土耳其航空是土耳其境内的首家航空公司,曾连续六年被Skytrax 评为最受旅客欢迎的欧洲最佳航空公司,其飞行餐饮和服务也荣获大奖。
作为星空联盟的成员之一,我们的机队拥有超过300 架飞机,是最年轻的机队之一。我们自豪地将享誉世界的土耳其式热情好客与创新相结合,为乘客提供独特的飞行体验——飞抵全球 302 多个目的地。
TURKISH AIRLINES flies to more countries than any other airline. We have been voted Europe’s Best Airline at the Skytrax Passengers Choice Awards for six years in a row, also winning awards for the World’s Best Business Class Lounge, Best Business Class Lounge Dining and Best Business Class Airline Catering. We have the youngest fleet in Europe and pride ourselves on combining innovation with world-famous Turkish hospitality to offer our passengers a truly unique flying experience.
Skytrax 奖项
- 欧洲最佳航空公司 2011 – 2012 – 2013 – 2014 – 2015 – 2016
- 全球最佳商务舱航空餐饮服务 2013 – 2014 – 2015 – 2016 – 2017
- 全球最佳商务舱休息室餐饮 2014 – 2015 – 2016 – 2017
- 年度全球最佳商务舱休息室 2015 – 2016 – 2017
THE Flying Experience: BUSINESS CLASS
我们精雕细琢,倾心打造每一个细节,以确保您能够享受最舒适的体验与隐私保护。宽敞的伸腿空间、可完全平卧的座椅、最先进的机上娱乐 (IFE)系统和 Wi-Fi 服务, 以及更多其他功能为您开启精彩旅程。创新及屡获殊荣的飞行菜单,特由土耳其 Do&Co 飞行主厨为您准备,长途航行时间在您享受饕餮美食之时悄然滑过!
‘We attach the greatest importance to the most minute details. That’s why with Turkish Airlines Business Class you can look forward to an unforgettable journey from beginning to end.
We offer our Business Class passengers a wide range of advantages to guarantee a completely seamless journey, such as exclusive airport transfer services or swift check-in options, both online and at Business Class-only check-in kiosks.
On-board too, every detail has been carefully thought out to ensure you enjoy maximum comfort and privacy. Abundant legroom, fully flat seats, a state-of-the-art in-flight entertainment(IFE)system and Wi-Fi options are a few of the features you will find on our aircraft.
Award Winning In-Flight Catering Service
‘At the heart of Turkish hospitality lies the belief that guests deserve only the best. We have been voted the World’s Best Business Class Airline Catering, but our greatest reward is seeing the smiles on our passengers’ faces after one of our meals.
Ultimate comfort Sleeping Amenity Kit – the Bohca Bundle
我们注重每一个细节,以确保为商务舱乘客提供最舒适、私密的飞行体验:宽敞的伸腿空间、固定的软垫搁脚凳、方便您存储随身物品的口袋、灯光 熄灭后可完全调成平卧床铺的特殊座椅,以及座椅分离器。
We have taken card of every detail to ensure the ultimate comfort and privacy of our Business Class passengers. Abundant legroom, a fixed ottoman on which to rest your feet, convenient pockets to store your belongings, specially designed 78’’ seats that turn into fully flat beds when the lights are off.
State-of-the-Art In-Flight Entertainment
土耳其航空数字娱乐系统 Planet 提供各类适合 儿童及成人观赏的内容,让您的旅途更加轻松 愉快。
轻触触摸屏或遥控设备,即可享受数百 部电影、电视剧、音乐、多人游戏、有声读物, 甚至直播电视节目。
观看直播电视节目,包括 Spor 24、 BBC World、Sky News Arabic、Euronews、Sport 24、CNN
、CNBC、Al Jazeera English、NHK World Premium、Euronews、SKY News Arabic 和 BBC World,享受 免费 Wi-Fi 连接*,使用智能手机/平板电脑接收 电子邮件,或轻松连接到移动机载网络
*以发送 /接收短信和使用手机浏览互联网,让您在飞行 中也能开展日常工作。
*所有 B777-300ER 机型和个别 A330-300 机型的国际航班
‘Planet Digital, our digital entertainment system, offers a wide variety of choice for children and adults alike, making your journey all the more enjoyable. With touch-screen or remote control devices, a wide range of films, TV series, music, multiplayer games, audiobooks and even live TV streaming is at your fingertips.
Turkish Airlines is also the only airline company to broadcast TV channels live: You can watch most of the top international channels including Sport 24, BBC World, SKY News Arabic and Euronews.
此外,我们还在 休息室设置了护照检查服务,帮助您节省时间。
参加会议之前,您可以在我们配有豪华淋浴和舒适床铺的套间内梳洗。或者预约我们的专业按摩师为您按摩,消除旅途的疲劳。品尝屡获殊荣的土耳其 及世界美食——由土耳其 Do&Co 厨师在开放式厨房内为您即时烹制。您还可以在我们的图书馆选读一本好书,在我们的电影院观看电影,或与同事来 一场桌球比赛。我们甚至还制作了一个包括 Scalextric 赛道的伊斯坦布尔微缩景观,供您欣赏!
‘A visit to Lounge Istanbul, voted World’s Best Business Class Airline Lounge and World’s Best Business Class Lounge Dining by Skytrax in 2017, is a truly memorable experience. Waiting in our lounges is much more comfortable because they are designed to make you feel at home.
Freshen up before your meeting in one of our suite rooms equipped with luxurious showers and comfortable beds. Take the weight of your shoulders with one of our expert in-house massage therapists. Sample the best Turkish and international cuisines freshly prepared by our award-winning Turkish Do&Co chefs in our open-plan kitchens. Enjoy a good book from our library, watch a movie in our cinema or play pool with your colleagues. We even have a miniature model of Istanbul complete with Scalextric race track.’
我们快速地拓展飞行网络,将全球各个目的地更紧密地联系在一起。目前,我们的航线遍布世界各地逾120个国家和302个目的地。 就服务的国家数量而言,土耳其航空 堪称世界第一。
We bring global destination closer with our rapidly expanding network. We currently fly to more than 120 countries and 302 destinations worldwide. In terms of the sheer number of countries served, we are #1 in the world.