In a recent release, the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), together with ICONSIAM and other agencies, associations and businesses along Bangkok’s Chao Phraya River, announced a broad collaboration to organise Thailand’s most dramatic New Year festivities as a message of hope for the country and the world.
此次庆祝活动名为“Amazing Thailand 2021 魅力泰国新年倒计时盛典”,于新年前夕在暹罗天地河畔公园举行,其中包括2万个由日本糯米制成的绚丽环保焰火表演,这些焰火将沿着湄南河1.4千米河道,贯穿曼谷、照亮夜空。
The celebrations, called the ‘Amazing Thailand Countdown 2021’, are being staged on New Year’s Eve at ICONSIAM’s River Park and include a dramatic display of 20,000 eco-friendly fireworks that are made in Japan from sticky rice, and which will light up the sky along a 1,400-metre length of the Chao Phraya River that runs through Bangkok.
泰国旅游局局长 Yuthasak Supasorn 先生表示:“湄南河是全球标志性的倒计时庆典圣地,我们希望在湄南河畔举行大型迎新年活动,以此向民众表达我们对2021年的美好憧憬。”
Mr. Yuthasak Supasorn, Governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand, said, “The Chao Phraya River is an iconic global countdown destination and we hope that conducting on the river one of the biggest events to mark the arrival of the new year will signal to everyone our hope for a bright 2021.”
He said, “Thailand has been globally recognised as one of the best countries in the world at having managed the COVID-19 pandemic, and we want to announce to the world that we are eagerly looking forward to welcoming everyone back to our beautiful country as quickly as possible.”
The TAT is also organising celebrations to mark the arrival of 2021 in numerous provinces of Thailand to draw visitors to other destinations around the country, including Krabi, Sukhothai, Roi Et, Ratchaburi, and Phetchabun.
暹罗天地有限公司总经理 Supoj Chaiwatsirikul 先生表示:“我们很高兴与众多公共部门、私营企业合作伙伴以及沿河社区开展此次非凡合作,打造惊艳表演,巩固曼谷湄南河国家倒计时地标的地位。”
Mr. Supoj Chaiwatsirikul, Managing Director of ICONSIAM Company Limited, said, “We are delighted by this extraordinary collaboration of so many partners from the public and private sectors, as well as communities along the river, to create what will be a stunning display that reinforces the position of the Chao Phraya River in Bangkok as a national countdown landmark.”
“We expect the eco-friendly fireworks display to attract around three million viewers within the five kilometre radius from which it can comfortably be seen in its full splendour,” he said.
Chaiwatsirikul 先生补充道,暹罗天地还将组织多项娱乐表演,届时知名艺术家和歌手将在暹罗天地河畔公园的舞台上演出,支持庆典活动。
Mr. Chaiwatsirikul added that ICONSIAM will also support the festivities by organising multiple entertainment acts and performances by top artists and singers who will take to the stage at ICONSIAM’s River Park.
“We are also making extensive preparations to ensure that the events are safe and that appropriate measures are taken to ensure temperature checks of visitors and the wearing of masks during the evening,” he said.
Chaiwatsirikul 先生补充道:“我们也将通过举办竞赛,向公众征集最佳焰火表演照片及视频,颁发价值超过16,000美元的奖品,如需了解更多比赛细节,请访问 www.iconsiam.com/photocontest。”
“Prizes worth more than 16,000 US dollars are also being awarded in a competition that is open to the general public for the best photographs of the fireworks displays as well as the best videos, with additional details of the competition available on www.iconsiam.com/photocontest,” added Mr. Chaiwatsirikul.
“Amazing Thailand 2021魅力泰国新年倒计时盛典”的举办离不开众多赞助商的支持,其主要赞助商包括:暹罗天地Residence有限公司、暹罗天地Superlux Residence有限公司、True Corporation股份有限公司、开泰银行股份有限公司、曼谷都市管理局、海事处、湄南河商业协会和Prachakom Yan Kadeejeen-Klongsan基金会。
The Amazing Thailand Countdown 2021 is made possible through the support of many sponsors including the following main sponsors: The ICONSIAM Residence Corporation Limited, The ICONSIAM Superlux Residence Corporation Limited, True Corporation Public Company Limited, Kasikornbank Public Company Limited, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, the Marine Department, the Association of Chao Phraya River Commerce and Business, and the Prachakom Yan Kadeejeen-Klongsan Foundation.
此次倒计时庆祝活动将在 Thairath TV 电视台32高清频道、暹罗天地 Facebook 页面、Thairath Online、Khaosod 和 TrueID 应用等网络平台进行直播。
The countdown celebration events will be broadcast live on Thairath TV 32 HD Channel, as well as on online platforms via the Facebook pages of ICONSIAM, Thairath Online, Khaosod, and TrueID application.
ICONSIAM can be accessed easily by road and rail, including the new Gold Line mass transit system, as well as by river transport.
环保焰火表演分为七幕,分别代表希望、繁荣、团结、幸福,分别为“宏图大志”、“满怀信念”、“精彩生活”、“美丽世界”、“绽放财富”(由开泰银行赞助呈现)、“齐心协力”(由 True Corporation 赞助呈现)、“最佳开局”。
The eco-friendly fireworks display is divided into seven acts that represent hope, prosperity, solidarity, and happiness, and are called ‘Big Hope’, ‘Believe’, ‘Brilliant Life’, ‘Beautiful World’, ‘Blooming Wealth’ presented by Kasikornbank, ‘Be Together’ presented by True Corporation, and ‘Best Beginning’.