由广东英国商会主办的以#PressforProgress为主题的第七届杰出商业女性论坛于2018 年 5 月 11 日在华丽的深圳蛇口希尔顿南海酒店圆满落幕。
The 7th Women in Business Forum was successfully organized by The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong. This year’s event was held on 11th May, 2018 at the magnificent Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai Hotel, and the theme of the Forum was #PressforProgress.
The overall aim of the event was to showcase inspiring female leaders in business, who shared their own personal stories, and provided practical advice and tips on how the audience could make progress in their own lives.
2018 Women in Business (WIB) was held in Shenzhen for the third consecutive year, and we were delighted to welcome more than 200 attendees, including business women from many different industries, nationalities and levels of experience. We were also delighted to have a number of men in the audience, who were there to show support to their friends and colleagues, and to also get inspired!
We were honoured to be able to invite six inspiring women leaders, each bring their own stories and personal journeys to be the guest speakers of WIB. They were:
Kirsten Molyneux
Partner at Brunswick’s Capital Market Advisory Group
任丽峰 Catty Ren
CEO & senior management consultant of Shenzhen Yuanlai Consulting Co.,Ltd.
古茜 Xi Gu
Co-founder of TechieCat
陈泽敏 Dr Zemin (Penny Chen)
Associate Professor in Innovation and Enterprise
Founder of UClan Online, Self-Management School
Marianne Caroline Hughes
Knowlabel 创始人及董事、获奖作家
Founder and CEO of Knowlabel
Award-winning writer
鲁京京 Diana Lu
Founder and CEO of Image Global Impact Group (IGI)
Creator of Diana Lu Couture DIANA LU
Author of best selling book Daughter of the Yellow River
Specialist on cross cultural international business operation
Each of the speakers brought their own unique perspectives and ideas to the stage, providing the audience with a wide range of amusing, insightful and at times emotional stories.
除了激励观众,我们还希望给来宾带来最新的干货资讯,因此我们邀请到瀚纳仕人才管理咨询有限公司广州高级经理Kirsty Hulston给大家展示了《瀚纳仕亚洲性别多元化报告》中的主旨内容,包括男性和女性的职业抱负、对灵活工作模式的见解和平等机会。
In addition to inspiring our audience, we also wanted to inform and educate them too. To help us with this aim, we were delighted to invite Kirsty Hulston, Senior Manager at Hays Guangzhou, who presented the Hays Asia Gender Diversity Report. Kirsty highlighted some of the key elements of the report, covering areas such as the career ambitions of men vs. women, attitudes to flexible working and equal opportunity.
The afternoon was a huge success and it was great to see so many of our audience taking inspiration from the panel of speakers, and the conversations and sharing of stories continued long after the event closed!
致谢 With Thanks
This event would not have been possible without the support and involvement from many organisations, and we would like to offer a huge thanks to each of our key sponsors and partners for helping to make the 2018 Women in Business a great success.
Event Partner 活动合作伙伴
British Council
The British Council’s Inspiring Women China programme offers students, particularly young girls, the opportunity to meet and learn from professional women who can inspire them about future career opportunities.
We are looking for professional women from all walks of life to join our Inspiring Women volunteer network and contribute a few hours of time to participate in school talks. Your inspirational career stories can inspire women and young girls to be ambitious in making their future career choices.
For more detailed information, please visit www.britishcouncil.cn/en/inspiring-women-china; If you have any enquiries, please contact Wing.Feng@britishcouncil.org.cn
欲了解更多活动详情,请发送邮件至: britchamteam@britchamgd.com 或访问我们的网站:www.britchamgd.com
For more information about this event, please contact: britchamteam@britchamgd.com or visit our website: www.britchamgd.com.