洲际酒店及度假村200家酒店香槟装置艺术于上海佘山世茂洲际酒店亮相 | Art Installation Unveiled at InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland
洲际酒店及度假村200家酒店香槟装置艺术于上海佘山世茂洲际酒店亮相 | Art Installation Unveiled at InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland

据最新公布的数据显示,随着上海佘山世茂洲际酒店的盛大开幕,洲际酒店及度假村正式迎来全球第200家酒店。为庆祝这一品牌发展的重要里程碑,洲际酒店及度假村携手伦敦当代艺术家 Alexander Hall(别名Haut de Gamme),共同打造极具视觉吸引力的装置艺术,并展开世界巡展。
With the opening of InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland, luxury hotel brand InterContinental Hotels & Resorts has officially extended its portfolio to 200 captivating destinations. To celebrate this important milestone, the brand partners with London-based contemporary artist Alexander Hall, also known under the alias Haut de Gamme©, to create a stunning art installation which will be displayed at a number of InterContinental hotels and resorts around the world.

洲际酒店及度假村200家酒店香槟装置艺术 | 200 Painted Champagne Bottles to Celebrate the Brand’s Milestone
洲际酒店及度假村200家酒店香槟装置艺术 | 200 Painted Champagne Bottles to Celebrate the Brand’s Milestone

整个装置艺术由200个手绘香槟瓶组成,Alexander Hall 以明快流畅的滴画风格,展现出每一家洲际酒店的特质与个性,其中包括刚刚开业的上海佘山世茂洲际酒店, 其独特的深坑奇景格外抢眼。全部作品将以悬挂的方式组合成数字“200”的形态,庆祝洲际酒店及度假村这一重要里程碑。
The art installation is made from 200 champagne bottles individually hand-painted by Alexander Hall in his bright and energetic drip-style. The artwork on each bottle is unique as the design of each one was inspired by the InterContinental brand’s 200 hotels, including the newly opened InterContinental® Shanghai Wonderland, known for its extraordinary quarry landscape. The finished bottles are suspended together in a stunning oeuvre to reveal the number ‘200’.

Alexander-Hall(别名Haut-de-Gamme)及洲际酒店及度假村200家酒店香槟装置艺术 | Alexander Hall, also known under the alias Haut de Gamme, with the art installation
Alexander-Hall(别名Haut-de-Gamme)及洲际酒店及度假村200家酒店香槟装置艺术 | Alexander Hall, also known under the alias Haut de Gamme, with the art installation

Having visited InterContinental properties in Cannes and London, the installation will be displayed at InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland on 16th-17th Jan., 2019 as its China debut. It will then be displayed for a limited time at a number of InterContinental hotels around the world over the next few months.

洲际酒店及度假村200家酒店香槟装置艺术 | 200 Painted Champagne Bottles to Celebrate the Brand’s Milestone
洲际酒店及度假村200家酒店香槟装置艺术 | 200 Painted Champagne Bottles to Celebrate the Brand’s Milestone

Ms. Lin WANG, CMO of Greater China, IHG, says: “Having 200 InterContinental hotels and resorts in stunning, luxury destinations around the world is a milestone for the brand. And what better way to celebrate than with a drink synonymous with celebration. It is also of great significance to display this art installation at InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland, the brand’s 200th hotel. Shanghai is home to the most InterContinental properties in the world. We look forward to further expanding the brand’s portfolio in Greater China, inviting everyone to live and enjoy the InterContinental life.”

洲际酒店及度假村200家酒店香槟装置艺术 | 200 Painted Champagne Bottles to Celebrate the Brand’s Milestone
洲际酒店及度假村200家酒店香槟装置艺术 | 200 Painted Champagne Bottles to Celebrate the Brand’s Milestone

传奇的上海佘山世茂洲际酒店位于上海市佘山景区的天马山深坑内,主体建筑大部分位于地表以下,仅有两层“露出”地面,包括水下两层在内的其余16层则深置地平面以下。这座自然奇迹酒店一反不断向上挑战新高度的传统建筑理念,向地下88米开拓建筑空间,成为人类建筑设计理念的革命性创举,也为人居环境营造理念带来颠覆性的突破,是人与自然和谐相处的典范。作为第200家洲际品牌酒店,上海佘山世茂洲际酒店获得 Alexander Hall 赠予定制绘画作品。
Located beside Tianma Pit at Sheshan Mountain Range, this legendary InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland is mostly subterranean, with 2 floors above ground and 16 below ground. In contrast to the traditional architectural concept of building high-rises, the hotel’s unconventional design extends the space beneath the ground by reflecting the natural land-scape of the quarry, creating a pioneering masterpiece that will revolutionize the global hospi-tality landscape and set a new paradigm for living in harmony with nature. In addition, the art-ist has also created a bespoke Haut de Gamme painting to commemorate the milestone which will be given to InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland.

上海佘山世茂洲际酒店外景  | InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland – Day Time
| InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland – Day Time

对于此次合作,艺术家 Alexander Hall 表示:“最初选择在香槟瓶上进行创作,是想将香槟酒所代表的轻快、愉悦、庆典和欢聚特质传递给更多的人。我希望通过这一艺术形式,展现出每一家洲际酒店独特的个性和设计,以及其所在地的特色风貌;同时,我也想突显出洲际品牌创始人 Juan Trippe 先生的先锋精神和品牌传承。此次能受邀为洲际酒店及度假村打造这一装置艺术,我倍感荣幸,希望在自己80岁的时候,还能有幸为庆祝全球第400家洲际酒店的开业进行创作。”
Alexander Hall says: “When I first started painting champagne bottles I just wanted it to make people feel something positive. Champagne for me means happiness, joy, celebration and the idea of bringing people together. That’s why I decided to paint on champagne bottles to celebrate the 200 InterContinental hotels. I wanted the bottles to reflect each InterContinental hotel’s unique personality, design and location, as well as the legacy and pioneering spirit of the founder, Juan Trippe. It’s been an honour to be asked to do this project and I hope that when I’m 80, I will be asked to celebrate 400 InterContinental hotels around the world.”

InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland
Chen Hua Road No.5888, Songjiang District, Shanghai
Tel: +8621-6766 1888