Recently, DB talked to Mr. Mitsuru Kisanuki, general manager of Hotel Nikko Guangzhou.
DB: 日航酒店是广州首家日本经营的国际酒店,您是如何在广州进行市场推广的呢? This is the first Japanese-managed hotel in Guangzhou, how have you marketed it at this location?
We’re obviously a Japanese branded hotel, but I don’t think much about that kind of thing. If you own a Hilton or Sheraton, no one there thinks ‘we are an American hotel.’ I don’t think too much about our hotel’s Japanese origin, but people expect the Japanese service standard. Nowadays a lot of Chinese people go to Japan for travel or shopping, and they experience the high Japanese service standard. We didn’t market the Japanese brand to the public much, but the public expect that we should provide that Japanese standard of service. It’s sometimes difficult to meet their requirements, but it’s my job to provide the same standard that they would experience in Japan.
DB: 日航酒店的管理模式有何特别之处?What makes the style of management at Nikko Hotels unique?
酒店有很多的部门,分工明确。我是总经理,管理下面众多分支部门。通常情况下,每个部门都有一个总监,经理,主管或领班,诸如此类。我会尽量避免层层递下的交流。 无论我想谈什么,我都会直接去找对应的人。如果我想谈谈这家餐厅,我不会通过总监去找经理。我会直接去找经理并跟他当面交流。他们也直接向我提供反馈,而不是通过主管告诉经理,经理告诉总监,总监最后告诉我这种复杂的交流方式。我们直接找到对方交流,从而让我可以很快做出决定。我通过这种方式让自己更贴近酒店基层员工,我也认为工作应当如此。
Hotels have a lot of organisation. I am General Manager myself, which is usually at the top. Then lots of departments have a director, a manager, a supervisor, or a captain, that kind of thing. I avoid those kind of organisation charts. Whatever I want to say, I go directly to the person. If I want to say something about the restaurant, I’m not going to go through the director, then the manager. I’ll go directly to the manager here and tell them. They give me feedback also, directly to me. Not through the supervisor, who tells the manager, who tells the director, who tells me. I tell them directly. They tell me directly. Then I can make a decision quickly. I position myself very close to the people working in the front line. That’s what I think – it should be like this.
DB:广州是中国的美食之都,日航酒店在餐饮方面又是如何融合到其中的呢? Guangzhou is one of China’s culinary capitals. How has the hotel embraced that?
We have three restaurants – one is Chinese, one is Japanese, and one is a coffee shop and buffet restaurant. In our Chinese restaurant, our chef is one of the top ten Guangdong province appointed chefs. He used to work at Guangzhou Jiujia, which is an historic restaurant. Now he’s our chef, and a lot of customers are attracted by his name. The hotel is in an isolated location, but we still attract a lot of guests to our restaurants.
We also have a Japanese restaurant, with a Japanese chef. The fish we use for sushi and sashimi is imported from Japan, except for the salmon. On Dianping all three of our restaurant have quite a high score for service. Especially in the Japanese restaurant, the service is always very high. We also have a very good score for environment. To make it have more of a Japanese atmosphere our staff wear a kimono, and it is a little bit difficult. They need to train to serve wearing kimono, and even train in how to put them on. It’s quite unique.
许多酒店都有提供自助餐,为了彰显我们的与众不同,餐厅每月都会有不同的主题。 一月份是海鲜主题,二月份是中国新春佳节,而三月我们则专注于甜品品鉴。 四月,我们邀请了来自澳门的欧洲厨师为客人烹制地道的欧洲食物。
Lots of hotels provide a buffet, so to differentiate our restaurant from the competitors we change the theme monthly. In January it was Seafood, and in February we served every dish with positive messages for Chinese New Year. In March we have been focusing more on the dessert section. In April we will invite a European chef from Macau to do a continental food promotion.
DB:您在酒店工作这么长时间以来,最令你自豪的是什么?What has been your proudest moment working in the hotel so far?
我告诉所有在日航酒店工作的员工,我们要为顾客提供优质的入住体验。 就用餐体验而言,我们必须做到最基本的提供美味的食物,同时也要提供优良的服务和就餐环境。 如果他们对这三件事感到满意,那我们就是达到目标了。 当客人们给我们酒店留下好评,特别是对我们的服务十分满意时,那便是我最为自豪的时刻。萝卜青菜各有所爱,但优质的服务终归是有口皆碑的。
I tell all of the employees working in this hotel that we want to provide a good experience. In terms of dining experience, this means we have to serve nice food – that is basic. But also we have to provide good service, and good atmosphere. If they are satisfied with these three things, we have successfully provided a good experience. When people leave a good comment about these kind of things, those are the times I am most proud. Especially when they comment on good service. Taste is different from person to person, but good service is good service.
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