2015年,在一个逢五的年间, 以“老广州,新时尚”为主题的高端文化艺术与创意设计精品酒店——广州岭南五号酒店盛大开业。酒店以“老广州、新时尚”为主题,打造融合传统与现代、历史与时尚的高端休闲精品酒店。走进这家具有古老广府商埠、港口、民俗、教育、体育文化元素传承的精品酒店,开启一段身处当下,穿越在时光与文化的旅程。
The LN Hotel Five is the Lingnan Hospitality group’s flagship boutique hotel, the first of its type in Guangzhou, and a member of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World™ (SLH). SLH is the champion of exclusive, independently-owned boutique hotels, with around 530 member properties in 80 countries.
酒店坐落于广州历史文化中心的珠江岸边, 32间不同主题客房的设计灵感来自于中国传统的“五行学说”,提倡平衡、和谐和包容的精神。广州被称为“五羊之城”,“五”这个名字也是源于这座城市。岭南五号酒店为所有想探索城市历史、岭南建筑、民俗风情、艺术文化的游客提供了独一无二的下榻体验。作为全球奢华精品酒店联盟(Small Luxury Hotels of the World™),来自70多个国家,530多个独立、奢华精品成员中的广州唯一的会员酒店,岭南五号酒店为 “奢华”带来了全新的定义。这是一座艺术馆般的酒店,一段穿越时光的旅程,一种品质生活的体验。
The name Five was inspired by the city of Guangzhou, which is known as the “City of Five Rams,” as well as the “Theory of Five Elements,” which in traditional Chinese culture refers to the spirit of balance, harmony, and inclusion. Specifically designed for travelers seeking a rich cultural experience and modern sophistication, the LN Hotel Five has brought a new line of luxury to this culturally rich and traditional Cantonese city. Designed to balance the senses and soothe the soul, the LN Hotel Five is a perfect retreat for local and international travelers alike.
我们不是潮流的跟随者,我们是潮流的创造者!2019年8月,我们四岁了。下一个四年,我们愿与您共度更多的 “五号”时光,期待您与我一同探索。
Presiding over the Pearl River and located at the heart of a thriving cultural district of Guangzhou, the LN Hotel Five offers guests a journey through Cantonese culture, past and present. The architectural design of the LN Hotel Five is an example of the cultural integration of Guangzhou’s traditional heritage and new urban development. Remnants of old Guangzhou are intertwined with new city fashion in the hotel’s ambience, and present guests with a unique journey through time.

我们不是潮流的跟随者,我们是潮流的创造者!2019年8月,我们四岁了。下一个四年,我们愿与您共度更多的 “五号”时光,期待您与我一同探索。
All 32 guest rooms and suites face the historic Pearl River, and the hotel offers 2 distinctive food and beverage outlets: “Tea 5” – authentic upscale Cantonese fine dining, and “Roof Top Bar” which features a 180-degree river view. The LN Hotel Five delivers an exclusive experience and an unforgettable stay.
在我们四周年庆典之际,诚意推出 “四岁狂欢”周年庆钜惠。
We Are Turning 4!
The LN Hotel Five is celebrating its 4th birthday this summer. You are cordially invited to join the birthday celebrations and enjoy some exclusive benefits, including this Executive Suite Package, with rates starting as low as 1,488 RMB per night.
Package includes:
– A la carte breakfast for Two in Tea 5;
– Two premium Pearl River Cruise tickets;
– Chef’s Private Dinner for Two at Rooftop Bar;
– Signature welcome cocktail for Two;
– 日期:即日起至 2019.09.28
– 以上推广需提前至少24小时预订,入住前24小时内不可取消;
– 珠江夜游需要提前24小时预订;
– 以上预定需要用有效信用卡担保;
– 房费总额已包含 16.6% 的服务费及相关政府税收;
– 以上推广优惠不能与酒店其它优惠同时使用;
– 广州岭南五号酒店对以上推广享有最终解释权。
Terms and conditions:
– Offer is valid from July 28th
– September 28th, 2019;
– Minimum 24 hours advance reservation is required;
– Package price includes service charge and tax;
– Reservation must be guaranteed by credit card;
– LN HOTEL FIVE reserves right to adjust or amend the above promotional package at any time;
A. 五号美食家
价值RMB 988, 周年庆会员售价 RMB 588
包含茶位, 不包含服务费
日期:2019.08.01 – 2019. 08.31
Foodie Package @ Tea 5
Choose any Five dishes from our brand new menu at RMB 588 Only!
Terms and Condition:
– Choose any five dishes;
– Valid for a group of 4 guests only;
– Above price excludes service charge;
– Validation: 2019.7.28-2019.09.30
B. 五号书房私人定制晚餐
日期:2019/08/01 -2019/09/30
-预定请联系申小姐:138 0240 3006;岑小姐:15920186069
2.啤酒优惠450元/打, (朝日啤酒除外)
3.店红葡萄酒/白葡萄酒 75元/杯。
50% OFF Your Second Drink @ Roof Top Bar
Hop on over to the Roof Top Bar at LN HOTEL FIVE for our Anniversary drink deal. Enjoy a 180-degree view of Pearl River and experience the fusion of art and flare.
– 50% OFF second cocktail or glass of house wine!
– A dozen select beers for only 450 RMB!
– 10% off any bottle of liquor (excluding Japanese Whisky)
– Daily from 17:30 to 1:30 (5:30pm until 1:30am)

No. 277 Yanjiang Road. Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China
T: (86) 20- 8931 0505
E: RSVN@LnHotelFive.com.cn