身为朝鲜脱北者、人权维护者的作家李晛瑞,及曾潜入朝鲜做卧底的美籍韩裔作家金淑姬,皆为2018年「隽文不朽」澳门文学节的重磅嘉宾。本届文学节将于3月10日至25日于澳门旧法院大楼隆重举办。届时,前中央情报局特工、小说家詹姆斯·丘奇(James Church), 在韩国旅居三十余年的英国作家布尔(Michael Breen)也将出席第七届澳门文学节,聚焦朝鲜问题。
North Korean defector and human-rights activist Hyeonseo Lee, and undercover author Suki Kim are two of the top guests of The Script Road – Macau Literary Festival 2018 edition, scheduled to take place from March 10 to 25, at the Old Court Building, Macau. Former CIA agent and fiction author James Church, as well as Michael Breen, who has lived on the Korean Peninsula for more than three decades, complete a group of Korea-related voices taking part in the Festival’s 7th edition.
中国及葡语国家方面,除日前公布的受邀作家韩东、阿乙、Julián Fuks 及 Ana Margarida de Carvalh外,文学节还有幸邀请到推理小说作家陈浩基(中国香港),儿童文学作家保冬妮(中国大陆)和Maria Inês Almeida(葡萄牙),作家、历史学家Rui Tavares(葡萄牙),小说家Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa(莫桑比克)等著名作家来澳共襄文化盛宴。
On the Chinese and Portuguese-speaking programme, there are more names to add to the list after the already announced Han Dong, A Yi, Julián Fuks and Ana Margarida de Carvalho. The Script Road is also welcoming mystery writer Chan Hou Kei (Hong Kong), children’s literature writers Bao Dongni (Mainland China) and Maria Inês Almeida (Portugal), author and historian Rui Tavares (Portugal) and novelist Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa (Mozambique).
本届澳门文学节的官方海报目前已揭晓,由著名插画家、作家Afonso Cruz担纲制作。
The official image of this year’s Macau Literary Festival, created by illustrator and writer Afonso Cruz has also been revealed.
李晛瑞为朝鲜脱北者、人权维护者,曾只身一人逃离朝鲜,随后引导家人经由中国和老挝逃离。现为国际策略和研究中心年青领袖,拥有韩国外国语大学英文和中文学士学位。因其2013年2月在TED大会演讲而广受瞩目,该演讲到现时为止已获得1600万观看次数。李晛瑞曾为《华尔街日报》、《纽约时报》、LSE Big Ideas 博客和韩国政府统一部撰文。她最𣈱销的著作《拥有七个名字的女孩:一个北韩叛逃者的真实故事》于2015年以英语出版,于22个国家发行。
Hyeonseo Lee is a North Korean defector and human-rights activist who later guided her family to freedom from the country through China and Laos. Ms Lee is a Young Leader at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, has a degree in English and Chinese from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, and spends much of her time campaigning for North Korean human rights and refugee issues. In February 2013 she gave a TED talk that received an overwhelming and positive response, with 16-million views received to date. Hyeonseo has written for the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, LSE Big Ideas blog, and for the South Korean Ministry of Unification. Her bestselling memoir, The Girl with Seven Names: A North Korean Defector’s Story, was published in English in July 2015, with rights sold for publication around the world in 22 other languages, so far.
金淑姬是一位美籍韩裔女作家。曾潜入朝鲜做卧底的她,向世人揭露了朝鲜独裁统治的可怖真相。其著作《The interpreter》(译员)一经出版便广受赞誉。她曾在朝鲜的精英学校教授英文,并将其在朝鲜骇人的生活经历写入她的新书《Without You, There is No Us》(没有你,就没有我们)。总所周知,朝鲜是一个十分封闭的国家,金淑姬的著作使我们难得一窥这个孤立国家的真实样貌。她在访谈中分享了卧底生活的细节,强权统治下的朝鲜,充满了恐惧,禁锢,与超现实色彩。我们都或多或少听说过朝鲜当局营造的繁荣假象背后百姓真实的生活面貌,而她详尽入微的刻画大大拉近了读者与这个神秘迷人却遥不可及的国度之间的距离。
As for Suki Kim, she is an author with an undercover edge and an incredible story to tell. Having released her widely-acclaimed novel The Interpreter, the Seoul-born, New York-based writer took a new assignment, moving to North Korea to teach English to children of the elite. She then turned her harrowing experiences into a book, Without You, There Is No Us. North Korea is notoriously closed-off, and Suki’s story gives us a rare glimpse into a silenced nation. Her talks share details of her experiences – which are equal-parts chilling, surreal, and captivating – under the watchful eye of the regime.
