新视觉诗歌《月影舞霓裳》 | New Visual Poem: Rendez-vous with the Moon
新视觉诗歌《月影舞霓裳》 | New Visual Poem: Rendez-vous with the Moon

徜徉在歌剧,戏剧,时尚,电影和舞蹈之间,取自千年璀璨丝路的灵感,法国导演罗朗·拉法格展示他与弗雷德里克·克里斯蒂安森共同创作的一首新视觉诗歌。 “月影舞霓裳”,在艺术和神话、东方和西方的交汇处,在不同文明的交汇处翩翩起舞。它讲述了月亮不可能之爱,其中的一千颗星星不能取代太阳。所有的夜只跟太阳说着太阳:月亮已经坠入天空。 “我曾经是一千零一个。我现在只是一个,另一个。我应该可以拔起整个森林,但是我种了一棵树。”
At the crossroads between opera, theater, fashion, cinema and dance, the director Laurent Laffargue presents his new visual poem, co-written with Frédéric Kristiansson, and inspired by the thousand years old odysseys who paved the way of the Silk Roads. RendezVous with the Moon takes place somewhere between arts and mythologies, between East and West, at the junction between civilizations. It tells the impossible love of the Moon, for whom a thousand stars won’t replace the Sun. Every night speaks only of him: she has fallen in the sky. “I was one and a thousand. I am now only one, another one. I could have uprooted a forest, I planted a tree.”

New Visual Poem: Rendez-vous with the Moon
19th-20th June, 2018
Shenzhen Grand Theatre
NO.5018 Shennan Donglu, Luohu District, Shenzhen