长隆横琴湾酒店3天2晚亲子春令营套票正式开卖啦!和孩子一起开启海洋王国的探索之旅,发现奇幻马戏世界,畅玩横琴湾水世界温水设施,还有海豚明星伴您品味寰宇精选美食。此外,只需78元起即可参与全新海豚亲子营特别项目,体验花艺与烹饪的乐趣,共享亲子欢乐时光。垂询及预订,可登陆酒店官网www.chimelong.com 或致电+86 756 299 8888。
Chimelong Hengqin Bay Hotel has launched the 3 days 2 nights Kids Spring Camp with a wild range of splendid and spectacular activities in this spring. Come and discover the fantastic Ocean Kingdom, explore the mysterious circus wonderland, relax in the intimate constant temperature Hengqin Bay Water World and enjoy the premium buffet feast with adorable dolphin stars which create a truly memorable spring holiday for you and your family. Furthermore, you could also join the floriculture or cooking workshop with a special rate starting from CNY78. For more enquiries or reservations, please call +86 756 299 8888 or visit www.chimelong.com