「Inspector O」(O侦探)系列小说的作者詹姆斯·丘奇,曾供职于西方情报部门多年,并数十次深入朝鲜。撰写全系列共六部小说对他而言是极大的挑战,因为从未有人尝试去写设定于朝鲜背景下的侦探小说。他认为这是一个极大的缺憾,也是刻不容缓的使命。在写作前夕,他意识到将普通的朝鲜人民作为小说角色不够鲜活立体,只能描绘出一个世人对平壤的刻板印象。作品的人物和背景设置必须是真实的,而不应单纯显露出毫无政治隐喻的奴性。作品应更似一幅画,而不是一张照片,其所揭示的本质应远胜过表面的呈现。作者以小说里的主要角色O侦探这一虚构北韩警察的视角,向读者无比详尽的刻画了自己在朝鲜这个神秘国度的所见所闻。
James Church, author of the Inspector O series, served for many years as a Western intelligence officer, and has been in, around, over, and under the Korean Peninsula for decades. He started writing the first of six books as a challenge to himself – since no one had written a detective story set in North Korea, he decided this was a serious hole in the universe that needed to be filled. Early on he realized he couldn’t write the story with the normal two-dimensional North Korean characters in a stereotypical portrayal of Pyongyang. The characters and the setting had to be real, but not slavishly so and without political overtones. It had to be more like a painting than a photograph, with the essence of each if not every single detail. Fortunately for the enterprise, Inspector O – the main character – emerged almost as if he had been perched on Church’s shoulder for years, and in a sense, he had.
布尔旅居韩国三十余年,曾多年担任《卫报》及《华盛顿邮报》首尔特派记者,目前在首尔拥有自己的公关公司,同时为《华尔街日报》及《大西洋月刊》等当地及国际媒体杂志撰稿。着有小说《The Koreans: Who They Are, What They Want, Where Their Future Lies 》(韩国人:他们是谁,想要什么,未来何去何从)及《Kim Jong-il: North Korea’s Dear Leader》(金正日:亲爱的朝鲜领导人)。布尔的最新力着《The New Koreans: The Story of a Nation》(新朝鲜:一个国家的故事)已于2017年春季出版。
Michael Breen has lived in South Korea for 30 years. He served for many years as Seoul correspondent for The Guardian and the Washington Times. He now runs his own public relations firm in Seoul, and contributes to local and international media including The Wall Street Journal and The Atlantic. He is the author of The Koreans: Who They Are, What They Want, Where Their Future Lies and Kim Jong-il: North Korea’s Dear Leader. Michael’s latest book, The New Koreans: The Story of a Nation, was published in spring 2017.
