A modern photography exhibition is held at Zinitang Loft, Panyu, Guangzhou from 13th May to 31st May by French phtographer Maï Lucas. Themed “Jenunesse” whis means “Youth” or “Kids” in French is to show difference young faces of modern day Chinese youth as well Amderican Youth. Co-organized by Consulate General of France in Canton and Zinitang Loft, this exhibition is also part of the series cultural events of the 12th Festival Croisements.
5月13日至31日,主题为“年轻人”的现代摄影展在广州番禺紫泥堂创意艺术空间举办,法国摄影师马伊∙ 卢卡斯旨在通过现代中国年轻人及美国年轻人的精神面貌,引发观者的共鸣。本次摄影展由法国驻广州总领事馆及广州番禺紫泥堂创意艺术空间联合举办,同时也是2017年中法文化之春系列活动的其中之一。
WHAT is the Exhibition
Maï Lucas photographs youth who plays, moves, and dances in streets throughout the world. In preparation for this original exhibition, she undertook a several-week-long residency in China to meet and photograph young Chinese people and familiarize herself with their lifestyle.
马伊∙ 卢卡斯拍摄那些在世界各地大街上活动、玩耍、跳舞的年轻人。为了准备这次展览, 她特地在中国进行了若干星期的驻地创作,认识和拍摄中国年轻人,捕捉他们的生活影像。
WHO is Maï Lucas
关于马伊∙ 卢卡斯
Maï Lucas, who is French but splits her time between France and the U.S., is a former assistant of Nick Knight who went on to become a photographer in her own right. A detailed observer of styles and garments, she lends her eye to these fashion details that together form a highly distinctive image.
法国女摄影师马伊∙ 卢卡斯往返生活在法国和美国两国之间。她曾是尼克∙奈特的助理,后来自己成为了摄影师。她是一位细致的观察者,善于捕捉服装风格,抓住凸显人物身影的细节。
WHEN is this Exhibition
13th May to 31st May
WHERE is this Exhibition
Zinitang Loft, Panyu, Guangzhou
紫泥堂创意园 艺术空间(万吨仓)