The Paris Treaty signed in December 2015 marks a new departure, as essential as it is irreversible, in the fight against climate change. Following the US announcement of its decision to pull out of the treaty, France has set about initiating a series of projects that underline a commitment to its implemention. Presented on 6 July, “Climate Plan: 1 planet, 1 plan” will mobilize the international community in favour of the global environmental pact, starting in September. On 12 December 2017, France will host an international summit, two years on from the signing of the treaty, to launch a new round of climate change initiatives.

In this context, China, a leading player at the Paris Conference, is an essential partner of France. We are working closely to implement the treaty together and strive to take our cooperation further still.

The Franco-Chinese Month of the Environment will highlight this French and Chinese joint mobilization. Our committed and passionate spokespeople will be photographer and producer Anaïs Martane and famous actor and director Jackie Chan.

This year the festival will be devoted to the topic of urban change. Everyone will have the chance to consider the transformations on offer to the urban dwellers of tomorrow in eco-responsible cities. Indeed, while the city is often perceived as one of the main causes of the ecological crisis, it is also one of the main solutions.

So, from 16 September to 13 October, more than 30 programs will be offered in more than 15 cities across the country. From architecture exhibitions (Paris +2°C), to photography (Plug-In City by Alain Bublex, on-site setup by Noémie Goudal), and film screenings (including the pre-premiere of Odyssey, with Lambert Wilson), the programme aims to illustrate major environmental issues in a playful and accessible way. One such event by artist Olivier Grossetête (City in a Box), will involve residents in urban construction that is both ephemeral and spectacular, and made entirely of recycled cardboard!

2015年12月缔结的《巴黎协定》意义深远,它宣告全球应对气候变化的行动进入了一个新阶段。美国宣布退出了《巴黎协定》之后,法国积极推行一系列环保新政,旨在落实协定内容。7月6日,法国政府提出了“气候计划 :1个星球,1个计划”,并从9月起动员国际社会建立一个有利于环境发展的全球公约。2017年12月12日,在《巴黎协定》通过两周年之际,法国将举办阶段性国际峰会,以便制定应对气候变化的新行动纲领。


9月16日到10月18日,中法环境月将在15多座城市开展三十多个项目。建筑相关的展览(“+2°C,巴黎将会……”)、摄影展览( 阿兰·布莱克斯的“插接城市”)、电影展映 (法国演员兰伯特·威尔森主演的电影《奥德赛》的预映之夜)等活动,将以喜闻乐见、老少咸宜的方式向观众展示与环境息息相关的重大议题。艺术家奥利维埃·格罗斯代特将呈现他的巨型装置作品“纸板上的城市”,甚至会邀请居民们参与搭建这件昙花一现却蔚为壮观的、全部由可回收纸板组成的作品。

中法环境月期间还将举办一系列讲座和圆桌讨论会,特邀嘉宾中包括法国当代建筑大师让·努维尔,面向公众开展有关环境和城市变迁的知识普及。最后,中国文联出版社将为 《绿色发展通识丛书》举行新书发布会,这是一套囊括40本有关生态环境保护的法国经典著作的丛书,它将启迪读者进一步探索环境问题。

Read more about photographer and producer Anaïs Martane and famous actor and director Jackie Chan

Anaïs Martane – Celebrity Spokespeople for The 4th Franco-Chinese Month of the Environment

Jackie Chan – Celebrity Spokespeople for The 4th Franco-Chinese Month of the Environment