陈浩基亦将携其小说中的未解之谜到访澳门。生于香港的他,在2008年凭推理小说《杰克魔豆杀人事件》入围第六届「台湾推理作家协会征文奖」决选,翌年又以续作《蓝胡子的密室》及犯罪推理作品《窥伺蓝色的蓝》入围第七届「台湾推理作家协会征文奖」决选,并以《蓝胡子的密室》赢得首奖。随后,陈浩基再次凭推理小说《合理推论》获得「可米瑞智百万电影小说奖」第三名,并以科幻短篇《时间就是金钱》获得第十届「倪匡科幻奖」三奖。2011年,其著作《遗忘. 刑警》荣获第二届「岛田庄司推理小说奖」首奖。他的长篇巨著《13.67》(2014年)不仅荣获2015年台北国际书展「书展大奖」、诚品书店「阅读职人大赏」、「第一届香港文学季推荐奖」,更在美、英、法、加、义、荷、韩、日等十多国出版,且获知名导演王家卫青睐,买下电影版权,创下华文推理小说的纪录。此书同时获得2017年度日本「周刊文春推理十佳(海外部门)」及「本格推理十佳(海外部门)」两大推理排行榜冠军,此为亚洲作品首次上榜。最新作品为以网上欺凌、社交网络、黑客及复仇为主题的推理小说《网内人》(2017年),该作入选「亚洲周刊年度十大小说」。
Chan Hou Kei will visit Macau to talk about his mystery novels at The Script Road. He was born and raised in Hong Kong, and made his debut as writer in 2008, with the short story The Murder Case of Jack and the Beanstalk, which was shortlisted for the 6th Mystery Writers of Taiwan Award. Chan won the award the year after with The Locked Room of Bluebeard. After receiving a couple more awards, Chan’s novel, The Man Who Sold the World won the Soji Shimada Award in 2011. The book has been published in Taiwan, Japan, Italy, Thailand and Korea. In 2014, Chan’s work The Borrowed was published in Taiwan with great success. The rights to the book have been sold in more than ten countries, and the film rights were sold to director Wong Kar-Wai. In 2017, The Borrowed was ranked top in Japan’s Shukan Bunshun Foreign Mystery Best Ten and Honkaku Mystery Foreign Best Ten. His latest work is In the Net (2017), wich was selected by the Yazhou Zhoukan magazine as one of the ten best Chinese novels in 2017.
If crime writing has a spot in the Festival’s programme, so too does children’s literature, as usual a strong component of The Script Road and its school tours. Chinese author Bao Dongni is one of the names already confirmed. She graduated from Beijing Normal University in 1995 with a master degree in Modern Literature. Her works cover various areas such as fairy tales, picture books, children’s poems, nursery rhymes and prose, and she is a leading writer in Chinese picture books. She is a member of the China Writers Association and an experienced editor. She was the editor-in-chief of Marriage and Family sponsored by the All-China Women’s Federation and picture magazine Super Baby. Since 1990, she has published over 200 titles of children’s books and picture books and been awarded with National Outstanding Children’s Literature, National Outstanding YA Books, Bingxin Literature Prize, Bingxin Book Prize, Chinese Outstanding Publications, The Most Beautiful Book Across the Taiwan Strait, The Most Beautiful Book of Children’s Book Laureate in 2004 and Outstanding Publications of the Year, and has been recommended in the 100 Outstanding YA Books by the State Administration of Publication of the PRC and the National Original Publication Project.
同样致力于青少年文学的作家Maria Inês Almeida也受邀加入澳门文学节。Maria拥有葡萄牙天主教大学新闻学学士学位,著作主要为儿童青少年书籍。她曾出版约40本着作,部分作品拥有译本。她曾在中国出版《Quando eu for… Grande》(当我长大后)。Maria每天都会在其博客上更新寓教于乐的幼儿教育建议。
Also devoted to young readers, Maria Inês Almeida graduated from the Catholic University of Portugal in Journalism and is the author of more than 40 youth-children books, some of which have been translated to other languages. Quando eu for Grande (When I… Grow Up / 當我長大後) was published in China in 2015. Maria Inês Almeida also has a blog, in which she presents daily suggestions for children’s recreation and leisure time.
另一位莅临本届文学节的嘉宾是作家、歴史学家和评论家Rui Tavares。Rui创作并出版了多部非小说类书籍,主题涵盖历史及政治领域,如《O Pequeno Livro do Grande Terramoto》 (大地震的小册子,2005年)、《A Ironia do Projeto Europeu》 (欧洲项目的讽喻,2012年)、和《Esquerda e Direita: Guia Histórico para o Século XXI》 (向左转向右转:二十一世纪的历史指引,2015年)等,并曾任欧洲国会议员,为难民及基本人权问题起草议案。Rui拥有巴黎社会科学高等研究学校的博士学位,目前于ISCTE/IUL国际研究中心担任研究学者,兼任佛罗伦萨欧洲大学学院的年青政策领导人。
Another big add-on to this years edition is writer, historian and essayist Rui Tavares. Mr Tavares has published several books, mostly non-fictional, about historical or political topics, including O Pequeno Livro do Grande Terramoto (The Little Book of the Big Earthquake), 2005, A Ironia do Projeto Europeu (The Irony of the European Project), 2012, and Esquerda e Direita: Guia Histórico para o Século XXI (Left and Right: An Historical Guide for the XXI Century), 2015. He is a former legislator of the European Parliament, where worked on drafting policy relating to refugees and human rights issues. With a doctorate in History from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de Paris, he is also an associate researcher at the CEI-IUL (Center for International Studies) and a Young Policy Leader Fellow at European University Institute – Florence.
