由苏格兰旅游局主办的“2020苏格兰海岸及水域主题年”发布会在京圆满落幕。苏格兰贸易,投资和创新大臣Ivan McKee先生出席了本次发布会。在发布会现场,McKee先生对令人期待的主题年活动进行了简要的介绍。
Scotland’s Year of Coasts and Waters 2020 has been launched at a special event in China by Scotland’s Minister for Trade, Investment and Innovation, Ivan McKee. VisitScotland hosted the launch event in Beijing where Mr. McKee outlined the exciting themed activities on the horizon.

The Minister is in China to promote trade and investment, educational and cultural links between China and Scotland. Mr. McKee will undertake a series of high-level business and government meetings, as well as cultural engagements, aimed at strengthening relationships between the two countries.

Scotland’s coasts and waters have shaped the country’s history: from fishing and textiles to whisky and wave power, they have influenced its culture, stories and way of life. In celebration of this, a year-long programme of events and activities will be held across Scotland with VisitScotland encouraging Chinese visitors to dive in and explore these vital elements of Scotland’s landscape.

McKee先生透露,本届主题年共将包含六项首发活动,其中包括克莱德建筑节的延伸节日——The Fife Regatta,还有以经典电影放映和特殊的户外海岸体验为重点的爱丁堡国际电影节,将为现场观众展示苏格兰各大海岸的魅力风采。这些活动将为整个主题年进行预热和造势,其它相关活动则将于之后陆续公布。
A total of six initial events, designed to whet the appetite for what’s in store, have already been announced with many more to be revealed later in the year. This includes The Fife Regatta, an expanded Clydebuilt Festival, and the Edinburgh International Film Festival which will present Scotland’s Shores, featuring classic film screenings and a special outdoor coastal experience.

届时,英国皇家鸟类保护协会将在阿伯丁海岸举办“2020海豚节”,在基普码头举办的苏格兰游艇展则将隆重推出一项全新的特别活动——River of Light。而在苏格兰国家剧院,将有全新的影片《渡口故事》惊喜上演,其以数千位当地居民和游客的故事为依托,旨在向观众呈现苏格兰周围的水域美景及围绕这些水域所发生的各段旅程。
RSPB will celebrate DolphinFest 2020 off the coast of Aberdeen, while Scotland’s Boat Show and Kip Marina will make a splash with a brand new special event ‘River of Light‘. The National Theatre of Scotland will deliver Ferry Tales, an exciting new production celebrating Scotland’s surrounding waters and the journeys over them made by thousands of residents and tourists.
The Year of Coasts and Waters 2020 will focus on four over-arching themes: our Natural Environment and Wildlife, Historic Environment and Cultural Heritage, Activities and Adventure, and Food and Drink. The themed year will drive home the message of responsible engagement and participation around and in our waters and coastal environments by the people of Scotland and its visitors.
For more information on the Year of Coasts and Waters please visit: