To mark Grand Lapa Macau’s rebranding to “Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau” in 2021, Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau announced that it will be celebrating its new hotel brand with a collection of new experiences created for families and couples beginning this summer. Possessing a distinctive charm, the iconic heritage hotel in Macau is set to bring Artyzen’s ethos of Art, Culture and Emotional Wisdom to life.
澳门雅辰酒店大堂的楼梯展出“托马尔之窗”的精致复刻品。该艺术品的原件目前放置在葡萄牙托马平基督修道院,于 1510 年以石头雕刻而成,象征着大航海时代航海人员的英雄主义。展于酒店的复刻品由里斯本著名艺术团队 Fundação Ricardo Espirito Santo 雕刻而成,尺寸约为原件的三分之一,高4米、宽2米、重约400公斤。
An extraordinary replica of the “Window of Tomar” is displayed at the grand staircase of the hotel at Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau. The original Window at the Convent of Christ in Tomar, Portugal was carved in stone in 1510 and symbolises the heroism of seafarers during the Age of Discovery. Carved by a team of artists at Lisbon’s famous Fundação Ricardo Espirito Santo, the replica is one-third the size of the original at four metres high, two metres wide and weighs 400 kilograms.
Exclusively for Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau, Carlos Marreiros, as one of Macau’s most beloved homegrown talents, created “Happy People in Macau”, a series of beautiful, intricate panels that grace the walls of the hotel reception. Through this magnificent artwork, he illustrates the vibrant, cross-cultural landscape of Macau.
Artfully designed with Sino Portuguese influences, every room features an exquisite blue-and-white art piece that pays tribute to Macau’s Portuguese heritage and is hand-crafted by renowned Macanese artist, Carlos Marreiros.
A series of inaugural events under the new brand are planned to take place this June to welcome all guests to play a part in the rebranding journey and to celebrate ‘Boa Vida’ – the good things in life!
“We are delighted to announce the launch of the Artyzen Hotels and Resorts brand in Macau,” said Peter Wynne, Senior Vice President of Artyzen Hospitality Group. “We look forward to welcoming our guests in this artistic enclave where we celebrate the beauty of Macau’s tradition, its unique Sino-Portuguese heritage and most importantly the hospitality of the Macanese community.”
别具现代气息之历史地标 | Heritage Landmark Hotel with Modern Touches
澳门雅辰酒店自1984开业,一直以“唯一真 – 城市度假村体验”为名,见证澳门的古往今来,为世界各地的宾客缔造不少美好回忆。酒店现以全新名字面世,肩负起“雅辰酒店及度假村”的品牌使命,将博大精深的传统艺术文化及匠心独运的工艺智慧注入酒店,让客人探索新旧艺术文化相融所带来的精彩、尽享真实的澳门体验。酒店翻新工程经已完成,在经典的建筑美学上增添富有现代感的风格,展现酒店高贵不凡的气派,提升时代气息,将酒店打造为文化生活消闲的新地标。
Established in 1984 as ‘The Only Urban Resort in Macau’, Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau has seen Macau grow and allowed guests from around the world to create exquisite memories. Under the new name, the hotel carries the mission to bring the brand philosophy of Artyzen Hotels and Resorts to life by infusing the wisdom of art and craftsmanship into the property and by engaging guests to discover the old and the new through bespoke experiences. The renovation was recently completed, with modern touches noticeable throughout hotel with a classic, yet contemporary design, offering refined lifestyle and leisure experiences.
Near stunning UNESCO world heritage sites, the upscale lifestyle hotel Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau is abundant with nostalgic features that reflect Macau’s rich culture and art history, offering a window into the city’s culturally rich heritage.
共庆“Boa Vida美好生活”新篇章 | Celebrating “Boa Vida”, a new chapter
澳门雅辰酒店糅合中葡文化精髓,一直以“Boa Vida”为主题打造不同的休闲玩乐体验。Boa Vida在葡萄牙语代表“美好生活”,要诠释个中的生活哲学,酒店通过举办广受好评的葡萄酒美食节及周末市集等活动,为宾客呈献一个又一个独特的休闲体验,透过美酒佳肴、健康生活及社交体验,品味人生。
The hotel attributes Macau’s Portuguese connection with flair, and champions “Boa Vida”. Through the hotel’s leading program “Boa Vida” – translated from Portuguese as “enjoying the good life”, the hotel encourages people to appreciate life, delicious meals, good wine, great health and friendship, and indulge in participating in tasteful events, such as the well-received Wine and Dine parties and Weekend Markets.
“We are thrilled to begin a new chapter where we bring exciting artistic and cultural elements to the hotel. We aim to be loved by guests for the relaxing resort facilities, for the personal touches and graciousness we provide, all delivered with genuine passion. We introduce a landmark, celebratory concept this summer to welcome our dearly-beloved guests in our rebranding journey,” said Mr. Rutger Verschuren, Area Vice President, Macau Operations of Artyzen Hospitality Group and General Manager of Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau.
As a close friend to Macau’s community and a historically-poignant establishment within Macau, Artyzen Grand Lapa is organizing a Summer Celebration Campaign with a kick-off event in June, followed by a collection of new experiences crafted specifically for families and couples to enjoy.
The Family Package will offer a Mom and Child special spa treatment, a kids’ arts and crafts session, kids amenities package, kids care, culinary school for kids, and lots more. The Couples Package will offer the wine and dine special at Café Bela Vista, Wine Tasting by Artyzen, UNESCO Guided Walk, art gallery tour, and special offers on spa and wellness programs.
Artyzen Grand Lapa Macau
956-1110 Avenida Da Amizade, Macau
Tel: +853 2856 7888