Delta Creativity and Innovation Ceremony (DCIC) 2016 Awards the Best Creative and Innovative Organizations in Pearl River Delta (PRD) Region 首届珠三角创意创新盛典(DCIC 2016)在珠三角的创意创新核心地——羊城广州成功举办。各国驻穗代表,各国华南商会代表,知名学者和商界领袖齐聚一堂,以国际化的视角就中国新常态下的动能转换、中外企业创意创新经验交流、时下珠三角地区经济发展所面临的机遇与挑战、中国经济发展与区域回应、珠三角与国际接轨合作项目规划与愿景等进行了激烈的讨论和分享。 首届珠三角创意创新盛典(DCIC 2016)由中新广州知识城(SSGKC)冠名及珠三角文化创意企业三角铃联合举办,盛典主要分为两个部分:珠三角创意创新能力研讨会及2016珠三角创意创新大奖颁奖典礼。 Delta Creativity and Innovation Ceremony (DCIC) 2016 is held in Guangzhou, the heart of innovation and creativity in Pearl River Delta (PRD) Region. Organized by culture and communication innovation organization – Sanjiaoling, title sponsored by Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City (SSGKC), DCIC 2016 is to celebrate and reward innovation and creativity. DCIC 2016 includes two parts: a Panel Discussion on Investing in Innovation and the DCIC 2016 Award Ceremony. More than 250 delegates attend DCIC 2016 including delegates of consulate generals, chambers of commerce, scholars and business entrepreneurs across the PRD region.
珠三角创意创新能力研讨会于21日下午在广州岭南花园酒店举办,研讨会的议题包括中国互联网企业创新趋势、初创企业如何吸引天使投资人、珠三角创意创新优势、如何推进中外合作投资项目发展等当前关注度极高的社会热点。参与圆桌讨论的嘉宾分别为来自商政法学界的代表,法国驻广州总领事Bertrand Furno 先生,中新广州知识城投资开发有限公司(GKC Co)总裁 Ng Kok Siong先生,美国华南商会会长Harley Seyedin先生,中国O2O联盟主席麦客先生,DS Avocats律师事务所Vivian Desmonts律师,珠三角文化创意企业三角铃创始人Jean-Jacque Verdun先生。 在谈及珠三角地区创意创新优势时,法国驻广州总领事谈到Bertrand Furno 先生,“创意与创新是珠三角地区发展的所有因素中最关键的两个方面。这个地区拥有强大的创意发展基地和基础设施,并且珠三角的企业将在未来继续蓬勃发展,愈战愈勇。”
Investing in Innovation
A discussion panel is organized by DCIC 2016, gathering the most active and innovative minds to share their ideas and thoughts on how to invest in innovation in RPD region. Panelists include Mr. Bertrand Furno, Consul General of France in Guangzhou, Mr. Ng Kok Siong, CEO of Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City Investment and Development Co., Ltd., Harley Seyedin, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in South China, Mr. Mai Ke, President of China O2O Alliance, Mr. Vivian Desmonts, Attorney at DS Avocats, Mr. Jean-Jacque Verdun, Founder of Sanjiaoling and Delta Bridges Media. ‘The region has an impressively strong base and infrastructure for creativity, and moreover, its industry will unequivocally-grow from strength-to-strength in the upcoming years.’ Hence on the strength of PRD region, Mr. Bertrand Furno, Consul General of France in Guangzhou speaks high of the region.
2016珠三角创意创新大奖旨在向创意和创新能力突出的珠三角企业致敬,通过此举,鼓励和推进提升珠三角地区企业创意创新能力。参与企业将被区分为以下8类:建筑与城市规划,商业与社会服务,时尚与零售,平面设计与市场营销,信息技术,生活与娱乐,制造业,可持续发展与环保。 2016珠三角创意创新大奖自2016年2月16日至2016年6月1日期间接受企业报名,报名企业提交企业创意创新项目及亮点产品信息。经过首轮筛选后,自9月1日起获提名企业仍需要经过长达一个多月的公众投票,及更加激烈的评审团考核,最终才能夺得单项的大奖。评审团成员包括外国驻穗总领事,商界精英及知名学者等在创意创新领域具有较强影响力的人士。 秉承公开公正的原则,2016珠三角创意创新大奖于10月21日晚正式揭晓,获奖企业及奖项分别为:建筑与城市发展类大奖——CRG Architects设计公司,艺术与文化产业类大奖——机甲天下科技,商业与社会服务类大奖——Cypheme标识,时尚与零售类大奖——GRESTU广州缇轩化妆品,信息技术类大奖——德国莱茵TÜV,旅游与娱乐类大奖——ToUmaps 广州启舟信息科技,制造业与工业设计类大奖——珠海米立3D设计中心,可持续发展与环保类大奖——Adapt科技。 2016珠三角创意创新大奖总冠名企业,中新广州知识城投资开发有限公司(GKC Co)总裁 Ng Kok Siong先生表示,希望通过珠三角创意创新盛典这一平台,不仅为珠三角创意创新能力突出企业喝彩,更是要鼓励和推进提升珠三角地区企业创意创新能力。 珠三角文化创意企业三角铃创始人Jean-Jacque Verdun对未来充满期望,“今晚仅仅只是一个开始,接下来就是考虑如何融合创新理念从而延续长期的成功,最终向世界展示创意蓬勃的珠三角地区形象。”
DCIC Awards
The aim of DCIC is to give exposure and reward those companies connected to or based in the Pearl River Delta that excel at creativity and innovation within the following 8 categories: Architecture & Urban Development, Business & Community Services, Fashion & Retail, Arts & Cultural Industry, Information Technology, Tourism & Entertainment, Manufacturing & Industrial Design and Sustainability & Environment. The registration for the DCIC Award 2016 started from 16th February 2016. Companies wishing to take part in the DCIC Award 2016 had until the 1st June to register. After the first round, the successful nominees had to go through the competitive public voting and the professional jury rating before taking home a trophy. Members of the jury are consul generals, delegates of chambers of commerce and industrial pioneers. In principle of an entirely fair competing procedure, the following corporations and organizations have won their DCIC Award of the year: Architecture & Urban Development – CRG Architects, Business & Community Services – Cypheme, Fashion & Retail – GRESTU, Arts & Cultural Industry – Jijia Tianxia Science and Technology, Information Technology – TÜV Rheinland, Tourism & Entertainment – ToUmaps, Manufacturing & Industrial Design – Meeni 3D Design Center, Sustainability & Environment – Adapt. Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City is the title sponsor for DCIC 2016. The CEO, Mr. Ng Kok Siong explained that through DCIC 2016, SSGKC wishes to not only celebrate the most creative and innovative corporations and organizations but also to encourage and help to improve creativity and innovation in the PRD region. After the award ceremony, Mr. Jean-Jacque Verdun, Founder of Sanjiaoling and Delta Bridges Media says, ‘This is only a beginning. The next stage is to figure out how to combine all of the new innovative ideas and to create a greater cohesion with each other to improve success for the long term and ultimately showcase the Pearl River Delta area as a whole to the world.”
For more information, please click here: https://v.qq.com/x/page/j0551r8astw.html or https://www.facebook.com/db.sanjiaoling/videos/1818036038227611/