迪欧帝玛四重奏:巴托克全套弦乐四重奏作品 | The Diotima Quartet: Tribute to Béla Bartók
迪欧帝玛四重奏:巴托克全套弦乐四重奏作品 | The Diotima Quartet: Tribute to Béla Bartók

迪欧帝玛四重奏将迎接在两场音乐会上演绎巴托克全套弦乐四重奏作品的挑战。巴托克的弦乐四重奏作品之于二十世纪,有如贝多芬的十六首弦乐四重奏作品之于十九世纪,意味着技法的精进和音乐审美的革新。音乐会上演奏的四重奏作品也已录制成唱片,由Naïve 厂牌发行。
The famous Diotima Quartet raises the incredible challenge of performing, in the same evening, the entirety of Béla Bartók’s six quartets, which are to the music of the twentieth century, what Beethoven’s sixteen quartets are to the music of the nineteenth century: a technical feat and an aesthetic revolution. This concert comes with the recent release of the recording of these quartets by the record company Naïve.

这些作品创作于1909 年至1939 年之间,它们在二十世纪上半叶音乐创作中占据了独一无二的地位。尽管乐曲各不相同,但都具有强大的表现力、饱满充沛的活力和缜密严谨的形式结构,体现出音乐语言的深度统一性。乐曲形式丰富多样:粗粝刺耳的声音、跳跃的节奏、充满神秘感的音乐片段以及引人入胜而抒情如歌的旋律。巴托克在音乐创作中加入了众多他热爱并收集了多年的民族民间音乐元素同时探索扩展了其所在时代先锋派各不同体系的创作手法和作曲技法。
The originality of the six quartets of Bartók, composed during a turbulent period in the history of the twentieth century, between 1909 and 1939, is their great stylistic unity, but also their porosity at the moments of the emotional life of its author and the principal events of this long period. If these quartets are of a deep unity of language in their expressive power, their energy and their formal rigor, they also accompany the musical evolution of a composer initially strongly influenced by German romantic music, then influenced by the opera and the East, before being deeply affected by the torment of pre-Nazi Europe. The richness is multiple: angulosities, saccades, but also mysterious textures, surges of haunting cantilenas. Bartók explores all the systems of the avant-gardes of his time, like the popular music he collects with passion, his musical genius and his insatiable curiosity harmoniously combining chromaticism and diatonicism.

Guangzhou Opera House
25th – 26th May
NO.1 Zhujiang West Rd., Tianhe District, Guangzhou

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