德旅局推出2019新主题:德国夏日之城 | German Tourism: New German Summer Cities for 2019
德旅局推出2019新主题:德国夏日之城 | German Tourism: New German Summer Cities for 2019

德国国家旅游局(GNTB)继推出2019年度主题“百年包豪斯“后,将以德国夏日之城为题,结合数码媒体,在世界各地开展另一波盛大的市场营销活动:届时,GNTB将在众多主要客源国举办限定的活动周、Pop-up活动等,欢迎有兴趣合作的机构,一同参与所有于在线平台上、以及在国外所举办的精彩推广活动。主题标签 #GermanSummerStories将联结所有与德国夏日之城相关的社交媒体活动。
The German National Tourist Board (GNTB) has announced another new worldwide viral campaign for 2019 in addition to the recently introduced “100-years of Bauhaus”. Entitled “German Summer Cities”, the campaign marks the start of a digital marketing offensive by the GNTB. “German Summer Cities” will include Action Weeks and Pop-up events, plus comprehensive social media activity in numerous source markets, using the hashtag #GermanSummerStories.

Petra Hedorfer, Chief Executive Office of the GNTB, explains: “As the market leader in urban and cultural travel, the GNTB operates a storytelling strategy across 5 core themes. ‘Urban City’ highlights big city culture, shopping; roof-top bars; for a ‘Romantic’ story, it’s all about fairy-tale small historic towns in rural areas, castles and parks. Vineyards, wine regions and traditional gastronomy also play a part in this campaign. Summer holidays in Germany offer a variety of desirable reasons for travel – part of our ‘Holiday on the Water’ theme. From coastal experiences and pleasure boats, beach clubs, island life, crystal-clear bathing lakes or river rafting, excursion steamers to houseboat holidays on rivers and lakes – there is many a story to be told here”.

Ms. Hedorfer continues: “through our ‘Art and Culture’ theme – a highly strong and attractive reason for travel to Germany – we highlight museums and exhibitions, industrial heritage, music and shows and open-air events. Finally, Germany’s high-profile sightseeing destinations are a perennial reason for travel to Germany. From Hamburg’s Elbphilharmonie in the north, to the Zeche Zollverein in the Ruhr Region, over to the Brandenburg Gate or to Neuschwanstein Castle and the castle Hohenzollern – Germany has numerous remarkable landmarks compared to many competitors. Working with Germany’s top sightseeing destinations throughout the sixteen federal states guarantees an unforgettable travel experience”.

“The strong response to ‘Germany Simply Inspiring’ or our current campaign ‘Culinary Germany’ shows that comprehensive social media activities generate a high degree of inspiration and awareness for Germany as a travel destination. In addition to digital marketing, communication through live events is just as important – Pop-up events in international markets give campaigns added momentum” added Ms. Hedorfer.