April 23, 2021 saw a banquet joined by SJL and HSD business owners in the Garden Hotel to celebrate the smooth implementation of the “HSD Community 2.0” project.

The project is spearheaded by the LN Garden Hotel, whose general manager, Mr. Franco Io, gave a brief account of the community’s origin and former versions of the project. The ongoing project is to build a community culture with concerted efforts in a way that expands the community’s influence. SJL has made holistic use of online and offline media platforms to form a decentralized operating landscape, thus engaging every community member in the project. Meanwhile, characterized by portability, interactivity and creativity, HSD Roaming Guide, the brochure of this project, includes a map, a postcard for selfies and a guidebook, to breach the gap between people and the community. The “HSD Community 2.0” project embraces a variety of activities, including a flea market, an HSD photograph contest, green activities in HSD and business lectures, etc. so as to satisfy all forms of industries and reach more audiences.
In addition, SJL shared initial progress of the ongoing project. HSD Roaming Guide (环市东漫游指南), a Little Red Book account run by our company, has initiated a hashtag of the same name that has gained nearly 50 thousand views. In the meantime, SJL visited a number of VIP businesses and was greeted with positive feedback. The first edition of the HSD Roaming Guide has been printed out.
The “HSD Community 2.0” project is one of many creative programs run by SJL and encapsulates our move towards cultural development driven by innovation. SJL has an edge in pursuing situation-specific approaches to create value with innovation and shorten people-community distance by tapping online and offline operating platforms and holding all forms of activities.