来自莫桑比克的作家嘉宾Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa 拥有法律和历史与地理学位。他为多家报纸撰写专栏文章,参与创办了文学杂志Charrua,并在莫桑比克国家电影院和音像研究所担任副主任。现任国家图书数据研究所所长,莫桑比克作家协会秘书长。他的处女作《Ualalapi》(1987年)被列为二十世纪最好的100本非洲书籍之一。此外,他还着有《Os Sobreviventes da Noite》(2005年,José Craveirinha奖获奖作品)、《O Rei Mocho,históriainfanto-juvenil》(2012年)、《Entre asMemóriasSilenciadas》(2013年,BCI年度最佳著作奖)和《Cartas de Inhaminga》(2017年)等等。 2014年,Ungulani荣获由葡萄牙总统办法的「航海家亨利王子」勋章,表彰其为促进莫桑比克文学及发展所作出的贡献。
From Mozambique, comes Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa, who has degrees in Law and in History and Geography. He has written op-eds for several newspapers, co-founded the literary magazine Charrua and was deputy director at the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual of Mozambique. Currently he is the director of the National Institute of Books and Records and the secretary-general of the Association of Mozambican Writers. His debut book, Ualalapi (1987), is listed as one of the best 100 African books of the twentieth century. He also wrote Os Sobreviventes da Noite (Night Survivors, 2005, José Craveirinha Award), O Rei Mocho, (The King Owl, 2012), Entre as Memórias Silenciadas (Between the Silenced Memories, 2013, BCI award for the best book of the year), and Cartas de Inhaminga (Inhaminga Letters, 2017), among others. In 2014, he was honoured by the President of Portugal with the title of Grand Officer of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator, for his contributions to the enrichment of Mozambican literature and the promotion of Mozambican culture internationally.
Many other names are still to be announced for the upcoming Macau Literary Festival. The full guest list and programme of The Script Road 7th edition will be released in early February, 2018.
隽文不朽﹣澳门文学节由澳门本地葡文报纸《Ponto Final句号报》于2012年发起举办,是全球首个汇聚中国与葡语系国家文化艺术工作者的文学交流盛会。文学节每年都广邀海内外著名作家、出版人、译者、记者、音乐人、导演及视觉艺术家等于莅临澳门共襄盛举。在过去几年的澳门文学节中,我们邀请到来自世界各地的文坛俊杰,2017年的澳门文学节迎来了多位国际知名作家──包括入选2016年曼布克奖决选名单的加拿大小说家Madeleine Thien 及一同入选决选名单的苏格兰作家Graeme Macrae Burnet等。同时受邀参加澳门文学节的还有众多来自中国及葡语系国家的嘉宾。
The Script Road – Macau Literary Festival was founded in 2012 by local newspaper Ponto Final and is based in the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR). The Festival is the largest gathering of literati from China and the Portuguese-Speaking Countries ever organised in the world. In recent years, it has gained in popularity, becoming an international event that welcomes renowned writers, publishers, translators, journalists, musicians, filmmakers and visual artists of various nationalities. The 2017 edition of the Macau Literary Festival brought together authors from different geographies, including 2016 Man Booker Prize finalists Madeleine Thien and Graeme Macrae Burnet, as well as many writers from China and the Portuguese-speaking countries. The Macau Literary Festival has the support of the MSAR Government and Macau Foundation, as well as that of several private entities. A number of companies, local associations, schools and universities also support this literary event. The Diplomatic Missions of some of the countries represented by writers attending the Festival also lend important support to The Script Road.