The German National Tourist Board (GNTB) is launching its worldwide “Discover Beethoven” theme campaign just in time for the start of the anniversary year marking Ludwig van Beethoven’s 250th birthday.

德国国家旅游局董事会主席何佩雅女士谈道:德国是欧洲排名第一的文化旅游目的地,录得 2180 万名文化游旅客。为了加强德国 “音乐之都” 的地位,“发现贝多芬” 的主题推广活动将融合众多数码化元素,以贝多芬出生地波恩及其邻近地区为活动主轴,并在全国各地举办不同形式的庆祝活动。藉着音乐拓展文化旅游,不但能回应日渐蓬勃的旅游需求,还可向旅客阐述属于德国的 “音乐故事”,塑造音乐之都的形象。
“With 21.8 million cultural travelers, we are the number one cultural destination in Europe,” explains Petra Hedorfer, Chairwoman of the GNTB Executive Board. “To strengthen Germany’s outstanding position as a nation of music, we are setting further digital priorities with the Beethoven campaign. In addition to the central points of interest in the Bonn region, the campaign will also include activities throughout Germany to strengthen the demand for cultural tourism in general, and the basic theme ‘Musikland Deutschland’ in particular.

旅游书籍孤独星球的 2020 推荐目的地榜单上,作为贝多芬出生地的波恩名列第五。
Because of the anniversary, Lonely Planet has ranked Beethoven’s birthplace, Bonn, number 5 among the cities worldwide to be visited in 2020.
与贝多芬周年纪念协会合作 | Cooperation with Beethoven Anniversary Society
德国国家旅游局会与贝多芬周年纪念协会(Beethoven Jubiläums Gesellschaft mbH)携手在国外进行庆祝活动的市场推广。贝多芬周年纪念协会为贝多芬故居基金会旗下的组织。GNTB 和协会早前已签订了合作协议,由协会负责活动设计、与地方政府、组织等协调和支援工作,GNTB 则利用其庞大的网络,在国际旅游市场上广泛宣传贝多芬诞辰 250 周年,同时开托新市场,将这场贝多芬 250 周年庆祝活动打造成极具本地特色而又富吸引力的大型庆典,吸引国内外访客。
The GNTB has signed a cooperation agreement with the Beethoven Jubiläums Gesellschaft mbH (Beethoven Anniversary Society) to market the anniversary abroad jointly. The subsidiary of the Beethoven House Foundation is responsible for organizing, promoting, and coordinating the anniversary year as an event with international appeal and regional roots. By integrating the GNTB’s global networks, the joint activity is going to be communicated even more efficiently internationally and will open up new markets.
深耕具发展潜力的游客市场 | Exploring opportunities in high-potential source markets
GNTB 在全球逾 50 个国家展开了庆祝活动宣传,更针对重点市场如美国、中国、日本等举办了一连串 B2B 活动,如 2019 年底组织了一次媒体考察团,考察团更参加了 12月16日 在波恩举行的开幕演奏会。随着 2020 年的到来,GNTB 将针对欧洲主要客源国,推出更多 B2B 活动和媒体考察团,推广德国入境游。
As part of the theme campaign, the GNTB places relevant content in over 50 markets worldwide. Besides, there are in-depth activities in defined key markets: In the USA, China, and Japan, for example, B2B events will be held at the beginning of the 2020 theme year. Already at the beginning of December, a press highlight trip was conducted, culminating in the attendance of the opening concert in Bonn. The GNTB will be implementing further B2B events and press highlights in European TOP markets for German incoming tourism during the entire year.
古典音乐的崭新演绎 | A modern interpretation of classic heritage
德旅局利用现代数码技术,结合贝多芬的古典音乐,重新演绎传统,让大众重新发现贝多芬:透过虚拟实境(VR)技术,来自世界各地的旅客可以在 GNTB 的活动中与贝多芬四手联弹,合奏第九交响曲;利用扩增实境(AR)技术,游客更可以和贝多芬拍摄动态照片。在德国国家旅游局的”贝多芬250周年诞辰”专题页面上,访客可选择以中、英、法、德、日等五种语言,细阅庆祝活动信息和相关旅游资讯。GNTB 亦不忘在社交平台上作宣传,如邀请具人气的 KOL 游览德国,进行实地采访。与此同时,德旅局与其媒体合作伙伴 CNN 制作了五套 Great Big Story 短片,影片会在 Turner 公司平台播出。
In all source markets, the GNTB uses modern digital forms of communication to present Beethoven’s classical heritage in a contemporary way. A virtual reality application, for example, offers international guests at GNTB events a unique opportunity to “play” Beethoven excerpts from the 9th Symphony live on piano with four hands. Also, an augmented reality application produces “live photos” with Beethoven. A microsite in German, English, French, Chinese, and Japanese bundles information on the anniversary and cultural tourism offers. The GNTB also organizes social media campaigns and influencer trips worldwide. Five films in the “Great Big Story” series are produced with the international media partner CNN and played out in the worldwide Turner network.
为了推广德国旅游的多彩面貌,以及发掘德国较鲜为人知的节庆相关活动,德国国家旅游局透过进行市场调查与基准分析,每年平均推出超过 200 项宣传活动、年度主题、节庆主题活动等等,打造德国作为旅游胜地的形象。
Based on market and benchmark analyses, the GNTB develops more than 200 campaigns each year to promote the brand core of Germany as a travel destination. Annual highlight themes, which are event- or event-related, draw attention to previously unknown facets of Germany as a travel destination and complement the brand communication.