家庭教育等。我们希望这些摊位可以助力职场女性在不同的人生阶段挑战自我,成为更好的自己。
AJOY SAHU, BRAND BY MEI, CELFULL, Ruder Finn and ISA International Education Group will be the sponsors of Women in Business Forum 2021 to help women choose to challenge. Some of them are speakers, sharing their stories on how they constantly rose to challenges in their life journeys, making breakthroughs, and finally becoming pioneers in their own industries. On the day some will operate booths will display fashion, health, branding, education, etc. that needed by businesswomen. We hope that these booths can help businesswomen choose to challenge at different stages of their lives and become better versions of themselves.
AJOY SAHU(艾珈莎琥)巧妙地以装置艺术、自然、简约的概念将最具品牌辨识度的虞美人元素呈现到极致。品牌的使命感是为精英职场女性创造更多赋有价值感的轻奢产品,将舒适科技与时尚穿着,华丽面料与功能结构无缝结合。
As an affordable luxury brand from England, AJOY SAHU (艾珈莎琥) ingeniously presents the famous stylized ‘POPPY’ construction with the concept of installation art, nature and simplicity. Compared with the fast fashion, we propose more fashionable but classic, exquisite but wearable, and easy-matching products for Elite women.
凭礼品袋里的品牌宣传卡到 AJOY SAHU (艾珈莎琥)的艺术展位,即可获得价值 ¥1199 的王凯同款虞美人镀金胸针。胸针呈现虞美人最自然的曼妙轮廓,并用黄铜的硬朗去呈现花瓣的美态,刚柔并济,完美诠释女性的力量。
Welcome to AJOY SAHU (艾珈莎琥)’s booth and get a poppy brooch worth ¥1199 with the brand leaflet in the gift bag. Poppy brooches are beautifully made by the brass and presented by a graceful body which is uncanny workmanship of nature.
BRAND BY MEI 的构思与“商业女性论坛”精英人群 “精致,优雅,职场”的画像所契合,以 5 个模特,用点、线、面的方式去诠释 BRAND BY MEI 的与众不同与精致。
The concept of Brand BY Mei is in line with the portrait of “delicate, elegant and professional” of the elite group of “Business Women Forum”. There are five models who are presented the difference and delicacy of Brand BY Mei in the way of point, line and surface.
基础款为“点”以极致的剪裁,传递 “少既是多,版型为王”的设计理念;时尚款为“线”传递 “源于经典,高于经典”的设计理念;优雅为“面”传递“源于通勤,致力优雅”的理念。
The basic styles are the “point”with the ultimate tailoring, delivering the design concept of “less is more, version is king”; The fashion styles are the “line” which is based “from the classic, higher than the classic” design concept; The Elegant styles are the “surface” to convey the concept of “from commuting, committed to elegance”.
赛立复 NADH 抗糖急救面膜是美国赛立复品牌旗下 Celfemale 美妆系列的王牌产品,采用 NADH 透皮醇质体专利技术(专利号:ZL201810979315.3)与 4 大天然植物精粹,通过 TurnA 专利保留天然活性结构,助力繁忙工作之中的职场女性,迅速恢复肌肤状态的一款抗糖急救面膜,实现祛黄、亮白、补水一步到位,享受 SPA 级护理修复,重要场合,光彩照人。
CELFULL NADH Anti-Sugar Aid Mask is the flagship product of Celfemale beauty series under the US CELFULL brand. It applies NADH transdermal patent technology (patent number: ZL201810979315.3) and 4 natural plant extracts, with patented TurnA, Anti-Sugar Aid Mask retains the natural active structure and helps women in busy work to quickly recover skin condition. It can remove yellow, brighten and replenish skin in one step. Enjoy SPA care. When you are in important occasions, you are the most beautiful one.
现场到 CELFULL 的展位,即可获得价值 ¥499 的赛立复 NADH 抗糖祛黄急救面膜一盒。
Go to CELFULL booth, get a box of CELFULL NADH Anti-Sugar Aid Mask which is worthy of ¥499.
About Women in Business Forum
广东英国商会成立于 1996 年,是一个会员制的独立的非盈利组织,旨在促进和支持在珠三角(现为大湾区)运营的中国及英国的企业。我们的使命是通过提供一个平台,通过活动连接并为我们的会员提供支持,通过我们的营销渠道帮助会员进行推广,并通过行业工作小组让会员可以分享各自的见解。
The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong, founded in 1996, is an independent, non-profit organisation formed to facilitate and support Chinese and British companies operating in the PRD, now the GBA. Our mission is to become the most business-savvy chamber in China by providing a platform that supports our members to connect via events, promotethrough our marketing channels and share insights through industry focus groups.
每年的杰出商业女性论坛是广东英国商会的旗舰活动之一。这个活动已连续 8 年成功在广州、深圳两地举办,邀请了超过 40 位嘉宾分享,每年的参与人数将近 300 人。广东英国商会希望通过该论坛为女性同胞打造一个交流思想、相互鼓舞的平台,启迪各位女性同胞找到属于自己的本真和位置。
Women in Business Forum (WIB) is one of the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong’s (BritCham) flagship events. The event has been held for 8 consecutive years in Guangzhou and Shenzhen and has seen over 40 speakers share their insights and has welcomed nearly 300 guests each year. Through this forum, the BritCham Guangdong hopes to establish a platform for women to exchange and inspire each other, encouraging each and every women “to be herself” and find her place in life.
Contact Us
BritCham Guangdong is looking forward to connecting, promoting and sharing with you across the Greater Bay Area. If you’d like to know more about BritCham GD or join us to connect with our business network, please click here or contact:
Christy Leung 梁莹
Marketing & Membership Manager
Eman Zou 邹媛媛
Membership Services Manager
Chris Chen 陈思敏
Executive Manager