From March 22 to 26, 2021, “Mexican Week” was celebrated at the Canadian International School in Guangzhou. The Consulate General of Mexico in Guangzhou and the Mexican food restaurant Bandidos participated as well. With the aim of promoting Mexican culture, students enjoyed a multidisciplinary event that included the presentation of Mexican children’s short films and the development of artistic activities such as drawings and paintings of symbols such as the Mexican flag and traditions such as the Day of the Dead, piñatas, the Aztec calendar and the mariachi.
3月26日,在活动的闭幕仪式上,墨西哥驻广州总领事通过短视频向同学们致以问候。师生和家长们也共同欣赏了一段展示墨西哥传统、美食、社会时事和产业发展的视频。最后,由Mariachi Mezcal挥棒指挥,学生们跳起了欢快的舞步,唱起了墨西哥歌曲,并且品尝了由Bandidos餐厅提供的正宗墨西哥佳肴。
The closing celebration of the event was held on March 26th, Consul General of Mexico in Guangzhou sent greetings to the students via a short video. During the activity, in which students, teachers and parents enjoyed a video about Mexico, showcased its traditions, gastronomy, current affairs and industry; Students danced and sang Mexican songs under the baton of Mariachi Mezcal; and they enjoyed an authentic Mexican menu provided by restaurant Bandidos.
“We hope to have more opportunities like this to bring Mexico to our friends in China and the international community. We hope everyone can enjoy Mexico soon,” said Carlos I. Giralt Cabrales, consul-general of Mexico in Guangzhou.