In this warm spring season, stay at Hyatt Regency Fuzhou Cangshan at favourable prices and explore the charm of Banyan City. The hotel has launched the “Family Fun Package,” specially tailored for spring family travel. Log in to the Hyatt Hotel flagship store, Fliggy, before 21 April, 2020, and enjoy Fuzhou’s warm springtime and the hotel’s hospitality, starting at only RMB 688.

福州历史悠久、渊源流长,建城至今已有2200多年,是国家历史文化名城。不论是徘徊在国家5A级景区、 “里坊制度的活化石”的三坊七巷的青石板路上,是漫步于带着众多名人提笔的摩崖石刻的鼓山风景区,或是流连于勾人馋虫的“鱼丸”、“肉燕”、“鼎边糊”等传统市井小吃……福州,都以其温婉清新的魅力,吸引着中外游客到访。
Built more than 2,200 years ago, Fuzhou has a long history and is a famous historical and cultural city in China. Whether you wander on the stone road enjoying the architecture from the Ming and Qing dynasties, Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, or stroll along the Gu Shan (Drum Mountain) scenic area that features celebrity pens carved on the cliffs, or linger with fish balls, pork wonton, DingBianHu, or other traditional local snacks, Fuzhou, with its gentle and fresh charm, attracts Chinese and foreign tourists alike.

For additional information on our Special Spring Package, or to make a reservation, please visit www.hyatt.fliggy.com