来长隆横琴湾酒店,在此开启充满想象的奇幻旅程:伶俐友善的海豚十分乐意向宾客展示自己的独门技巧,宾客可以在这里体验与海豚畅游互动;令人心潮澎湃的横琴湾水世界位于酒店海滩花园,设有极速滑道、亲子水寨、百米漂流河等多个丰富的水上娱乐项目,酒店住客均可畅享横琴湾水世界,随时开启奇妙嬉水时光;信步于洁白柔细的雪国沙滩,饱览中国南海的壮丽海景。别致体验,动人景色,让旅程更享轻松愉悦。查询及预定住宿,可登录酒店官网www.chimelong.com 或致电+86 756 299 8888

Uncover the amazing and imagination travel in Chimelong Hengqin Bay Hotel. Guests can enjoy an unforgettable experience as they come face-to-face and play with the adorable dolphin.With the fascinating ocean landscape, Hengqin Bay Water World brings the tremendous fun and relaxation during guests stay, hotel guests can enjoy the Water World as complimentary at any time.Come and start your unforgettable holiday here. For more enquiries or reservations, please call+86 756 299 8888 or visit www.chimelong.com.